1,015 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Inventory of pests and diseases and their damage on cocoa plants was conducted in Sawahlunto City. The objectives of this study were to determine the species of pests and pathogens that caused diseases and their damage on cocoa plants. A survey was conducted by using purposive random sampling method. The width of areas sampled were ± 0,5 ha and plant ages were 5 years and had produced fruits. Species of pests found attacking cocoa plants were 1) Helopeltis spp. with the percentage of infected plants 23,23%, and damage intensity 10.73%. 2) Squirrel with percentage of infected plant 16,78%. 3) Conopomorpha cramerella with percentage of infected plants 1,45% 4) Zeuzera sp with the percentage of infected plant 1.05%. Species of plant pathogens found were 1) Phythoptora palmivora as a cause of fruit rot with the percentage of infected plants 5,72% and damage intensity 2,97% 2) Colletotrichum gloeosporioides as a cause of antraknose with the percentage of infected plants 4,39% and damage intensity 3,29% 3) Corticium salmonicolor with the percentage of infected plants 4,25% 4) Phytopthora palmivora as a cause of stem cancer on cocoa plants with the percentage of infected plants 0,84%. The dominant species of pest was Helopeltis spp. and dominant pathogen was Phythoptora palmivora. Keywords : Cocoa , Pests and Disease

    Pengaruh Limbah Padi dan Pupuk Kandang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Tembakau Virginia (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

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    The experiment entitled the effect of using composisition rice residues and animal manure for media utilization on growth seedling of Virginia tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in seedbad was conducted to determine the approriate kind of rice residues and animal manure for seedbad for Virginia tobacco. The experiment was conducted at Pakis, Delanggu. The factorial experiment was arranged in the Complete Randomized Design with 12 combinations of treatment. The first factor was kinds of rice residues consisted : rice Straw, rice chaff, and rice bran. The second factor was kinds of animal manure consisted of manure of cow, manure of goat, and manure of chicken. The results of experiment showed that combination of rice straw and manure of chicken is the best treatment for seedling the Tobacco Virginia

    Keragaan Vegetatif Dan Generatif Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Padi ( Oryza Sativa L. ) Terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan Pada Fase Pertumbuhan Yang Berbeda

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    The research was conducted to study the effects of drought stress conditions on the performance of vegetative and generative of various rice varieties on the different growth stages. The research was performed at field trial of Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Kasihan Bantul, from March to June 2010. The research was designed using a factorial experiment that arranged in Completely Randomized Design 4 x 5 with three replications. The first factor was the varieties of rice i.e. IR 64, Menthik, Cisadane and Dodokan. The second factor was the period of drought stress at the difference plant stage, i.e at the vegetative period, booting period, heading period, grain filling period, and without drought stress or control.The results showed that Cisadane varieties had a higher tolerance to the drought stress than to all varieties. Moreover, the plant treated on drought stress at vegetative period had lower grain number per hill than the other drought stress period

    Industry-Based Economic Education Curriculum 4.0 In Vocational High Schools

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    Industry 4.0-based economic education in Vocational High Schools (SMK) aims to produce graduates who have skills that are in accordance with the demands of the job market. This journal article discusses the curriculum for Industry 4.0-based economic education in SMK, theoretical studies of Industry 4.0 and its influence on economic education, as well as the stages of curriculum implementation, obstacles in implementation, and solutions to overcome them. This article uses a descriptive method of analysis by collecting data from various sources and conducting qualitative analysis of the data. The results showed that the Industry 4.0-based economic education curriculum can provide excellence in preparing SMK students to become a workforce that is ready to face the challenges of Industry 4.0. However, there are obstacles in curriculum implementation, such as limited resources and lack of teacher knowledge in using technology. Solutions to overcome these obstacles include increasing resources, providing training to teachers, and optimizing the use of technology in learning. Therefore, the development of an Industry 4.0-based economic education curriculum in SMK needs to continue to be carried out by taking into account the challenges and needs of the job market

    Pengaruh Limbah Padi dan Pupuk Kandang terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Tembakau Virginia (Nicotiana Tabacum L.)

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    The experiment entitled the effect of using composisition rice residues and animal manure for media utilization on growth seedling of Virginia tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in seedbad was conducted to determine the approriate kind of rice residues and animal manure for seedbad for Virginia tobacco. The experiment was conducted at Pakis, Delanggu. The factorial experiment was arranged in the Complete Randomized Design with 12 combinations of treatment. The first factor was kinds of rice residues consisted : rice Straw, rice chaff, and rice bran. The second factor was kinds of animal manure consisted of manure of cow, manure of goat, and manure of chicken. The results of experiment showed that combination of rice straw and manure of chicken is the best treatment for seedling the Tobacco Virginia


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    Beton merupakan batuan yang dibuat dari campuran semen, air dan agregat, baik agregat halus (pasir) maupun agregat kasar (kerikil). Selain itu, terkadang dalam campuran beton juga diberi bahan tambah yang sangat bervariasi mulai dari bahan kimia tambahan, serat sampai bahan buangan non kimia pada perbandingan tertentu. Campuran tersebut apabila dituang ke dalam cetakan kemudian dibiarkan akan mengeras seperti batuan. Pengerasan tersebut terjadi karena peristiwa reaksi kimia antara air dan semen sebagai perekat dengan agregat sebagai bahan pengisi, sehingga butiran-butiran agregat saling terekat dengan kuat dan terbentuklah masa yang kuat. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan pada silinder beton umur 28 hari, dengan menggunakan bahan tambah limbah pecahan beton sebesar 15% pada fas 0,45, mengalami kuat tekan sebesar 26,030 MPa dan kuat tarik belah beton sebesar 4,003 MPa. Maka penggunaan limbah pecahan beton 15% dari berat agregat kasar yang dibutuhkan, merupakan persentase yang optimal, baik untuk tinjauan kuat tekan maupun kuat tarik belah beton. Bila ditinjau dari beton normal, beton dengan penggantian limbah pecahan beton yang optimal sebesar 15% pada fas 0,45 umur 28 hari mengalami penambahan kuat tekan sebesar 3,603 %, sedangkan untuk kuat tarik belah beton umur 28 hari mengalami penambahan sebesar 0,354 %. Dengan pengganti limbah pecahan beton akan mengurangi workability. Setelah bahan tambah berupa limbah pecahan beton dicampurkan kedalam campuran beton, kelecakan adukan beton cenderung mengalami penurunan seiring dengan bertambahnya persentase limbah pecahan beton. Pada pemeriksaan berat jenis beton menunjukkan berat jenis beton naik turun mengikuti pertambahan jumlah persentase limbah pecahan beton

    Keragaan Vegetatif dan Generatif Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Padi ( Oryza Sativa L. ) terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan pada Fase Pertumbuhan yang Berbeda

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    The research was conducted to study the effects of drought stress conditions on the performance of vegetative and generative of various rice varieties on the different growth stages. The research was performed at field trial of Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Kasihan Bantul, from March to June 2010. The research was designed using a factorial experiment that arranged in Completely Randomized Design 4 x 5 with three replications. The first factor was the varieties of rice i.e. IR 64, Menthik, Cisadane and Dodokan. The second factor was the period of drought stress at the difference plant stage, i.e at the vegetative period, booting period, heading period, grain filling period, and without drought stress or control.The results showed that Cisadane varieties had a higher tolerance to the drought stress than to all varieties. Moreover, the plant treated on drought stress at vegetative period had lower grain number per hill than the other drought stress period

    Penerapan Iptek Budidaya Padi Berwawasan Lingkungan Untuk Kemandirian Kelompok Wanita Tani Di Desa Kranggan, Kulonprogo

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    Prioritas permasalahan yang akan diselesaikan yaitu sulit merubah perilaku penggunaan pupuk dan pestisida sintetik, pengelolaan sampah dan bahan organik menjadi pupuk kompos, akar bambu yang belum dimanfaatkan sebagai MOL. Target luaran adalah terbangun kesadaran menggunakan pupuk organik dan biopestisida pada budidaya padi. Metode pelaksanaan yaitu 1) Kunjungan dan belajar ke petani organik Sayegan; 2) penyuluhan, dengan materi pembuatan kompos, MOL dan biopestisida; 3) transfer teknologi alat fermentor galon dan alat enkast; 4) Demplot budidaya padi oleh anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT);5) pendampingan dan monevhingga berhasil melakukan praktek budidaya padi yang sehat dan ramah lingkungan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa telah dilaksanakan penyuluhan dan pelatihan kepada anggota KWT Kranggan yaitu pembuatan kompos, PGPR dan biopestisida CORIN untuk diaplikasi pada budidaya padi sehat. Setelah penyuluhan tentang bahaya residu pupuk dan pestisida, ada peningkatan 26,6 % dari yang semula ragu menjadi mantap. Dan sebagian besar anggota KWT (95%) sudah mengetahui tentang “Pertanian Sehat” dan hanya 5% yang belum tahu. Namun setelah penyuluhan ini, menjadi yain 100%. Apalagi setelah kunjungan ke petani organik di Sayegan, maka anggota KWT yang semula sudah yakin (85%) bahwa pertanian menjadi sehat dengan pupuk organik, dan 5% yang semula belum yakin serta 10% ragu-ragu, semua menjadi yakin 100%. Sebagian besar anggota KWT (77,5 %) semula tidak mengetahui tentang pembuatan “MOL-kompos, PGPR, CORIN” dan ada 5% yang ragu-ragu. Namun setelah pelatihan ini, maka ada peningkatan ketrampilan sebesar 77,5% . Setelah aplikasi kompos, PGPR, biopestisida CORIN pada budidaya padi sehat, maka hasil padi yang dipanen menghasilkan gabah yang lebih ber-”nas” dengan bobot sekitar 30 kg beras SEHAT. Kata Kunci : pupuk kompos, MOL, biopestisida, budidaya padi seha

    Diferensiasi penerapan kriteria neo visibilitas hilāl MABIMS di Indonesia tahun 2021-2022 M/1442-1443 H

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    Penentuan awal Bulan Hijriah di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih terjadi diferensiasi, terutama dalam penentuan tiga bulan krusial yaitu Ramadan, Syawwāl dan Zulḥijjah. Di Indonesia sendiri masing-masing Ormas Islam mempunyai metode dan kriteria dalam menentukan awal bulan. Inilah yang menjadi keprihatinan umat Islam, khususnya di Indonesia, isu perbedaan penentuan awal bulan ini dalam kalender Hijriah masih menyulut kontroversi di kalangan umat Islam Indonesia. Kementerian Agama RI bekerja sama dengan Menteri-menteri Agama Brunai Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura (MABIMS), dengan mengusung kriteria baru visibilitas hilāl (3-6,4) sebagai langkah penyatuan kalender Hijriah dikawan regional MABIMS. Maka demikian, timbul pertanyaan bagaimana geneologi penerapan kriteria neo visibilitas hilāl MABIMS di Indonesia? Dan bagaimana Diferensiasi penerapan kriteria neo visibilitas Hilāl MABIMS di Indonesia dalam penentuan awal Ramadan, Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha 1443 H? Penelitian ini adalah penelitian field research dengan menggunakan pendekatan lapangan yang objeknya mengenai gejala-gejala atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada kelompok masyarakat. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi berupa draft hasil muzakarah MABIMS yang mengusulkan kriteria neo visibilitas Hilāl MABIMS ketinggian Hilāl tidak kurang dari 3 derajat, elongasi 6,4 derajat. Dan sebagian data dikumpulkan dengan cara melakukan wawancara dengan pakar ilmu falak, ormas Islam, astronomi dan pemerintah (kemenag). Data-data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kriteria baru MABIMS sudah lama diusulkan dan pada akhir tahun 2021 MABIMS dan Negara Indonesia resmi mengadopsi kriteria yang baru yaitu ketinggian Hilāl 3 derajat, dan elongasi 6,4 derajat. Dengan diterapkan kriteria neo visibilitas Hilāl MABIMS yang baru masih ada ormas Islam Indonesia yang masih belum menerima untuk diterapkan di Indonesia pada tahun 2022 M/1443 H yaitu Muhammadiyah yang menganggap bahwa kriteria baru MABIMS merupakan saintifik blunder dan lebih memilih kriteria Wujudul Hilāl, sedangkan ormas Islam NU dan Persis menerima kriteria baru MABIMS dan menerapkannya pada tahun 2022 M/1443 H dalam penentuan awal bulan Ramadan, Syawwāl dan Dzulhijjah, maka perbedaan dalam mengalawali awal bulan Hijriah ormas Islam Indonesia tidak dapat dihindari. ABSTRACT: The determination of the beginning of the Hijri Month in Indonesia is still undergoing differentiation, especially in determining the three crucial months, namely Ramadan, Syawwal and Zulḥijjah. In Indonesia, each Islamic Organization has its own methods and criteria for determining the beginning of the month. This is the concern of Muslims, especially in Indonesia, the issue of differences in the determination of the beginning of this month in the Hijri calendar is still sparking controversy among Indonesian Muslims. The Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the Ministers of Religion of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore (MABIMS), by carrying out the new criteria for the visibility of the new moon (3-6.4) as a step to unify the Hijri calendar with the regional friends of MABIMS. Thus, the question arises how is the geneology of the application of the neo-visibility criteria for the hilāl MABIMS in Indonesia? And how is the differentiation of the application of the neo-visibility criteria of Hilāl MABIMS in Indonesia in determining the beginning of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha 1443 H? This research is a field research study using a field approach whose object is about the symptoms or events that occur in community groups. Data collection in this study was carried out using a documentation method in the form of a draft of the MABIMS muzakarah which proposed the criteria for neo-visibility Hilāl MABIMS Hilāl height of not less than 3 degrees, elongation of 6.4 degrees. And some of the data was collected by conducting interviews with experts in astronomy, Islamic organizations, astronomy and the government (Kemenag). The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive analytical method. The results of this study indicate that the new criteria for MABIMS have long been proposed and at the end of 2021 MABIMS and the State of Indonesia officially adopted the new criteria, namely the Hilāl height of 3 degrees, and an elongation of 6.4 degrees. With the application of the new MABIMS Hilāl neo-visibility criteria, there are still Indonesian Islamic organizations that still have not accepted to be implemented in Indonesia in 2022 AD/1443 H, namely Muhammadiyah which considers that the new MABIMS criteria are scientific blunders and prefers the Wujudul Hilāl criteria, while Islamic organizations NU and Persis accept the new criteria for MABIMS and apply them in 2022 AD/1443 H in determining the beginning of the months of Ramadan, Syawwal and Dzulhijjah, so differences in starting the Hijri month of Indonesian Islamic organizations cannot be avoided