157 research outputs found


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    Muchlis Imanullah, 2015: The Influence Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) and Voluntary Disclosure on Cost of Equity Capital. State University of Jakarta. 2014. Supervisor : (1) Ratna Anggraini .SE.,Akt., M.Si., CA. (2) Unggul Purwohedi, SE., M.Si., Ph.D This aims of this research is to examine the factors which affect Cost of equity Capital on companies that listed on Corporate Governance Perception Index. These factors are Corporate Governance Perception Index score and Voluntary Disclosure. This research is used the population from companies that followed Corporate Governance Perception Index that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009-2012. The research sample using purposive sampling. The number of companies studied as many as 8. The amount of observations are 32 observations. Methods of data analysis using descriptive analysis, analysis of classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis testing using t test, F test, and the correlation of determination. From the analysis t-test showed that the score of Corporate Governance Perception Index does not affect The cost of equity capital. Voluntary Disclosure significant negative effect on the Cost of Equity Capital. While the F-test results showed that simultaneous variable Score of Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) and Voluntary Disclosure affect the cost of equity capital. Keywords : Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI), Voluntary, cost of equity capital

    POLITIK HUKUM KETAHANAN PANGAN NASIONAL (Kajian Sinkronisasi Politik Hukum Undang-undang Hak PVT dan Undang-Undang Pangan)

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    The aim of this research is to determine the level of legal synchronization horizontally on legal policy of national food security within Act on Plant Variety Protection and Act on Food. In order to achieve this aim, it was conducted normative legal research which using secondary data which is based on primary and secondary legal materials. Data were analyzed by using a legal grammatical interpretation. Its results are there is a synchronization between Act on Plant Variety Protection and Act on Food and by the legal protection of plant varieties will increase enthusiasm plant breeders to produce new quality seeds crop, including the food crops seeds. It will lead to increasing national food security conditions, which will provide guarantee on quality and sufficient of food for families who receive it. Penelitian ini bertujan untuk mengetahui taraf sinkronisasi hukum secara horizontal politik hukum ketahanan pangan nasional dalam Undang-undang Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman dan Undang-undang Pangan. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini maka dilakukan penelitian hukum normatif menggunakan data sekunder yang bersumber pada bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan penafsiran hukum gramatikal. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa Undang-undang Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman sinkron dengan Undang-undang Pangan, yaitu adanya perlindungan hukum terhadap Hak Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman akan meningkatkan gairah para pemulia tanaman untuk menghasilkan benih-benih tanaman baru yang berkualitas, termasuk benihbenih tanaman bahan pangan. Tersedianya benih-benih tanaman bahan pangan yang cukup, akan meningkatkan produksi bahan pangan, sehingga akan tercapai kondisi meningkatnya ketahanan pangan nasional, yang menjamin sampai ada tingkat keluarga menerima bahan pangan yang cukup dan bermutu

    Reorientasi Kebijakan Pendidikan Nasional

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    Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Sisdiknas) adalah titik awal jawaban atas tuntutan reformasi sistem pendidikan nasional dari sentralistik kepada desentralistik, maka negara harus menata ulang sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan sesuai dengan potensi, karakteristik, dan keunggulan masing-masing daerah yang selama ini kurang terakomodasi. Berangkat dari amanat undang-undang Sisdiknas tersebut, kita memperoleh gambaran yang jelas bahwa setiap warga negara seharusnya memiliki hak yang sama dalam memperoleh pendidikan yang bermutu, mulai dari tingkat pendidikan yang terendah sampai dengan yang tertinggi sekalipun. Sejumlah problematika muncul, mulai dari kesanggupan pendanaan daerah yang tidak sama, kewenangan pengangkatan guru yang diambil oleh pemerintah daerah, pemeliharaan sarana-prasarana sampai kepada kualitas hasil belajar siswa yang masih memperihatinkan, belum lagi permasalahan politik yang mempengaruhi birokrasi di daerah termasuk pendidikan, banyak guru yang dilibatkan ataupun terlibat dalam politik praktis dalam pemilihan kepala daerah, kalau menang akan meminta atau diberi jabatan lain, sebaliknya kalau kalah guru akan dimutasikan, sehingga permasalahan desentralisasi selalu bermunculkan, kesan yang ada sekarang desentralisasi dianggap menjadi permasalahan dalam duania pendidikan Indonesia


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    The purpose of this research is to describe the phenomenon of de,mand for franchise regulation in lndonesta. It is a normative tegat research in order to examine the principles of law, the synchronization of law' and tegal history. The data used were secondary data came from the primary and secondary legal materials' Data are analyzed using tegat interpretation. The resutt showed thatthe urgency of setting a franchise in an act is due to. 1) the conienimateiat of franchise have to regulate in an act; 2) to address the sinchronization issue with the other act; 3) to harmonize the lndonesian franchise act with the franchise act from the other countries; 4) to fullfiltthe iustice of franchisee and internationatfranchisor' To realize the fnnchise act' the lndonesian government idvised to make cooperation with academics, franchise buslness man' association' and the public to maX.e academic tegat araniitg based on academic draft from BPHN with completion in accordance with the dinamics and devetopmeit of franchise business ln /ndonesia' Keywords: urg:ncq, act, franchis


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    Pemberian motivasi belajar dari orang tua terhadap anaknya tidak maksimal, orang tua harusnya bisa meluangkan waktu membimbing dan mendorong anaknya sehingga keinginan untuk belajar anak meningkat. Maka, anak tersebut terdorong dengan sendiri rasa ingin tahu segala hal dengan cara belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran orang tua terhadap motivasi belajar Daring siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis deskriptif kualitatif dan dilakukan pada siswa kelas V yang berjumlah 25 siswa di SD Negeri Pagerbatu 2, Padeglang Banten. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran angket dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: peran orang tua terhadap motivasi belajar Daring siswa masuk dalam tiga kategori yakni kategori Rendah memiliki persentase 24%, kategori Sedang 28%, dan kategori Tinggi 48%. Pada kategori Rendah orang tua tidak mengawasi penuh pada saat siswa melaksanakan pembelajaran daring, kategori Sedang orang tua kurang sabar memberikan pemahaman kepada anaknya ketika pelajaran Daring PJOK berlangsung, dan kategori Tinggi orang tua merasa mudah dalam membimbing siswa, mengawasi dan sabar ketika pembelajaran berlangsung


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    The objectives of this study are; 1) to determine the ability in implementing online learning and multimedia use, 2) to determine the difficulties in online learning and difficulties in providing multimedia-based learning. 3. to assist participant in making multimedia-based learning media with the Kinemaster application. Researchers use descriptive qualitative methods. Respondents in this study were prospective students participating of English Education study program. 62.5% of respondents when teaching always use multimedia, 25% sometimes use multimedia in teaching, and 12.5% rarely use multimedia. Regarding difficulties in class management as much as 50%, in time management 25% and difficulties in operating software 25%. Other obstacles experienced are; 42.9% of the obstacles are networking, then 42.9% of the software application systems are not easy to operate and electrical energy sources 14.3%. The number of respondent 100% not only know but have also used the kinemaster application in making multimedia-based learning media by 62.5%, and 37.5% who never used the kinemaster, 62.5% of respondents said it was easy and 37.5% still had difficulties,. kinemaster really helps respondents in learning as much as 50% stated that they were helped, 12.5% did not feel helped, and 37.5% stated that it was normal. Keywords:  Kinemaster, Multimedia, English Online Learnin


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    The objective of this research is to look for the justification of a new theory that uses franchise as an alternative to alleviate poverty in Indonesia, particularly absolute poverty in urban cities. Local wisdom inspires Indonesia s juridical design g for franchise laws that supports the franchise industry. This research finds that the theory that franchise can be applied as an instrument to alleviate poverty can be accepted. However, the application of the franchise industry as an instrument to alleviate poverty is ineflective because of a several factors, such as the vagueness of statutory regulations, unfavourable social culture, and the weak government supervision. Keywords: franchise, poverty alleviation, local wisdo

    Identifikasi Dan Kepadatan Sampah Anorganik Di Pantai Ujong Blang Desa Ujong Blang Kecamatan Banda Sakti Kota Lhokseumawe

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    The phenomenon of marine debris can cause unrest among the community because it can cause marine pollution that affects the activities of coastal communities. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the type, density and rate of increase of inorganic waste. The research location is at Ujong Blang Beach, Ujong Blang Village, Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City on November 1-13 2021. The method used is purvosive sampling. The waste sampling technique uses a line transect method drawn from the shoreline along the 50 meters in the direction of the coastline and 10 meters towards the sea, in which there are 3 plots measuring 10x10 m2, the distance between the plots is 10 meters. The waste that is taken is waste that is on the substrate, the observed waste is macro-sized inorganic waste. The results showed that the garbage collected at Ujong Blang Beach, Ujong Blang Village, Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City consisted of 5 types, namely plastic, metal, glass, rubber and clothing. Plastic waste has the highest density value, namely 1.59 items/m2 with a relative density value of 95.22%. The highest density value based on the mass of waste is also found in the type of plastic waste, which is 4.64 gr/m2 and a relative density of 78.64 %. The value of the highest rate of increase in waste was on Sunday with a total of 90.5 pieces of waste and a mass of 437.5 g of waste

    Kajian Penerapan Asas-asas Hukum Perjanjian Waralaba Internasional Dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2007 Tentang Waralaba Dan Implikasi Yuridisnya

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    Every agreement must be made on the basis of principles of free contract, good faith, and consensus. In addition to apply these principles, a franchise agreement must also based on the principles of information-openness, partnership, equality rights and obligations, burden-sharing and the obligation to keep confidentiality. This articles examines the application of law principles of International franchise agreement as stipulated in the Government Regulation No. 42 of 2007 on Franchising and the Trade Ministerial Decree No.31 of 2008 on the Implementation of Franchising. Both regulations contain the provisions related to the principles of information-openness, partnership, equality rights and obligations the obligation to keep confidential information. Nevertheless, neither the Government Regulation No. 42 of 2007 nor and the Trade Ministerial Decree No.31 of 2008 deals with the rule of burden sharing principle. Consequently, a franchise agreement is null and void if it contain no provision of any franchise agreement principles