34,511 research outputs found

    Luttinger liquid superlattices: realization of gapless insulating phases

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    We investigate Luttinger Liquid superlattices, a periodic structure composed of two kinds of one-dimensional systems of interacting electrons. We calculate several properties of the low-energy sector: the effective charge and spin velocities, the compressibility, various correlation functions, the Landauer conductance and the Drude weight. The low-energy properties are subsumed into effective parameters, much like homogeneous one-dimensional systems. A generic result is the weighted average nature of these parameters, in proportion to the spatial extent of the underlying subunits, pointing to the possibility of ``engineered'' structures. As a specific realization, we consider a one-dimensional Hubbard superlattice, which consists of a periodic arrangement of two long Hubbard chains with different coupling constants and different hopping amplitudes. This system exhibits a rich phase diagram with several phases, both metallic and insulating. We have found that gapless insulating phases are present over a wide range of parameters.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, RevTeX

    Lorentz-violating nonminimal coupling contributions in mesonic hydrogen atoms and generation of photon higher-order derivative terms

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    We have studied the contributions of Lorentz-violating CPT-odd and CPT-even nonminimal couplings to the energy spectrum of the mesonic hydrogen and the higher-order radiative corrections to the effective action of the photon sector of a Lorentz-violating version of the scalar electrodynamics. By considering the complex scalar field describes charged mesons (pion or kaon), the non-relativistic limit of the model allows to attain upper-bounds by analyzing its contribution to the mesonic hydrogen energy. By using the experimental data for the 1S1S strong correction shift and the pure QED transitions 4P→3P4P \rightarrow 3P, the best upper-bound for the CPT-odd coupling is <10−12eV−1<10^{-12}\text{eV}^{-1} and for the CPT-even one is <10−16eV−2<10^{-16}\text{eV}^{-2}. Besides, the CPT-odd radiative correction to the photon action is a dimension-5 operator which looks like a higher-order Carroll-Field-Jackiw term. The CPT-even radiative contribution to the photon effective action is a dimension-6 operator which would be a higher-order derivative version of the minimal CPT-even term of the standard model extension

    Extreme thermopower anisotropy and interchain transport in the quasi-one-dimensional metal Li(0.9)Mo(6)O(17)

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    Thermopower and electrical resistivity measurements transverse to the conducting chains of the quasi-one-dimensional metal Li(0.9)Mo(6)O(17) are reported in the temperature range 5 K = 400 K the interchain transport is determined by thermal excitation of charge carriers from a valence band ~ 0.14 eV below the Fermi level, giving rise to a large, p-type thermopower that coincides with a small, n-type thermopower along the chains. This dichotomy -- semiconductor-like in one direction and metallic in a mutually perpendicular direction -- gives rise to substantial transverse thermoelectric (TE) effects and a transverse TE figure of merit among the largest known for a single compound.Comment: PRL in press, manuscript (5pp, 4 Fig.'s) and Supplementary Material (3pp, 3 Fig.'s
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