2,485 research outputs found


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    Sexual abuse against childhood and adolescence accounts for a complex problem in patriarchal society that continues to be made invisible. Problems that cannot be worked from a single discipline if it is intended to address it in a profound way, without biases, prejudices and / or stereotypes that - since ancient times - have accompanied its readings and approaches. In this context, this article attempts to account for those epistemological and theoretical contributions that involve adding gender studies to the psychoanalytic investigation of sexual abuse against children. The article will work around three central axes that will organize it: a reading of the field of research from gender studies; the particular theoretical and epistemological framework that the relationship between Psychoanalysis and Gender implies; to -finally- conclude on those specific contributions that a reading with a gender perspective supposes in the investigation of sexual abuse against children.El abuso sexual contra las infancias y adolescencias da cuenta de una compleja problemática de la sociedad patriarcal que continúa siendo invisibilizada. Problemática que no puede trabajarse desde una única disciplina si se pretende abordarla de modo profundo, sin sesgos, prejuicios y/o estereotipos que -desde antaño- han acompañado a las lecturas y abordajes de la misma. En dicho contexto, el presente artículo intenta dar cuenta de aquellos aportes epistemológicos y teóricos que implica sumar los estudios de género a la investigación psicoanalítica del abuso sexual contra niñas/os. Para lo cual se trabajará en torno a tres ejes centrales que organizarán el mismo, a saber: una lectura del campo de la investigación desde los estudios de género; el particular entramado teórico y epistemológico que implica la relación entre Psicoanálisis y Género; para, finalmente, concluir en aquellos aportes específicos que supone una lectura con perspectiva de género en la investigación del abuso sexual contra niñas/os.O abuso sexual contra a infância e adolescência se refere a uma problemática complexa da sociedade patriarcal que continua invisibilizada. Tal problemática não pode ser trabalhada a partir de uma única disciplina se a pretensão é abordá-la de modo profundo, sem pré-conceitos e/ou esteriótipos que - desde muito tempo - têm acompanhado as leituras e abordagens a respeito do tema. Neste contexto, o presente artigo tenta dar conta das contribuições epistemológicas e teóricas que implicam somar os estudos de gênero à investigação psicanalítica do abuso sexual contra a infância e adolescência. O trabalho se divide em três temas centrais: uma leitura do campo da investigação dos estudos de gênero; o particular entramado teórico e epistemológico que envolve a relação entre Psicanálise e Gênero; e, para concluir, temos: aquelas contribuições específicas que supõem uma leitura da perspectiva de gênero na investigação do abuso sexual de crianças

    Strategies of the Spanish press in the face of the Twitter algorithm change. Analysis of tweets published between 2018-2020

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    Twitter recently celebrated its 15th anniversary. During this period, the platform has gone through several phases, culminating in a record number of subscribers and profits in 2021. Twitter is a household name all over the world and people know what it can or cannot provide, independent of the future growth that it may experience with new investments and updates. This article aims to verify two interrelated hypotheses, namely: the Spanish press already knows how to optimise the social network Twitter, as three decades have elapsed since its launch; and, secondly, the algorithm modification implemented by Twitter in 2018 has triggered a change in the positioning of the headers studied in this social network. In order to demonstrate both, the object of analysis will be conducted by a mixed approach through quantitative statistical processes (which will study the number of impacts and retweets and likes obtained), and inductive qualitative methods such as semi-structured interviews. This multidisciplinary approach will provide a more complete and in-depth analysis of the phenomenon. The research focuses on the period between 2018 and 2020, and addresses the participation on Twitter of the four main traditional newspapers (El País, La Vanguardia, ABC and El Mundo) as well as four native digital newspapers (20 Minutos, El Español, elDiario.es and El Huffpost). The analysis comprises more than 1.5 million tweets among the eight chosen newspapers.Twitter acaba de celebrar su decimoquinto aniversario. Durante este periodo, la plataforma ha pasado varias fases que han culminado con un récord de suscriptores y beneficios en 2021. El mundo conoce Twitter y sabe qué es lo que puede o no proporcionar, aparte de las posibilidades de crecimiento que pueda experimentar en caso de potenciales inversiones. En el presente artículo se pretende comprobar dos hipótesis interrelacionadas, a saber: la prensa española en castellano ya sabe cómo optimizar la red social Twitter, por haber transcurrido tres lustros desde su puesta en marcha; y, en segundo lugar, el cambio de algoritmo implementado por Twitter en 2018 que ha desencadenado un cambio de posicionamiento de las cabeceras estudiadas en esta red social. Con el propósito de demostrar ambas, se abordará el objeto de análisis desde un enfoque mixto a través de procesos cuantitativos estadísticos (que estudiarán el número de impactos y de retuits y likes obtenidos), y métodos cualitativos inductivos como entrevistas semiestructuradas a los responsables de redes de los medios involucrados. Esta aproximación mixta proporcionará un análisis más completo y profundo sobre el fenómeno. La investigación se centra en el período comprendido entre 2018 y 2020, y aborda la participación en Twitter de cuatro periódicos tradicionales (El País, La Vanguardia, ABC y El Mundo), así como de cuatro periódicos nativos digitales (20 Minutos, El Español, elDiario.es y El Huffpost). El análisis comprende más de 1,5 millones de tuits entre los ocho periódicos elegidos

    Designing an Environmental Zone in a Mediterranean City to Support City Logistics

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    [EN] European cities are facing enormous challenges in accessibility and livability terms due to several European directives, which are compulsory in the mid/long term, traffic congestion levels are still increasing, and air pollution and noise disturbs citizens’ lives. This work presents the study carried out in a Mediterranean city to define an Environmental Zone with traffic restrictions for vehicles in the historical centre of the city of Cartagena (Spain) by exploring different urban logistics measures to tackle main problems caused by freight deliveries and pickups in the city centre. These solutions aimed to enhance the efficiency of vehicles, and to reduce both traffic congestion the environmental impacts caused by freight delivery in the city in order to improve urban sustainability.The research that has led to these results forms part of the work conducted by the students of the subject “Industrial Logistics” in the Master of Industrial Engineering during academic year 2016-2017 at the Technical University of Cartagena.Ros-Mcdonnell, L.; De-La-Fuente-Aragon, MV.; Ros-Mcdonnell, D.; Cardós Carboneras, M. (2018). Designing an Environmental Zone in a Mediterranean City to Support City Logistics. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 6(1):1-9. doi:10.4995/ijpme.2018.8771SWORD196

    Locating the Madras Kerchief in Global Textile Trade: Convergences Between Connecting Threads and the Dutch Textile Trade Project

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    This essay presents collaborative research related to the National Endowment for the Humanities-Arts and Humanities Research Council grant-funded project Connecting Threads, a website that brings together academics and curators across the United Kingdom and the United States who seek to contribute to wider decolonization work in the humanities and engage communities whose contributions to global cultures of textiles and fashion have historically been ignored. The Connecting Threads research team uses the Dutch Textile Trade Project’s data and web applications to deepen understanding of the Madras kerchief, a large checked cotton square cloth that circulated in Afro-diasporic communities in the Caribbean during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

    Locating the Madras Kerchief in Global Textile Trade: Convergences between Connecting Threads and the Dutch Textile Trade Project

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    This essay presents collaborative research related to the National Endowment for the Humanities-Arts and Humanities Research Council grant-funded project Connecting Threads, a website that brings together academics and curators across the United Kingdom and the United States who seek to contribute to wider decolonization work in the humanities and engage communities whose contributions to global cultures of textiles and fashion have historically been ignored. The Connecting Threads research team uses the Dutch Textile Trade Project’s data and web applications to deepen understanding of the Madras kerchief, a large checked cotton square cloth that circulated in Afro-diasporic communities in the Caribbean during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

    The Rectal Gland in Relation to the Osmoregulatory Mechanisms of Marine and Freshwater Elasmobranchs

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    The rectal gland of elasmobranchs secretes large quantities of electrolytes and is of primary importance in the osmoregulatory mechanisms of these animals (Burger and Hess, 1960; Burger, 1962). Analogously, various organs of other vertebrates are also known to be involved in salt secretion (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1965; Bonting, 1970; Bentley, 1971). In general, active ion transport is the basis of this phenomenon; in any case, it requires the presence of structural devices, morphologically and chemically well defined, and of metabolic capabilities which, taken singly, are not specific, but collectively are consistent with active ion transport and salt secretion

    La relación de los resultados del aprendizaje, la metodología docente y la metodología de evaluación

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    Actualmente, la formación universitaria en Europa, en general, y en España, en particular, está siendo sometida a un profundo análisis y reflexión sobre sus cometidos últimos. El fin de cualquier proceso formativo es que los estudiantes aprendan. Las partes fundamentales de este proceso son tres: Establecer aquello que debe saber el alumno al final de mismo (los resultados esperados del aprendizaje); la programación de actividades formativas a realizar durante el tiempo de duración de enseñanza (la metodología docente); y el sistema empleado para determinar el nivel de conocimientos adquiridos (la metodología de evaluación). La coordinación entre los resultados del aprendizaje, la metodología docente y la metodología de evaluación es clave para asegurar la bondad del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. El presente trabajo muestra la importancia de alinear (coordinar) las tres partes del proceso docente, así mismo, anejo al estudio se acompañan ejemplos de alineación docente de varias asignaturas de carreras técnicas