21 research outputs found
Kultur Embrio Kelapa Kopyor Menggunakan Beberapa Konsentrasi BA Dan Air Kelapa
Coconut Kopyor is an abnormal fruit, the ordinary coconut flesh is attached to the shell and separated from coconut water while Coconut Kopyor, fruit flesh is not attached to the shell but is mixed with coconut water. Kopyor coconut cannot be used as a seed (seed). The growth of kopyor coconut embryos can only be done in a laboratory with embryo culture technology. Embryo culture is the only way to produce true to type coconut kopyor seeds that can produce 80% kopyor coconut in one kopyor coconut plant, kopyor coconut seedlings produced can support government programs in increasing the productivity of kopyor coconut through the provision of quality seeds. Research on kopyor coconut embryo culture was carried out at the Laboratory of Tissue Culture at Lampung State Polytechnic. The experiment was carried out using a RAL, with 15 treatment combinations of BA media formulations (0, 2, and 4) with coconut water (0 ml / l, 100, 150, 200, 250 ml / l). The observed variables were the percentage of embryos sprouting, when the shoot appeared, shoot height, number of roots, and number of leaves. The results showed that the use of BA 4 mg / l without the addition of coconut water increased the percentage of sprouts, faster time for shoots, and highest shoot height.
 Kelapa kopyor merupakan buah abnormal, kelapa biasa daging buahnya melekat pada tempurung dan terpisah dari air kelapa sedangkan kelapa kopyor, daging buah tidak melekat pada tempurung melainkan tercampur pada air kelapa. Kelapa kopyor tidak bisa dijadikan benih (bibit). Penumbuhan embrio kelapa kopyor hanya bisa dilakukan dalam laboratorium dengan teknologi embrio kultur. Kultur embrio merupakan satu-satunya cara untuk menghasilkan bibit kelapa kopyor true to type yang dapat menghasilkan 80% buah kelapa kopyor dalam satu tanaman kelapa kopyor, bibit kelapa kopyor yang dihasilkan dapat mendukung program pemerintah dalam peningkatan produktivitas kelapa kopyor melalui penyediaan bibit yang berkualitas. Penelitian kultur embrio kelapa kopyor dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Politeknik Negeri Lampung. Percobaan dilaksanakan rancangan acak lengkap, dengan 15 kombinasi perlakuan formulasi media BA (0, 2, dan 4) dengan air kelapa (0 ml/l, 100, 150, 200, 250 ml/l). Peubah yang diamati persentase embrio bertunas, waktu muncul tunas dan tinggi tunas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan BA 4 mg/l tanpa penambahan air kelapa meningkatkan persentase daya kecambah, waktu muncul tunas lebih cepat, dan tinggi tunas tertinggi
Pengaruh Formulasi Media Dan Konsentrasi Air Kelapa Terhadap Pertumbuhan Protokorm Anggrek Phalaenopsis in Vitro
The objective of this research was to find combination of media formulation and coconut water consentrasions in stimulating in vitro Growth of Phalaenopsis protocorm. The research was conducted in Factorial Completely Randomaized Design. The first factor is the media formulation (Knudson C, fertilizer Vitabloom, Green Kristallon , and Grownmore). The second factor is coconut water consentrasion (0, 75, 150, 225 ml l-1). Each treatment combination was replicated three times. The result showed that(1) Vitabloom and green kristallon fertilizers gave a better significant growth of seedling height than Grownmore but no significant difference with Knudson C; (2) the additions of Coconut water 225 ml l-1gave the best in growth of height seedling, followed by coconut water 150 ml l-1; and (3) the best treatment combination was green kristallon with coconut water 150 ml l-1, followed by vitabloom and green kristallon added with coconut water 225 ml l-1
The length of time needed to produce orchids both in the laboratory and to produce mature flowering plants is an obstacle in the development of orchids. Generally, it takes a long time to get the first flowers from plants that are propagated. This study aims: 1) to determine whether BAP growth regulators can stimulate flowering and growth of Phalaenopsis orchid plants, 2) whether the influence of BAP zpt depends on air temperature, 3) get the best concentration to stimulate flowering and plant growth. The research was carried out at the Lampung State Polytechnic net house from June to August 2019. The research was a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design. As factor I is BAP concentration (0, 50,100,150, 200 mg / l) and factor II is night air temperature (26 / 180C and 32/260 C). There were 10 treatment combinations were tried, with 5 replications. Observed variables include data analyzed by analysis of variance, then followed by a 5% LSD test. The results showed: From the results of this study the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) BAP concentrations can significantly stimulate flowering (spike emergence) & height growth of Phalaenopsis orchid seedlings, and significantly affect leaf length and number of leaves; 2) The effect of BAP concentration interacts/depends on air temperature; 3) The number of spikes per plant is markedly better / more formed at normal temperatures. At normal temperatures, a good concentration of BAP in producing spikes is 100 mg / l, whereas at low temperatures the amount of spike is most when given the addition of BAP 50 mg / l; and 4) At normal temperature the BAP concentration that is good for seedling growth (seedling height, leaf length, leaf width, and number of leaves) is 100 mg / l, whereas at low temperatures BAP concentration is good for seedling growth (seedling height, leaf width, and the number of leaves) is 50 mg / l
Optimasi Produksi Tanaman Kedelai Edamame (Glicine max. (L) Merrill) Dengan Pengaturan Jarak Tanam Dan Pemberian Kompos
Soybean plants (Glycine max (L) Merrill) are annual plants, have white or purple flower colors and have various shapes and sizes for leaf and seed characters. Soybean production in Lampung province in 2015 was 9.82 thousand tons of dry beans, decreased by 3.96 thousand tons (28.76%) compared to 2014. Crop productivity is strongly influenced by the environment and the variety of plants planted, and the spacing is also closely related to the plant population. Spacing arrangement is very influential on plant growth and yield. One of the efforts that can be done to improve soil fertility is by giving compost. Compost is the final substance of a fermentation process of piles of garbage / plant litter and sometimes also includes animal carcasses. This study used a randomized block design with 3 replications, the treatment was given 2 factors, spacing and compost application. The purpose of this study was to increase the yield of edamame soybean optimally with the treatment of spacing and giving organic compost. The results showed that based on least significant different show that the best interaction between spacing planting and compost application on all variable is J2K2 (15cm x 40cm + 12 ton/ha). While the lowest treatment on the J0K0 (15cm x 20cm + 0 ton/ha)
Multiplikasi Mata Tunas Pisang ‘Cavendish’ In Vitro Pada Berbagai Konsentrasi Benziladenin
Banana is one of the most important global agriculture commodities. Asia accounts for the production of bananas amounted to 56.4% of total banana in the world and Indonesia is one of the banana-producing countries in Asia. The demand for bananas increased need is anticipated with good cultivation techniques to meet domestic and international market demand. Plant regeneration in vitro tissue culture techniques or can be used to produce propagules true-to-type in large quantities in a relatively short period and free from disease. This research aims to study the influence of various concentrations of BA (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 mg/l) against the growth and reproduction of Cavendish banana propagules in vitro. Time appears buds, propagules length and the number of propagules per explant, and the number of primary roots of plants per explant observed after eight weeks of culture. The experiment results show that after explant grown for eight weeks on the media's treatment shows the different response. The increased concentration of BA can increase the number of shoots. The increased concentration of BA from 0.5 mg/l be 1-3 mg/l increased the number of propagules, but the number of propagules will decrease in the concentration of BA more 3.5 or 4 mg/l. In addition to BA concentration 0.5, 1 and 1.5 mg/l MS media into producing shoot buds appear faster time high, highest propagules and root amount more on banana propagules Cavendish, but the number of shoots is fewer. The best of BA concentrations to induce propagules plant bananas Cavendish is 3.0 mg/l
Pengaruh Formulasi Media dan Konsentrasi Air Kelapa terhadap Pertumbuhan Protokorm Anggrek Phalaenopsis In Vitro
The objective of this research was to find combination of media formulation and coconut water consentrasions in stimulating in vitro Growth of Phalaenopsis protocorm. The research was conducted in Factorial Completely Randomaized Design. The first factor is the media formulation (Knudson C, fertilizer Vitabloom, Green Kristallon , and Grownmore). The second factor is coconut water consentrasion (0, 75, 150, 225 ml l-1). Each treatment combination was replicated three times. The result showed that(1) Vitabloom and green kristallon fertilizers gave a better significant growth of seedling height than Grownmore but no significant difference with Knudson C; (2) the additions of Coconut water 225 ml l-1gave the best in growth of height seedling, followed by coconut water 150 ml l-1; and (3) the best treatment combination was green kristallon with coconut water 150 ml l-1, followed by vitabloom and green kristallon added with coconut water 225 ml l-1. Keywords: Formulation media, coconut water, protocorm, Phalaenopsis, in vitro
Pengaruh Pupuk Daun Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kompot Anggrek Dendrobium Hasil Silangan
The objective of this second year research was to find foliar fertilizer in stimulating the growth of community pot seedling of Dendrobium which was cross pollinated on the first year. The research was conducted in a Completely Randomaized Design with 11 treatmets and 4 replication. The treatments were: vitabloom (P1), gandasil D (P2), plant catalyst (P3), dekastar (P4), red hyponex (P5), vitabloom+dekastar (P6), vitabloom+red hyponex (P7), gandasil D+dekastar(P8), gandasil D+red hyponex P(9), plant catalyst+dekastar (P10), plant catalyst+red hyponex (P11). The results showed that (1) Vitabloom (VB) application gave a better growth of dendrobium seedling (fresh weight, colour and vigor), followed by vitabloom combined with dekastar (VB DS), and dekastar (DS); (2) Plant catalys (PC) gave the lowest growth of seedling, otherwise, combined with red hyponex (PC HM); and (3) Applicaton of higher N content fertilizers (vitabloom, and dekastar or its combination) showed a better and faster growth of seedling compared with applicaton of lower N content fertilizers (plant catalyst)
Keberhasilan Aklimatisasi dan Pembesaran Bibit Kompot Anggrek Bulan (Phalaenopsis) Pada Beberapa Kombinasi Media Tanam
Aklimatisasi merupakan tahap yang kritis bagi plantlet. Pada lingkungan yang baru plantlet dapat mengalami cekaman lingkungan. Kondisi lingkungan seperti media yang tidak mendukung pada tahap aklimatisasi dapat menyebabkan kematian plantlet. Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) Mendapatkan kombinasi media yang paling baik bagi keberhasilan aklimatisasi plantlet anggrek Phalaenopsis; 2)Mengetahui apakah terdapat interaksi antara media bagian bawah dengan atas pot; 3) Mendapatkan kombinasi media yang paling baik bagi pertumbuhan bibit anggrek anggrek Phalaenopsis pada tahap pembesaran, dan 4) Melihat apakah media sabut kelapa dapat digunakan untuk aklimatisasi dan pembesaran anggrek Phalaenopsis. Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah jaring Politeknik Negeri Lampung dari bulan Maret hingga Agustus 2018. Plantlet diaklimatisasikan 4 minggu. Percobaan faktorial dilaksanakan dalam rancangan acak kelompok. Faktor A : macam media bagian bawah (bata/arang). Faktor B : macam media bagian atas (moss sphagnum/pakis/sabut kelapa). Enam kombinasi perlakuan dicobakan (masing-masing dengan 10 ulangan), yaitu:  P1 (bata+moss); P2 (bata+pakis); P3 (bata+sabut kelapa); P4 (arang+moss); P5 (arang+pakis); dan P6 (arang+sabut kelapa). Peubah yang diamati: 1) persen keberhasilan plantlet menjadi bibit, 2) tinggi bibit, 3) panjang daun, 4) lebar daun, dan 5) jumlah daun.  Data yang diperoleh dilakukan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Media moss atau pakis dikombinasikan dengan bata maupun arang memberikan persen keberhasilan aklimatisasi plantlet anggrek Phalaenopsis yang paling baik (100%); 2) Tidak terdapat interaksi antara media bagian atas dengan bagian bawah; 3) Kombinasi media yang paling baik bagi pertumbuhan bibit anggrek Phalaenopsis pada tahap pembesaran adalah moss baik dikombinasikan dengan bata ataupun arang, kemudian diikuti oleh pakis (dikombinasikan dengan bata ataupun arang); dan 4) Media sabut kelapa dapat digunakan untuk aklimatisasi dan pembesaran bibit anggrek Phalaenopsis bila dilakukan penyiraman yang lebih intensif
Multiplikasi Tunas Kentang Atlantik pada Berbagai Konsentrasi NAA dan Air Kelapa secara In Vitro
Salah satu upaya dan inovasi dalam penyediaan benih kentang unggul adalah melalui teknik in vitro. Penambahan hormon dan bahan alami lain pada teknik in vitro kentang seperti NAA dan air kelapa dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam perbaikan mutu benih yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan NAA terhadap multiplikasi tunas kentang atlantik secara in vitro, mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan air kelapa terhadap multiplikasi tunas kentang atlantik secara in vitro, dan mengetahui pengaruh interaksi perlakuan NAA dan air kelapa terhadap multiplikasi tunas kentang atlantik secara in vitro. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Politeknik Negeri Lampung pada bulan Oktober 2014 - bulan Januari 2015. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktor 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah konsentrasi NAA yang terdiri dari 2 taraf yaitu 0 ml-l dan 1 ml-l. Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi air kelapa yang terdiri dari 4 taraf yaitu 0 ml-l, 100 ml-l, 150 ml-l dan 200 ml-l. Dari hasil analisis data secara diperoleh bahwa perlakuan NAA dan air kelapa berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah hari pembentukan tunas (hari), jumlah hari pembentukan akar (hari) dan panjang tunas per eksplan (cm). Interaksi keduanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter jumlah hari pembentukan akar (hari) dan jumlah tunas cabang primer per eksplan
Morfogenesis Anggrek Dendrobium ‘Gradita 31’ dengan Penggunaan Benzyladenine atau Thidiazuron
Dendrobium Gradita 31 has superior characteristics that are in demand by the market in Indonesia, so seeds with sameness quality, the same characteristics as the parent and in large quantities are needed. Tissue culture is one solution to support the availability of seeds in large quantities and have a high level of sameness quality. The process of regulating the type of ZPT and concentration in the culture media does not always produce the same regeneration pathway. This research aims to determine the regeneration pathway and to obtain the best type and concentration of cytokinin to support its regeneration pathway. This study used a completely randomized design with 3 replications. The first factor is the type of cytokinin, BA and Tdz. The second factor is the concentration of Benzyladenine and Thidiazuron, 1, 2 and 3 mg/l.. The data was analyzed using analysis of variance, and mean value was tested using tukey test 5%. The results of this study indicate that the regeneration pathway in the formation of adventitious shoots was indirect embryogenesis. The use of Tdz 3 mg/l was able to produce the highest percentage of somatic embryo formation and the highest number of somatic embryos. The fastest shoot formation time, shoot formation percentage and the highest number of shoots per clump were found BA 2 mg/l.