126 research outputs found
Conformal Klein-Gordon equations and quasinormal modes
Using conformal coordinates associated with conformal relativity --
associated with de Sitter spacetime homeomorphic projection into Minkowski
spacetime -- we obtain a conformal Klein-Gordon partial differential equation,
which is intimately related to the production of quasi-normal modes (QNMs)
oscillations, in the context of electromagnetic and/or gravitational
perturbations around, e.g., black holes. While QNMs arise as the solution of a
wave-like equation with a Poschl-Teller potential, here we deduce and
analytically solve a conformal radial d'Alembert-like equation, from which we
derive QNMs formal solutions, in a proposed alternative to more completely
describe QNMs. As a by-product we show that this radial equation can be
identified with a Schrodinger-like equation in which the potential is exactly
the second Poschl-Teller potential, and it can shed some new light on the
investigations concerning QNMs.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
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