9 research outputs found
Picking your profile: an academic guide to learning styles
This guide provides a brief overview on different learning styles, along with the best way to approach study for each type
Making the case: an academic guide to research
This guide gives advice on the best ways to find and select the most useful, reliable and relevant information to support and argument in your essay
Hammering the prose: an academic guide to writing essays
This guide covers how to structure your essay and develop an argument. It also gives advice on suitable academic writing styles, and how to go about the all important editing of your work
Posing the question: an academic guide to planning essays
This guide will give you advice on picking your subject, question and methodology for an extended essay. It will also give you hints and tips on how to research for and structure the essay
Engaging your mind: an academic guide to lectures and seminars
This guide will help you prepare for effective listening and note-taking in lectures, as well as giving hints and tips on how to get the most from seminars
Acknowledging knowledge: an academic guide to referencing
This guide explains why referencing in essays is so important, and provides clear examples of exactly how to reference a wide variety of sources from books to YouTube clip
Getting your point across: an academic guide to giving presentations
This guide gives advice on how to plan, deliver and reflect upon an academic presentation
Navigating the page: an academic guide to effective reading
This guide introduces you to the various reading styles that will help you get through your research most effectively. It gives tips on how to skim read, and also how to read critically
Learn, discover, develop and create: University of Southampton guide to research
The University of Southampton guide to research has been composed by the University’s academic librarians and is a gateway to resources listed by academic subject