266 research outputs found

    The Italians abroad after Unification. The analysis of emigration in Brazil through money flows data sources

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    Between 1961 and 1985 more than 1,400 thousand Italians left the country towards Brazil and there produced a great amount of wealth, part of which had been remitted in Italy. In this paper we will concentrate on the main estimate of the financial flows through the study of official sources and try to take information from various data sources, and provide an evaluation of figures relative to the years between Unification and 1910, a period highly important for the Italian emigration to Brazil

    The European Investment Bank and Its Role in Fostering European Cohesiveness: The Case of Ireland and of the Italian Southern Regions.

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    The European Investment Bank (EIB) was the first IFI (International Financial Institution) created with the purpose of promoting regional economic integration rather than simply alleviating capital constraints and promoting development, as it was the case for previously established IFIs like the World Bank. However, it remains a neglected EU institution. More research needs to be conducted on EIB, including the determinants of EIB lending from a market perspective and the impact of EIB loans nationally and regionally. This work aims at filling this gap by analysing the case of Italy and, in particular, of Southern Italy from 1958 to 1972 (an important period for Italy) and of Ireland from 1973 to 2019 (because, together with the United Kingdom, Ireland joined the European Economic Community in 1973, thus benefiting from the influx of Community subsidies, which have proven to be one of the most important factors in the country’s economic growth) to determine the impact of EIB loans nationally and regionally. Why Italy and Ireland? The two case studies are interesting because the two countries have several historical similarities from an economic and social point of view. Centuries of foreign government have weakened natural energies with political and fiscal oppression.4 Historically migration played an important role and improved the conditions of those who left, as well as of those who remained. Both areas were mainly agricultural before WWII, and public intervention was key for industrialization and development. Both areas were the object of the development policy of the European Economic Community and of the European Investment Bank as reflected in this work

    Tourism and political economy for the Italian colonies during the interwar years

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    This paper examines some aspects of tourism for the Italian colonies during the interwar years by looking at some unpublished sources kept in the Historical Archive of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and at some ENIT (Italian Tourist Board) guides to produce an initial overview of the policies implemented for promoting and developing colonial territories

    Évolution historique et développements récents des politiques publiques en Italie

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    The aim of our research is to analyze the evolution of public policies in Italy. These policies are undergoing profound changes in Italy and in Europe as a result of changes in the structure by sex and age of the population and the social and economic consequences of these changes. Did the Italian policies take into account those changes ? What has been the role played by the economic and institutional factors in the evolution of policies ? The second objective of this research is to examine how the public policies adopted in Italy over the past forty years have taken account of the changing role of men and women in society, both in the private sphere and in society. Has the evolution of gender-related social relations linked to women’s higher level of education and the increasing participation of women in the labor market involved more egalitarian or equality-oriented family policies ?Objectif de cette recherche est en premier lieu d’analyser l’évolution des politiques publiques en Italie. Ces politiques sont en train de subir des changements profonds en Italie et en Europe suite aux modifications intervenues dans la structure par sexe et par âge de la population ainsi qu’aux conséquences sociales et économiques de ces changements. Est-ce que les politiques italiennes ont tenu compte de ces changements ? Quel a été le rôle joué par les facteurs économiques et institutionnels propre à notre pays dans l’évolution des politiques ? Ces sont parmi les questions auxquelles nous allons répondre dans cette contribution. Le deuxième objectif de cette recherche est de s’interroger sur comment les politiques publiques adoptées en Italie dans les derniers quarante ans ont tenu compte de l’évolution du rôle des hommes et des femmes dans la société, tant dans la sphère privée que dans la sphère publique : l’évolution des rapport sociaux de sexe liée à la plus grande scolarisation des femmes, à la croissante participation des femmes au marché du travail a-t-elle impliqué des politiques familiales plus égalitaires ou plus orientées à l’égalité dans les taches familiales et extra familiales des hommes et des femmes


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    Dopo la fame. Pollerie, pristinai, agnellai: negozi nell’italia della crescita

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    IL saggio individua l'ingresso del progettista (architetto, designer o grafico) nell'allestimento dei negozi di generi alimentari in Italia nell'immediato secondo dopoguerra,fino alla comparsa, alla fine degli anni Sessanta, della grande distribuzion

    Investigation of grain orientations of melt-textured HTSC with addition of uranium oxide, Y2O3 and Y2BaCuO5

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    Local grain orientations were studied in melt-textured YBCO samples processed with various amounts of depleted uranuim oxide (DU) and Y 2O3 by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis. The addition of DU leads to the formation of Ucontaining nanoparticles (Y2Ba4CuUOx) with sizes of around 200 nm, embedded in the superconducting Y-123 matrix. The orientation of the Y 2BaCuO5 (Y-211) particles, which are also present in the YBCO bulk microstructure, is generally random as is the case in other melttextured Y-123 samples. The presence of Y-211 particles, however, also affects the orientation of the Y-123 matrix in these samples

    Il punto di vista dei giovani studiosi del Master Migrazioni e sviluppo economico di Sapienza UniversitĂ  di Roma

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    Questo volume non è una semplice raccolta di saggi sui diversi aspetti del fenomeno migratorio ma dà voce a giovani studiosi che frequentano o hanno frequentato il Master in Migrazione e Sviluppo di Sapienza, Università di Roma. I risultati delle loro ricerche contribuiscono ad una migliore comprensione del fenomeno migratorio mettendo assieme aspetti complementari come la formazione, l’accoglienza, la sostenibilità, la sicurezza, lo sfruttamento, la criminalità organizzata, le pratiche alla frontiera, l’intelligenza artificiale. Sono giovani che hanno scelto di migliorare le loro competenze, teoriche e pratiche, per comprendere la migrazione a 360 gradi e affrontare i diversi aspetti di un fenomeno complesso che fa parte e sempre farà parte dell’umanità


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    la presente ricerca è un contributo alla conoscenza delle finanze della Chiesa durante i primi anni del pontificato di papa Eugenio IV; in particolare sono analizzati i registri tenuti dal depositario della Camera Apostolica per gli anni 1431-1434 che rappresentano gli anni durante i quali la corte papale rimase e operò a Roma. Attraverso questo esami ci si prpopone di comprendere i rapporti internazionali che intratteneva appunto la camera Apostolica, l'organo centrale di governo, sia per quegli anni in particolare che per tutto il Quattrocento, e risalire ai movimenti della banca dei medici che tennero quei conti quali banchieri speciali del papa. . Inoltre la ricerca contribuirà a comprendere quali fossero i settori comemrciali e più generalmente economici nei quali i Medici esercitarono il loro potere con l'organizzazione del loro banco.this research is a contribution to the knowledge of the finances of the Church during the early years of the pontificate of Pope Eugenius IV, in particular, are analyzed the records kept by the custodian of the Apostolic Chamber for the years 1431-1434 representing the years in which the court Papal remained and worked in Rome. Through this exam you prpopone to understand international relations who entertained precisely the Apostolic chamber, the central organ of government, both for those years in particular that throughout the fifteenth century, and trace the movements of the bank of the doctors who held those accounts which Special bankers of the pope. . In addition, the research will help to understand what were the areas comemrciali and more generally economic in which the Medici exercised their power with the organization of their bench
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