38 research outputs found
Disparitas Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten/kota Provinsi Jambi
Sumber penerimaan 10 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi selama tahun 2005-2010 dari PAD, dana perimbangan, bagi hasil pajak, DAU, DAK dan penerimaan lain yang sah memiliki kesenjangan atau disparitas termasuk kedalam golongan antara rendah (< 0,30) dan sedang (0,30 β 0,40). Khusus penerimaan bagi hasil bukan pajak terdapat 9 Kabupaten/Kota termasuk kedalam golongan ketimpangan atau disparitas rendah, sedang dan 1 Kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Bungo termasuk kedalam golongan ketimpangan atau disparitas tinggi (> 0,40). Kata
Analisis kluster Kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Jambi berdasarkan indikator pembangunan
The purpose of this study is to classify Regencies and Cities in Jambi Province based on HDI, economic growth, percentage of population growth, percentage of poor population, percentage of open unemployment rate and Gini ratio. To answer these objectives the hierarchical method used is Average Linkage (Between Groups). The of analysis were obtained, two clusters could be formed, where group 1 consisted of 10 Regencies and Cities, group 2 consisted of 1 Regencies.
Performance of Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN) Based on Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Security is a fundamental issue to achieve desired QoS on Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN). VDTN network are prone from specific attacks such as malicious nodes, one of malicious nodes is a blackhole attack which is one a kind of DoS attack where blackhole is simply dropping the packets or not forwarding the packets.
This research was implemented the IDS algorithm that previously researched on the MANET network with some improvement, the IDS on MANET is based on the node collaboration, collection and analysis of system and network audit data. Vehicle nodes run the IDS independently and will be observing the behavior of neighbor nodes, look for intrusion signs locally, and making decision to protect the system from attack or it can also requesting for data from neighboring nodes.
ONESim tool is used on the simulation to represent the vehicles mobility on real geographical map with vehicle speed clustering scenario. Meanwhile blackhole and IDS implementation is using Network Simulator (NS-2) tool to measure the key metrics performance, which consist of Throughput, Packet Loss, End to End Delay and Normalized Routing Load (NRL).
The simulation shown that the IDS algorithm can improve all performance metrics significantly. The throughput are increased by 112% in average for each cluster, the packet loss are decreased by 20% in average for each cluster, the end to end delay are increased with 46% in average, and finally the NRL has improved 118% in average. This simulation results indicating a promising performance of Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication in future development
Sumber penerimaan 10 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi selama tahun 2005-2010 dari PAD, dana perimbangan, bagi hasil pajak, DAU, DAK dan penerimaan lain yang sah memiliki kesenjangan atau disparitas termasuk kedalam golongan antara rendah (< 0,30) dan sedang (0,30 β 0,40). Khusus penerimaan bagi hasil bukan pajak terdapat 9 Kabupaten/Kota termasuk kedalam golongan ketimpangan atau disparitas rendah, sedang dan 1 Kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Bungo termasuk kedalam golongan ketimpangan atau disparitas tinggi (> 0,40).
Kata-Kata Kunci : Sumber Penerimaan Daerah, Kesenjangan atau Disparitas
Pola hubungan keuangan pemerintah pusat daerah serta pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Provinsi di Indonesia
The research aims to analyze economic growth and the degree of fiscal decentralization (DDF) and measure the influence of the pattern of central-regional government financial relations from the degree of fiscal decentralization (DDF) on the economic growth of each province in Indonesia. The research method uses the Field Research method with secondary data in the form of a time series for 2005-2020. Data comes from the Indonesian Provincial Central Statistics Agency and the Directorate General of Financial Balance of the Republic of Indonesia. The analysis uses quantitative descriptive methods and simple regression methods. The research results concluded that during 2005-2020, provinces in Indonesia experienced an increase in average economic growth. DDF on average falls into the low category with a consultative relationship pattern and has varying influences, namely positive/negative and significant/not significant on economic growth
Analisis karakteristik sosial dan ekonomi usaha pedagang kaki lima di Kecamatan Telanaipura Kota Jambi (studi kasus pedagang nasi goreng)
This study aims to determine and analyze: 1). Social characteristics of fried rice street vendors in Telanaipura District, Jambi City, and 2). Economic characteristics of street vendors of fried rice in Telanaipura District, Jambi City. The data analysis method used is the descriptive quantitative analysis method. The results of the study were obtained: 1). The social conditions of fried rice traders in Telanaipura Sub-district are: the average age is the productive age of 42.78 years, the highest level of education and the most are SMA / SMK, all fried rice traders are male, the marital status is the most married. , the average length of effort is 8.39 years, the average number of dependents is 5 people, most fried rice traders have their own homes, most of the original areas of fried rice traders come from Central Java Province, the average length of hours fried rice traders work 9 hours per day and the average fried rice trader has his own business and place of business. 2). The social conditions of fried rice traders in Telanaipura Subdistrict are: venture capital for most fried rice traders is their own, the average amount of initial business capital is Rp. 6,233,333, the average length of day of selling in one month is 28 days, the average price of one serving of fried rice is Rp. 13,270.77.
Keywords: Fried rice traders, Social characteristics, Economic characteristic
Analisis Pemetaan Kinerja Keuangan Kabupaten/kota Propinsi Jambi
Peningkatan penerimaan, khususnya PAD harus terus diupayakan. Peningkatan penerimaan PAD di propinsi/kabupaten/kota akan sangat menentukan kelangsungan pembangunan, menentukan tingkat ketergantungan terhadap pemerintahan yang lebih tinggi. Penerimaan PAD, digunakan propinsi/kabupaten/kota untuk membiayai belanja yaitu : belanja modal, belanja operasi dan belanja tak terduga. Kinerja PAD dalam membiayai belanja dapat diukur dengan menggunakan pendekatan share dan growth dan sekaligus menentukan bagaimana kemampuannya (pemetaan keuangan daerah).Selama tahun 2009-2012, pemetaan kinerja keuangan kabupaten/kota di Propinsi Jambi, khususnya PAD dalam membiayai total belanja ternyata ada tujuh (7) Kabupaten/kota yang dalam kondisi belum ideal yaitu : Kota Jambi, Kabupaten Kerinci, Kabupaten Tanjungjabung Barat, Kota Sungai Penuh, Kabupaten Sarolangun, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dan Kabupaten Batanghari. Sementara empat (4) kabupaten kinerja keuangannya masuk dalam kondisi paling buruk yaitu : Kabupaten Tanjungjabung Timur, Kabupaten Tebo, Kabupaten Bungo dan Kabupaten Merangin. Pemetaan kinerja keuangan kabupaten/kota di Propinsi Jambi yaitu PAD dalam membiayai belanja operasional,belanja modal dan belanja tak terduga ada tujuh (7) Kabupaten/kota yang dalam kondisi belum ideal yaitu : Kota Jambi, Kabupaten Kerinci, Kabupaten Tanjungjabung Barat, Kota Sungai Penuh, Kabupaten sarolangun, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dan Kabupaten Batanghari. Sementara empat (4) kabupaten kinerja keuangannya masuk dalam kondisi paling buruk yaitu : Kabupaten Tanjungjabung Timur, Kabupaten Tebo, Kabupaten Bungo dan Kabupaten Merangin.
Pertumbuhan ekonomi sebagai variabel intervening dalam mempengaruhi tingkat kemiskinan provinsi di Pulau Sumatera dan Jawa
This study aims to measure the direct, indirect and total effect of HDI, population growth and unemployment rate on the poverty rate with economic growth as an intervening variable in the Provinces of Sumatra and Java. HDI, population growth and the unemployment rate directly have a positive/negative and significant/insignificant effect on the poverty rate and economic growth in the Provinces of Sumatra Island and Java Island. Indirectly, the influence of HDI through economic growth on the poverty level is the largest number with a positive and significant effect found in nine provinces on the island of Sumatra and Java. In total, the effect of economic growth on poverty is the largest number with a negative effect found in fifteen provinces on the island of Sumatra and Java.This study aims to measure the direct, indirect and total effect of HDI, population growth and unemployment rate on the poverty rate with economic growth as an intervening variable in the Provinces of Sumatra and Java. HDI, population growth and the unemployment rate directly have a positive/negative and significant/insignificant effect on the poverty rate and economic growth in the Provinces of Sumatra Island and Java Island. Indirectly, the influence of HDI through economic growth on the poverty level is the largest number with a positive and significant effect found in nine provinces on the island of Sumatra and Java. In total, the effect of economic growth on poverty is the largest number with a negative effect found in fifteen provinces on the island of Sumatra and Java. 
Keterkaitan Penerimaan Daerah dan PDRB Propinsi Jambi (Pendekatan Simultan)
Sumber penerimaan PAD, pajak, retribusi, BUMD, penerimaan lain yang sah, BHPBP dan penerimaan daerah lainnya berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap PDRB sedangkan dana perimbangan, DAU dan DAK berpengaruh negatif terhadap PDRB dengan korelasi rendah dan koefisien determinasi kecil. PDRB memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap PAD, pajak, retribusi, BUMD, penerimaan lain yang sah, BHPBP, penerimaan daerah lainnya, dana perimbangan,DAU dan terhadap DAK berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan dengan korelas