79 research outputs found
Eigensequences for Multiuser Communication over the Real Adder Channel
Shape-invariant signals under the Discrete Fourier Transform are
investigated, leading to a class of eigenfunctions for the unitary discrete
Fourier operator. Such invariant sequences (eigensequences) are suggested as
user signatures over the real adder channel (t-RAC) and a multiuser
communication system over the t-RAC is presented.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. VI International Telecommunications
Symposium (ITS2006
Orthogonal Multilevel Spreading Sequence Design
Finite field transforms are offered as a new tool of spreading sequence
design. This approach exploits orthogonality properties of synchronous
non-binary sequences defined over a complex finite field. It is promising for
channels supporting a high signal-to-noise ratio. New digital multiplex schemes
based on such sequences have also been introduced, which are multilevel Code
Division Multiplex. These schemes termed Galois-field Division Multiplex (GDM)
are based on transforms for which there exists fast algorithms. They are also
convenient from the hardware viewpoint since they can be implemented by a
Digital Signal Processor. A new Efficient-bandwidth
code-division-multiple-access (CDMA) is introduced, which is based on
multilevel spread spectrum sequences over a Galois field. The primary advantage
of such schemes regarding classical multiple access digital schemes is their
better spectral efficiency. Galois-Fourier transforms contain some redundancy
and only cyclotomic coefficients are needed to be transmitted yielding compact
spectrum requirements.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. In: Coding, Communication and Broadcasting.1
ed.Hertfordshire: Reseach Studies Press (RSP), 2000. ISBN 0-86380-259-
Introducing an Analysis in Finite Fields
Looking forward to introducing an analysis in Galois Fields, discrete
functions are considered (such as transcendental ones) and MacLaurin series are
derived by Lagrange's Interpolation. A new derivative over finite fields is
defined which is based on the Hasse Derivative and is referred to as negacyclic
Hasse derivative. Finite field Taylor series and alpha-adic expansions over
GF(p), p prime, are then considered. Applications to exponential and
trigonometric functions are presented. Theses tools can be useful in areas such
as coding theory and digital signal processing.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Conference: XVII Simposio Brasileiro de
Telecomunicacoes, 1999, Vila Velha, ES, Brazil. (pp.472-477
A Factorization Scheme for Some Discrete Hartley Transform Matrices
Discrete transforms such as the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and the
discrete Hartley transform (DHT) are important tools in numerical analysis. The
successful application of transform techniques relies on the existence of
efficient fast transforms. In this paper some fast algorithms are derived. The
theoretical lower bound on the multiplicative complexity for the DFT/DHT are
achieved. The approach is based on the factorization of DHT matrices.
Algorithms for short blocklengths such as are
presented.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, International Conference on System
Engineering, Communications and Information Technologies, 2001, Punta Arenas.
ICSECIT 2001 Proceedings. Punta Arenas: Universidad de Magallanes, 200
Multilayer Hadamard Decomposition of Discrete Hartley Transforms
Discrete transforms such as the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) or the
discrete Hartley transform (DHT) furnish an indispensable tool in signal
processing. The successful application of transform techniques relies on the
existence of the so-called fast transforms. In this paper some fast algorithms
are derived which meet the lower bound on the multiplicative complexity of the
DFT/DHT. The approach is based on a decomposition of the DHT into layers of
Walsh-Hadamard transforms. In particular, fast algorithms for short block
lengths such as are presented.Comment: Fixed several typos. 7 pages, 5 figures, XVIII Simp\'osio Brasileiro
de Telecomunica\c{c}\~oes, 2000, Gramado, RS, Brazi
A Low-throughput Wavelet-based Steganography Audio Scheme
This paper presents the preliminary of a novel scheme of steganography, and
introduces the idea of combining two secret keys in the operation. The first
secret key encrypts the text using a standard cryptographic scheme (e.g. IDEA,
SAFER+, etc.) prior to the wavelet audio decomposition. The way in which the
cipher text is embedded in the file requires another key, namely a stego-key,
which is associated with features of the audio wavelet analysis.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, conference: 8th Brazilian Symposium on Information
and Computer System Security, 2008, Gramado, RS, Brazi
The Discrete Cosine Transform over Prime Finite Fields
This paper examines finite field trigonometry as a tool to construct
trigonometric digital transforms. In particular, by using properties of the
k-cosine function over GF(p), the Finite Field Discrete Cosine Transform
(FFDCT) is introduced. The FFDCT pair in GF(p) is defined, having blocklengths
that are divisors of (p+1)/2. A special case is the Mersenne FFDCT, defined
when p is a Mersenne prime. In this instance blocklengths that are powers of
two are possible and radix-2 fast algorithms can be used to compute the
transform.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3124,
Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2004, vol.1, pp.482-487, 200
Efficient Multiplex for Band-Limited Channels: Galois-Field Division Multiple Access
A new Efficient-bandwidth code-division-multiple-access (CDMA) for
band-limited channels is introduced which is based on finite field transforms.
A multilevel code division multiplex exploits orthogonality properties of
nonbinary sequences defined over a complex finite field. Galois-Fourier
transforms contain some redundancy and just cyclotomic coefficients are needed
to be transmitted yielding compact spectrum requirements. The primary advantage
of such schemes regarding classical multiplex is their better spectral
efficiency. This paper estimates the \textit{bandwidth compactness factor}
relatively to Time Division Multiple Access TDMA showing that it strongly
depends on the alphabet extension. These multiplex schemes termed Galois
Division Multiplex (GDM) are based on transforms for which there exists fast
algorithms. They are also convenient from the implementation viewpoint since
they can be implemented by a Digital Signal Processor.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, in: Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, INRIA,
1999, Paris. pp.235-241. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0588
Infinite Sequences, Series Convergence and the Discrete Time Fourier Transform over Finite Fields
Digital Transforms have important applications on subjects such as channel
coding, cryptography and digital signal processing. In this paper, two Fourier
Transforms are considered, the discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT) and the
finite field Fourier transform (FFFT). A finite field version of the DTFT is
introduced and the FFFT is redefined with a complex kernel, which makes it a
more appropriate finite field version of the Discrete Fourier Transform. These
transforms can handle FIR and IIR filters defined over finite algebraic
structures.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0337
A Full Frequency Masking Vocoder for Legal Eavesdropping Conversation Recording
This paper presents a new approach for a vocoder design based on full
frequency masking by octaves in addition to a technique for spectral filling
via beta probability distribution. Some psycho-acoustic characteristics of
human hearing - inaudibility masking in frequency and phase - are used as a
basis for the proposed algorithm. The results confirm that this technique may
be useful to save bandwidth in applications requiring intelligibility. It is
recommended for the legal eavesdropping of long voice conversations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, XXXV Cong. Nac. de Matematica Aplicada
e Computacional, Natal, RN, Brazil 201
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