2,995 research outputs found


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    Keabstrakan objek matematika dan pendekatan pembelajaran yang kurang tepat, menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab sulitnya belajar matematika bagi para siswa. Mereka merasa apa yang dipelajarinya kurang bermanfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga mereka merasa “dipaksa” untuk mempelajari sesuatu yang berada di luar jangkauan daya pikirnya. Akibatnya, prestasi belajar matematika di Indonesia masih relatif rendah dan tidak mengalami peningkatan yang berarti. Pembelajaran matematika khususnya di jenjang pendidikan dasar sebaiknya dikaitkan dengan pengalaman kehidupan nyata siswa. Salah satu pendekatan pembelajaran matematika yang mengaitkan pengalaman kehidupan nyata siswa dengan pembelajaran matematika adalah Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik (PMR). Melalui penerapan Pendekatan PMR di SMP Negeri 34 Makassar diperoleh bahwa: (1) Ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal: tuntas, yaitu sebanyak 85,37% siswa memperoleh skor ≥ 65% dari skor total hasil tes;  (2) Kemampuan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran: efektif; (3) Aktivitas Siswa: Efektif; dan (4) Respon siswa: positif. Dengan demikian penerapan pendekatan pembelajaran matematika realistik SMP di Makassar efektif. Berdasarkan analisis inferensial diperoleh bahwa hasil belajar siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran matematika realistik lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran matematika konvensional


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    Research on the Exploration and Characterization of Several Local Rice Plants in South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra Province. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of diversity and similarity of the phenotypic character of local rice plants with the exploration and identification of morphological characters in South Tapanuli Regency. Sampling was carried out randomly (purposive sampling) from South Tapanuli Regency. The data observed are in the form of quantitative data and qualitative data of local rice plants.  The results of the study show that rice cultivars are found in various areas in South Tapanuli Regency with a high diversity of characteristics. From the observation results, a similarity analysis was described and carried out using the NTSYS 2.02 program. The results showed that 10 cultivars of local rice plants with a similarity coefficient of 0.29-0.92 or 29-92% were obtained. 2 genotypes were obtained that were grouped close together, namely C4 and C5 at a coefficient of 0.71. Judging from the coefficient of similarity of local rice plants in the location are close relatives


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    This research describes the phases of human growth and development according to Islam and the views of Muhammad Izzuddin in his work on the Qur'an and Embryology. To obtain superior investment in children, it is necessary to pay attention to the education and development of children from the womb. Because the period in the womb is the basis for further development. This type of research is a literature review which takes the stages of reading, reviewing and recording various literature or reading materials that are appropriate to the subject matter, then filtered and set forth in a theoretical framework. The results of this study indicate that Islam explains human life has begun before birth. Humans have a spirit that has lived before the time of his birth in the world. On a day called mistaq day, all human souls gather to give testimony acknowledging the oneness and divinity of Allah. The Qur'an posits that humans were basically created from soil, then in the next creation process from the mixing of male sperm and female ovum originating from the essence of the soil. Judging from the stages of its development, it consists of several phases, namely: 1) Soil extract stage, 2) Semen stage, 3) Germ stage (meeting of male sperm and female ovum), 4) Alaqah stage, 5) Mudgha stage, 6) Stage izhama, 7) Lahman stage, 8) Khalqan akhar stage. Broadly divided into four global periods, namely, the nutfah period of forty days, the alaqah period of approximately forty days, the mudghah period also lasts approximately forty days, and the period of the fetus or the development of the mudghah which is given a spirit

    Classroom Management Talk in Teaching English at SMPN 2 Watampone

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    This paper depicts the transactional expressions used by the teacher in teaching English, the students’ understanding of those transactional expression used, and the transactional expressions which gave benefit to the students. There were twenty two students and one English teacher involved as the subjects. The subjects were the students of the seventh grade of A of SMPN 2 Watampone and an English teacher who taught English in that class. This research employed a descriptive qualitative method by using a discourse analysis. The triangulation data were applied in this research. The researcher used observation sheet that entailed video recording to collect the data about the transactional expressions used by the teacher. To get deeper data about the transactional expressions used by the teacher, the researcher also employed interview instrument entailing audio recording. An open ended questionnaire was also distributed to the students to know about their understanding of the transactional expressions used by the teacher and the transactional expressions which gave benefit to them. The findings of this research revealed the real transactional expressions (management talk) used by the teacher in teaching English, the percentage of the students’ understanding of the transactional expressions used, and the beneficial transactional expressions for them.Key words: Classroom interaction, Management talk (transactional expressions), Students’ understanding, the beneficial transactional expressions, English Teacher, Students

    Examining the technical efficiency of small industries: A case study of the crackers industry in South Sumatera, Indonesia

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    Small industries are life-sustaining for communities because of their political and strategic position in terms of creating job opportunities and increasing revenue. One small industrial sector that has the potential to be developed is the food industry. Small food industries are widely scattered in every area, including in the city of Palembang. A small industrial group of food that became one of the culinary icons in Palembang is the cracker industry. This type of industry is a culinary icon that has been famous for foreign countries. Nevertheless, the cracker industry is still experiencing obstacles in terms of capital and marketing. The cost of raw materials is relatively expensive to technically trigger the industry inefficiencies. Therefore, it is necessary to review the technical efficiency of this small industry.  The variables used in this study were capital, labor, and output. The data used is secondary data that is analyzed by using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) approach. The results showed that the technical efficiency achievement of small industrial crackers in South Sumatera is still categorized as low. The use of labor input is more effective than capital use as a result of the utilization of technology and local resources. Therefore, the development of small industrial crackers through an efficiency approach cannot be separated from the application of technology, human resource management, marketing, and business climate

    Trafficking of women in Entikong Sub-District Sanggau Regency, Indonesia

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    This study investigates and analyzes various phenomena related to transnational trafficking of women in Entikong Sub-District, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan, from the recruitment of the departure abroad to various human rights violations experienced by Indonesian women. The qualitative analysis method is used in this study. In general, trafficking of women in the Indonesia-Malaysia border regions is a phenomenon that arises due to the lack of legal protection, both while the victims are still in Indonesia and after they arrive abroad. This phenomenon has a negative impact on ensuring legal protection for women and the impact on the emergence of human rights violations (torture, harassment, exploitation, intimidation, rape, confinement, and forced sexual intercourse.)


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    Popping Up adalah salah satu masalah yang kerap terjadi pada pasangan lantai keramik (terutama pada lantai atas suatu bangunan) yaitu terlepas / terangkatnya pasangan keramik dari pelat beton di bawahnya yang biasanya bersuara keras seperti ledakan.  Popping up pada lantai keramik akan menimbulkan masalah pada saat perbaikannya, kadang tipe keramik  dengan motif dan warna yang sama tidak diproduksi lagi, selain itu proses pemasangannya kadang sulit untuk dapat rapi seperti semula. Perusahaan Duta keramikindo merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam ditributor keramik. Untuk itu karyawan terutama Tukang dan pekerja pada perusahaan ini harus menpunyai keahliaan dalam memasang lantai keramikyang tidak menyebakan terjadinya Popping Up. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah dapat mentransfer skill berupa memberikan pelatihan dalam pemasangan lantai keramik yang tidak menyebabkan terjadinya Popping Up bagi karyawan perusahaan terutama tukang dan pekerja

    Prinsip-prinsip/hukum Perkembangan Peserta Didik dan Implikasinya terhadap Pendidikan

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    Development is the process of change in growth at a time as a function of maturity and interaction with its environment. In other words, development is a functional change that is influenced by the achievement of the level of physical maturity. This development process can be understood by the existence of several principles / laws, in which the principle / law governs the whole of the development process and is definitely something that is in the development process. Thus, these principles must be understood by all education stakeholders, especially for School Principals and Teachers, because the principles are very urgent in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of achieving educational goals, including by developing a curriculum or making learning programs that are in accordance with the developmental stages of participants the student