191 research outputs found
The objectives of this research are to describe (1) the digitalization
characteristic of library collection, (2) the characteristic of library service, and (3)
the characteristic of librarian activity in SMA N 1 Semarang.
This research is qualitative research with ethnography design. This
research is conducted in SMA N 1 Semarang. The human resources in this
research are the chief of SMA N 1 Semarang library, librarian, teachers and
students. The data collections used in this research are depth interview,
observation, and documentation, while the data analyzed used site arrangement
The result shows that (1) digitalization in reference such as book,
magazine or newspaper through 3 steps that are scanning, editing, and uploading
to the web. At first, the reference that will be scanned is chosen by librarian. Then,
a librarian edited scanning text. The electronic document is saved in data base and
will be uploaded to the internet. Physical reference is still needed. The use of
digital library is still using books as physical reference. (2) Library service is
given from 06.45 until 16.00 (for Monday-Thursday). Especially in Friday, the
library starts from 06.45-11.30 and in Saturday starts from 06.45-13.30. Library
service that’s given is technical and reading service. Reading service is consisting
of circulation service, reference service, reading service, internet service,
photocopy service, video audio room service, and playing film service. Beside
that, reading service is also can be done by online 24 hours with accessing the
website www.smansalib.com. (3) The library starts from 06.45-15.30 a.m. in
every Monday to Thursday. For Friday the library starts from 06.45-11.30 while
in Saturday library starts from 06.45-13.30. The long schedule of library is aimed
to give best service to the visitors. The librarian has long time job from Monday to
Saturday. The librarian activities are divided into two activities, which are
technical and reading service. Technical service does the activities of reference
management such as arranging the data of books, inputting the data to main book,
giving chop on book, classification, making catalogue, and entering data. Beside that, they also digitalizing the reference helped by freelance. Meanwhile, the
activities of reading service are giving circulation service, reading service,
reference service, photocopy service, playing film service, audio visual audio
service, and internet service
Indonesia is a country that has a very high level of vulnerability to earthquakes. However, it is very rare for bridges in rural areas or in sub-districts to be evaluated or screened. As a result, many bridges are prone to damage when seismic earthquakes occur, even though bridges are an important infrastructure for the village for the village's economic progress. This research was conducted with the aim of conducting a quick seismic inspection of the bridge and obtaining a priority order for bridge repair using the Seismic Vulnerability Index (SVI) method. The analysis was carried out on the sample, which consisted of 4 bridges located in Pati Regency. The results of the SVI analysis show that of the 4 observed bridges, the Tanjang Bridge has the highest Seismic Vulnerability Index, so it is recommended that this bridge get the first repair priority.
Keywords: earthquake; earthquake prone; bridge; Seismic Susceptibility Index; improvement priority
Indonesia merupakan suatu negara yang mempunyai tingkat kerawanan terhadap gempa bumi yang sangat tinggi. Namun, sangat jarang jembatan-jembatan yang berada di perdesaan atau di kecamatan dievaluasi atau dilakukan screening. Akibatnya, banyak jembatan yang rawan rusak saat terjadi peristiwa gempa bumi seismik padahal jembatan merupakan suatu infrastruktur penting bagi desa untuk kemajuan ekonomi desa tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan seismik jembatan secara cepat dan mendapatkan urutan prioritas perbaikan jembatan dengan menggunakan metode Indeks Kerentanan Seismik (SVI). Analisis dilakukan terhadap sampel, yang terdiri atas 4 jembatan yang terletak di Kabupaten Pati. Hasil analisis SVI menunjukkan bahwa dari keempat jembatan yang diamati, Jembatan Tanjang mempunyai Indeks Kerentanan Seismik yang paling tinggi, sehingga jembatan ini direkomendasikan untuk mendapatkan prioritas perbaikan yang pertama.
Kata-kata kunci: gempa bumi; rawan gempa; jembatan; Indeks Kerentanan Seismik; prioritas perbaika
Indonesia is a country that has a very high level of vulnerability to earthquakes. However, it is very rare for bridges in rural areas or in sub-districts to be evaluated or screened. As a result, many bridges are prone to damage when seismic earthquakes occur, even though bridges are an important infrastructure for the village for the village's economic progress. This research was conducted with the aim of conducting a quick seismic inspection of the bridge and obtaining a priority order for bridge repair using the Seismic Vulnerability Index (SVI) method. The analysis was carried out on the sample, which consisted of 4 bridges located in Pati Regency. The results of the SVI analysis show that of the 4 observed bridges, the Tanjang Bridge has the highest Seismic Vulnerability Index, so it is recommended that this bridge get the first repair priority.
Keywords: earthquake; earthquake prone; bridge; Seismic Susceptibility Index; improvement priority
Indonesia merupakan suatu negara yang mempunyai tingkat kerawanan terhadap gempa bumi yang sangat tinggi. Namun, sangat jarang jembatan-jembatan yang berada di perdesaan atau di kecamatan dievaluasi atau dilakukan screening. Akibatnya, banyak jembatan yang rawan rusak saat terjadi peristiwa gempa bumi seismik padahal jembatan merupakan suatu infrastruktur penting bagi desa untuk kemajuan ekonomi desa tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan seismik jembatan secara cepat dan mendapatkan urutan prioritas perbaikan jembatan dengan menggunakan metode Indeks Kerentanan Seismik (SVI). Analisis dilakukan terhadap sampel, yang terdiri atas 4 jembatan yang terletak di Kabupaten Pati. Hasil analisis SVI menunjukkan bahwa dari keempat jembatan yang diamati, Jembatan Tanjang mempunyai Indeks Kerentanan Seismik yang paling tinggi, sehingga jembatan ini direkomendasikan untuk mendapatkan prioritas perbaikan yang pertama.
Kata-kata kunci: gempa bumi; rawan gempa; jembatan; Indeks Kerentanan Seismik; prioritas perbaika
Gender thinking since 2000 has been continuously publicized through various media and thought channels. Muslim scholars who were influenced by these ideas also participated in defending and even actively voicing them. The Western feminist movement that drives the idea of ​​gender equality has succeeded in influencing a number of Muslim activists and Muslim women in the Islamic world. This thinking questions the texts of the Qur'an and Hadith as well as the opinions of the scholars who are seen as discriminating against women. Centuries of Western experience of placing women in a low position are tried to portray women in Islam. This research tries to reveal how the west views women and how Islam views them. The method used in this discussion is descriptive qualitative. While the results, women in Islam do not have a dark history as in the West. On the contrary, the concept of Islam places women in a position that is in accordance with their characteristics and specifics
Da'wah activities through efforts to prevent evil ( nahi munkar ) among humans are known as al-Hisbah . The practice of munkar occurs everywhere and is carried out openly. This requires maximum prevention efforts from various parties. Both from the side of the state and also from society. However, the facts on the ground show that the implementation of the al munkar causes many problems (madharat). This study used a qualitative research method with a library research approach, also called a qualitative literature review. The author conducts an in-depth (philosophical) study to find principles in the application of hisbah that originate from the books of the Salaf and Khalaf scholars. The conclusion from the results of this study states three things: First, the concept of hisbah in Islam is comprehensive. This concept does not only speak of monitoring one area but all things, which includes the goodness left behind and the evil that is seen, with its four pillars: al muhtasib, al muhtasab 'alaihi, al muhtasab fihi, and al ihtisab. Second, the authors have formulated 14 important rules that become guidelines in the practice of hisbah across the state. Third, the author has also formulated 17 important principles in the practice of hisbah in society
This study examines interlocutor reference in conversation on Close the Door podcast hosted by Deddy Corbuzier. The data search of this research consist of 116 instances of interlocutor reference. The theory used in this paper is the address terms proposed by Brown and Gilman (1960) as well as Sign of Deference, Sign of Demeanour; Interlocutor Reference and Self-Other Relation written by Dwi Noverini Djenar (2022). The aim of the study is to describe interlocutor reference in coversation on the podcast. Based on initial observations, it appears that the interlocutor reference used in speech sequences varies. Therefore, further research is needed to provide a picture of interlocutor characterisctics on the podcast. The results show that speaker use polite and familiar interlocutor references for the same conversational partner in the same speech sequence. For example, speakers use interlocutor reference such as Mr. Nadiem makarim, Elu, Bro Bos, and Brother in the same speech sequences. In addition, the use of interlocutor rreference such as Gus, Gus Yaqut, and Andain the same speech sequences was also found. The use of diverse interlocutor references indicates deferential relationship among speakers. Deferential relationship in conversations refer to the strategies used by the speakers to show respect, politeness, and familiarity to their conversational partners.
Studi ini mengkaji referensi interlokutor (interlocutor reference) dalam percakapan pada podcast. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah podcast Close the Door yang dipandu oleh Deddy Corbuzier. Data yang dicermati berjumlah 116 referensi interlokutor. Teori yang digunakan pada tulisan ini ialah address term yang digagas oleh Brown dan Gilman (1960) serta Sign of deference, Sign of Demeanour; Interlocutor Reference and Self-Other Relation yang ditulis oleh Dwi Noverini Djenar (2022). Tujuan penelitian ialah menjelaskan referensi interlokutor dalam percakapan pada podcast. Berdasarkan pencermatan awal, tampaknya referensi interlokutor yang digunakan dalam sekuens ujaran bervariasi. Oleh karena itu, untuk memberikan gambaran karakteristik interlokutor pada podcast, perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penutur menggunakan referensi interlokutor ragam santun dan akrab kepada mitra tutur yang sama dalam sekuens percakapan yang sama. Contohnya, penutur menggunakan referensi interlokutor Mr. Nadiem Makarim, Elu, Bro, Bos, Brother dalam sekuens ujaran yang sama. Selain itu, ditemukan juga penggunaan referensi interlokutor Gus, Gus Yakut dan Anda dalam sekuens ujaran yang sama. Penggunan referensi interlokutor yang beragam ini memperlihatkan hubungan deferensial antarpenutur. Hubungan deferensial dalam percakapan mengacu pada strategi yang dilakukan oleh penutur untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat, santun dan akrab kepada mitra tuturnya
This study examines interlocutor reference in conversation on Close the Door podcast hosted by Deddy Corbuzier. The data search of this research consist of 116 instances of interlocutor reference. The theory used in this paper is the address terms proposed by Brown and Gilman (1960) as well as Sign of Deference, Sign of Demeanour; Interlocutor Reference and Self-Other Relation written by Dwi Noverini Djenar (2022). The aim of the study is to describe interlocutor reference in coversation on the podcast. Based on initial observations, it appears that the interlocutor reference used in speech sequences varies. Therefore, further research is needed to provide a picture of interlocutor characterisctics on the podcast. The results show that speaker use polite and familiar interlocutor references for the same conversational partner in the same speech sequence. For example, speakers use interlocutor reference such as Mr. Nadiem makarim, Elu, Bro Bos, and Brother in the same speech sequences. In addition, the use of interlocutor rreference such as Gus, Gus Yaqut, and Andain the same speech sequences was also found. The use of diverse interlocutor references indicates deferential relationship among speakers. Deferential relationship in conversations refer to the strategies used by the speakers to show respect, politeness, and familiarity to their conversational partners.
Studi ini mengkaji referensi interlokutor (interlocutor reference) dalam percakapan pada podcast. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah podcast Close the Door yang dipandu oleh Deddy Corbuzier. Data yang dicermati berjumlah 116 referensi interlokutor. Teori yang digunakan pada tulisan ini ialah address term yang digagas oleh Brown dan Gilman (1960) serta Sign of deference, Sign of Demeanour; Interlocutor Reference and Self-Other Relation yang ditulis oleh Dwi Noverini Djenar (2022). Tujuan penelitian ialah menjelaskan referensi interlokutor dalam percakapan pada podcast. Berdasarkan pencermatan awal, tampaknya referensi interlokutor yang digunakan dalam sekuens ujaran bervariasi. Oleh karena itu, untuk memberikan gambaran karakteristik interlokutor pada podcast, perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penutur menggunakan referensi interlokutor ragam santun dan akrab kepada mitra tutur yang sama dalam sekuens percakapan yang sama. Contohnya, penutur menggunakan referensi interlokutor Mr. Nadiem Makarim, Elu, Bro, Bos, Brother dalam sekuens ujaran yang sama. Selain itu, ditemukan juga penggunaan referensi interlokutor Gus, Gus Yakut dan Anda dalam sekuens ujaran yang sama. Penggunan referensi interlokutor yang beragam ini memperlihatkan hubungan deferensial antarpenutur. Hubungan deferensial dalam percakapan mengacu pada strategi yang dilakukan oleh penutur untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat, santun dan akrab kepada mitra tuturnya
According to the Constitution Act of 1945, the country's defense Indonesia adopts a people's defense, so that his war strategy in the face of threats to use universal war strategy. In the history of the struggle to seize and defend Indonesian independence, all Indonesian people fought together with the army. Where in this struggle, the values of Pancasila have been applied by all Indonesian people. These values are the values of divinity, humanity, unity, mutual cooperation, leadership, and social justice. These values are part of the Pancasila adopted by the Indonesian nation as the basis for the Indonesian state as contained in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution. wisdom of wisdom in deliberation/representation as well as social justice for all Indonesian people. In the struggle to expel the invaders, the heroes have never abandoned divine values as exemplified by Prince Diponegoro, Tuanku Imam Bonjol, Teuku Umar, and others with their jihad spirit. This was also demonstrated by heroes from non-Muslims such as Patimura, Sisingamangaraja XII, and in the war to defend independence there was I Gusti Ngurah Rai with the puputan margarine war in Bali. Not only that, but other Pancasila values are also applied in the universal war waged by the nation's heroes, especially the values of unity, mutual cooperation, leadership, and justice. Therefore, in implementing Indonesia's universal war strategy, the values of Pancasila must always be instilled in all components of the Indonesian nation
The Role of Village Funds to Improve Community Welfare: A Study in West Bandung Regency
Purpose: This study aims to determine the role of village funds in improving community welfare. Village funds are funds sourced from the APBN (State Budget and Expenditure) allocated to villages which are transferred through the district/city regional budget. According to applicable regulations, these funds must be used properly, such as to finance government administration, conduct development, community development, and empowerment.
Design/methodology/approach: The research uses a quantitative descriptive research methods. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to several villages in West Bandung Regency and conducting interviews with related parties at the local Community Empowerment Service.
Findings: The results of this study indicate that the management of village funds has an effect on improving community welfare. In general, the management of village funds in the West Bandung Regency has been managed in a transparent and accountable manner and involves community participation.
Paper type: Research pape
Analisis Survey Kepuasan Layanan Penilaian Angka Kredit Guru Agama Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Provinsi DIY dan DKI Jakarta
Studi ini bertujuan menilai tingkat kepuasan terhadap layanan penilaian angka kredit guru agama di sekolah menengah atas di provinsi DIY dan DKI Jakarta, serta menentukan perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan tersebut. Menggunakan model SERVQUAL, penelitian ini menerapkan skala multi-item untuk mengukur ekspektasi dan persepsi dari penerima layanan, serta selisih antara keduanya. Lima aspek utama kualitas layanan dievaluasi, yaitu keandalan, kesiapan merespons, jaminan, empati, dan bentuk nyata, dengan Analisis Pentingnya Kinerja (IPA). Hasil menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan rata-rata 2,40 di DIY dan 3,29 di DKI Jakarta, dengan harapan masing-masing 2,69 dan 3,81. Beberapa atribut dalam kuadran tertentu ditemukan memerlukan perbaikan segera. Studi ini menekankan perlunya peningkatan berkesinambungan pada atribut yang kesesuaiannya masih di bawah 100%, yang mencerminkan adanya kekurangan dalam penyediaan layanan. Penelitian lebih lanjut dapat melihat cakupan yang lebih luas atau menggunakan metodologi yang berbeda untuk analisis yang lebih mendalam. Atribut yang teridentifikasi mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan dan memerlukan perbaikan segera agar sesuai dengan harapan pelanggan. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi panduan dalam penyusunan kebijakan oleh Kementerian Agama untuk memperbaiki kualitas penilaian layanan bagi guru agama sekolah menengah atas di daerah yang bersangkutan
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