35 research outputs found

    Telaah Tanaman Seledri (Apium graveolens L.) sebagai sumber bahan alam berpotensi tinggi dalam upaya promotif kesehatan

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    Indonesia sebagai negara dengan sumber kekayaan melimpah masih memiliki sejumlah keterbatasan dalam memanfaatkan dan mengolah sendiri sumber-sumber daya alamnya tersebut. Ribuan tanaman yang berpotensi memiliki khasiat dalam dunia kesehatan masih belum tergali. Pada tulisan ini ditinjau salah satu tanaman yang tumbuh dan hidup subur di negeri khatulistiwa ini yang ternyata memiliki segudang potensi di bidang pengobatan dan kesehatan, yaitu seledri (Apium graveolens L.). Kajian ini didasarkan kepada review article yang tersebar di database penelitian maupun dari hasil penelitian penulis sendiri. Seledri memiliki kandungan senyawa bioaktif seperti flavonoid (apiin dan apigenin), saponin, minyat atsiri (olein) dan oleoresin, ptalida (n-butil ptalida dan sedalonida) dan falcarinol dan falcarindiol. Zat-zat tersebut dilaporkan memiliki khasiat farmakologi sebagai diuretik, peluruh batu ginjal, antihipertensi, antihiperlipidemia, antioksidan, antiinflamasi dan antikanker. Katakunci : Apium graveolens L., antikalkuli, antihipertensi, antihiperlipidemia, antiinflamasi, antioksida


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    Objective: The present study was conducted to formulate and characterize the thin film containing astaxanthin nanoemulsion (TF-ASN) using Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose (HPMC) polymer as a film matrix system. The stability studies in different storage conditions were also performed. Methods: Astaxanthin nanoemulsion (As-NE) was prepared by using self-nanoemulsifying method, followed by incorporation into the HPMC matrix system by solvent casting method to forming TF-ASN. Evaluation of TF-ASN was performed by physical and mechanical characterizations. Stability study was carried out in both of accelerated (temperature of 40±2 °C/75±5% RH) and non-accelerated (at ambient temperature) conditions. Assay of astaxanthin in individual TF-ASN was determined compared to pure astaxanthin. Results: TF-ASN had good physical and mechanical characteristics that suitable for intraoral administration. Conclusion: For the study of stability under different storage conditions, it was proven that nanoemulsion form was packed in a HPMC matrix could enhance the stability of the astaxanthin


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    Atorvastatin merupakan salah satu zat aktif penurun kolesterol darah golongan statin atau inhibitor HMG-CoA reductase. Atorvastatin memiliki karaktersitik biofarmasetik kelarutan dalam air yang buruk tetapi  permeabilitas dalam membran usus yang tinggi (BCS kelas II), sehingga untuk memperbaiki bioavailabilitasnya dapat diupayakan dengan cara memperbaiki tingkat kelarutannya dalam air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompleksasi inklusi atorvastatin dengan β-siklodekstrin terhadap kelarutan dan disolusinya serta terhadap proses formulasi sediaan Fast Disintegrating Tablets (FDT). Kompleks inklusi dibuat dengan cara kneading method dengan perbandingan molar atorvastatin dengan β-siklodkestrin; 1:1, 1:2, dan 1:3. Studi ketetapan kesetimbangan kompleks didapat 502,087 M-1. Hasil uji disolusi dalam medium buffer fosfat pH 6,8 menunjukkan peningkatan laju disolusi atorvastatin dalam kompleks inklusi atorvastatin-β-siklodkestrin (KIAS) masing-masing sekitar 5,76% (1:1); 8,89% (1:2); dan 7,73% (1:3). Hasil karakterisasi KIAS dengan metode X-ray difraction (X-RD), spektroskopi inframerah, dan differential scaning calorimetry (DSC) menunjukkan adanya pembentukan kompleks inklusi. Formulasi FDT dibuat dengan menggunakan metode kempa langsung terhadap 6 formula (3 formula menggunakan KIAS dan 3 formula tanpa KIAS), superdisintegrat yang digunakan adalah Kyron T 314 dengan variasi penggunaannya masing-masing sebanyak 2, 4, dan 6% dan variasi kekerasan tablet sebesar 4 dan 6 N. Hasil evaluasi FDT menunjukan bahwa FDT dengan KIAS lebih baik dibandingkan dengan FDT tanpa KIAS. Hasil uji disolusi FDT dalam medium buffer fosfat pH 6,8 diketahui terjadi peningkatan laju disolusi atorvastatin dalam FDT KIAS. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompleksasi inklusi atorvastatin dengan β-siklodkestrin dapat meningkatkan laju disolusi atorvastatin secara signifikan


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    Poor bioavailability is one of the most significant problems in the delivery of the ocular drug system. Ophthalmic ointments, solutions and suspensions are the most frequently used dosage forms to treat ocular disease, and their effectiveness as a drug are compromised by several limitations that lead to poor ocular bioavailability. In situ gel is one of the most promising strategy and solutions to improve the ocular bioavailability of drugs. The purpose of this review is to discuss the formulation and characterization of in situ gel. This review is written based on the data or information obtained by using several search engines and several scientific journals, focused on Poloxamer 407 and Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) bases combination. Active ingredients to treat ocular disease such as Ciprofloxacin, Fluconazole and Ofloxacin can be formulated with the combination of Poloxamer 407 as polymer gelling agent and HPMC as viscosity enhancer to produce good quality in situ gel dosage forms. The in situ gel dosage forms can be a promising alternate solution for the ophthalmic delivery system


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    In situ gel with ion activated system which occurs as triggered by a change in the ionic strength. Osmotic gradient is a factor that determines the rate of gelation on the surface of the gel. Polymers play an important role in drug delivery from their dosage forms. Polymeric in gelling systems provides longer drug release compared to conventional delivery systems. The use of biodegradable and biocompatible polymers for in situ gel formulation makes the drug delivery system acceptable and controlled. Thus the continuous and prolonged release of the drug, biocompatibility characteristics makes the dose gel form in situ reliable. Polymers that are used in ion activated in situ gelation can be various, such as gelrite gellan gum, alginates, deacetylated gellan gum, anionic polymers (carbopol), cationic polymer (chitosan), non-ionic polymers (HPMC, Methylcellulose), thiolated polymer (thiomers), carbomer (polymer used in ophthalmic), polycarbophil (polymer used in ophthalmic). This review is written based on the data or information obtained by using several search engines and several scientific journals, using the keywords in situ gel with polymers, ion activated the system, and limited search years in 2010 and above

    Pemberian Pemahaman Mengenai Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat (PHBS) dan Protokol Kesehatan Dalam Bepergian di Masa Pandemi Kepada Masyarakat

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    Seeing the development of the COVID-19 and the increasing number of new cases, WHO has published several updates, guidelines, and health protocols regarding this pandemic. The government of Indonesia has issued an appeal to the public to follow this health protocol. Various educational posters and videos have been widely published on social media, television stations and other communication media. One of the programs that the government always socializes during this pandemic is the implementation of  Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) or Clean and Healthy Behavior. The purpose of this Virtual Integrative Community Service program  is to find out the level of public knowledge about the importance of PHBS and traveling during a pandemic, especially in the AKB era. The methods used in this activity are surveys on community PHBS, surveys regarding travel activities during the pandemic, making PHBS videos and posters, and webinars on the use of herbs as an antistress and immunity enhancer. The partner community in this online KKN PPM activity is the Langensari village community, Solokanjeruk sub-district in particular and the general public who can access social media. The results of the traveling survey showed that out of 441 respondents, around 332 people did not have plans to travel. Of the 332 respondents who chose not to travel, around 229 respondents argued that they did not have a crucial interest, 142 respondents were worried about contracting COVID-19, 50 respondents said they did not have accommodation, and 102 respondents chose to continue traveling / traveling. The results of the PHBS survey are that most respondents have implemented PHBS with the most results being 99.3%, namely the choice of washing hands and using masks. Respondents who answered no to the third question gave answers to the causes of this in the form of lack of access to information (3.4%), laziness (6.9%), and lack of care (4.1%). The group activities of the 25 KKN-PPM Virtual Integrative have been carried out well and can increase community knowledge of PHBS and health protocols when traveling during a pandemic and increase knowledge about the use and manufacture of herbs to increase immunity

    Uji Disolusi Terbanding Tablet Lisinopril 10 mg

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    Lisinopril is an oral angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) long acting, based on the characteristics of biopharmaceutics, lisinopril has a high solubility, but low permeability, this causes limitations in bioavaibility. The composition of lisinopril tablets wre calcium hydrogen phosphat anhydrous and mannitol as a filler, poly vinyl pyrrolidone K 30 as binder, cros carmellose sodium as a desintegrator, edicol rasbery red as a collor, Vitamin E TPGS NF (d-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate) as enhancers of absorption / permeability with various concentrations, silicon dioxide colloidal, talc and magnesium stearate as glidant and antiadherent, aquadest and alcohol 95% as wetting agent. The study used wet granulation method. Test was done for the granule and tablet tested, including the comparative dissolution test with the innovator product. The result showed that the granule and the tablet were met the requirements. Vitamin E TPGS 1000 NF wasn’t affect to the comparative dissolution test result between the tablet product and the innovator product.Lisinopril merupakan obat oral penghambat angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) yang bekerja panjang. Berdasarkan karakteristik biofarmasetika, lisinopril memiliki kelarutan tinggi, namun permeabilitas rendah, hal ini menyebabkan keterbatasan dalam bioavaibilitasnya. Komposisi tablet lisinopril yang dikembangkan adalah : kalsium hidrogen fosfat anhidrat dan manitol sebagai pengisi, poli vinil pirolidon K30 sebagai pengikat, natrium cros carmellose sebagai penghancur, edicol rasbery red sebagai pewarna, Vitamin E TPGS 1000 NF sebagai peningkat absorpsi / permeabilitas dengan berbagai variasi konsentrasi, silikon koloidal dioksida, talc dan magnesium stearat sebagai glidan dan antiadheren, aquadest dan alkohol 95% sebagai pembasah. Proses pembuatan tablet dilakukan secara granulasi basah. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap granul massa cetak dan sediaan tablet, termasuk uji disolusi terbanding yang dibandingkan terhadap produk inovator. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa granul massa cetak dan sediaan tablet keempat formula memenuhi persyaratan sesuai persyaratan yang ditetapkan. Penggunaan vitamin E TPGS 1000 NF tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap hasil uji disolusi terbanding antara produk uji dan inovator


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to find out the isotonicity of chloramphenicol ophthalmic in situ gel and to know the irritating effect of its in the eyes of test animals, so it can be to maximize absorption of the drug in the eye, minimize drug loss before corneal penetration and safe to used. Methods: This study were started by making four aseptic formulations of in situ gel preparations with a comparison of the baseline concentrations of different Poloxamer 407 and HPMC, F1 (5: 0.45), F2 (10: 0.45), F3 (5: 1) and F4 (10: 1). Four aseptic of in situ gel preparations, followed by a qualitative isotonicity test using blood cells to see the comparison between control and test preparations, and ocular irritation test using the draize test method to determine the presence or absence of the irritation. Results: The results obtained from the isotonicity test showed that the four preparations have normal blood cells that similar with isotonic control solution; therefore, it can be said that the preparations have been made isotonic. The results of the ocular irritation test using the draize test method showed for each category, such as cornea, iris, conjunctiva and edema were zero. A zero value on the cornea indicates no ulceration or opacity, and the iris, conjunctiva and edema were normal. Conclusion: Chloramphenicol in situ gel are isotonic and do not cause irritation to the rabbit's eyes, so they are safe to use and the formulation can be used for further research until the final goal is obtained


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    In situ ophthalmic gel is a gel preparation that is initially in the form of ophthalmic solution that dripped into the eye and then the solution turns into a gel after contact with the surface of the eye. In situ gel will undergo phase change to gel due to pH, electrolyte and temperature conditions. So that the preparation of ophthalmic in situ gel is required characterization to make sure that the prepared preparations meet the standards and are safe when used. Chemical evaluation includes pH, concentration, chemical bonds, crystallization and drug and polymer interactions. The purpose of this review is to discuss the evaluation methods used in preparations, and to see whether the pH of in situ ophthalmic gel formulation that provided can met the ideal pH requirements of the eye, so that the ophthalmic in situ gel preparation would not causing irritation and liquid tear production