2,047 research outputs found

    Indirect Dark Matter Searches in the Light of ATIC, FERMI, EGRET and PAMELA

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    Recently, new data on antiprotons and positrons from PAMELA, e- + e+ spectra from ATIC, FERMI and HESS up to TeV energies all indicate deviations from expectations, which has caused an interesting mix of new explanations, ranging from background, standard astrophysical sources to signals from dark matter (DM) annihilation. Unfortunately, the excess in positrons is not matched with obvious excesses in antiprotons or gamma rays, so a new class of DM scenarios with leptophilic WIMP candidates have been invoked. On the other hand, the increase in the positron fraction, which could have had any spectral shape for new physics, matches well the shape expected from proton background.Comment: Invited talk at SUSY09, the 17th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Boston, 200

    Perspectives on the detection of supersymmetric Dark Matter

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    Up to now searches for Dark Matter (DM) detection have not been successful, either because our paradigm in how DM signals should look like are wrong or the detector sensitivity is still too low in spite of the large progress made in recent years. We discuss both possibilities starting with what we know about DM from cosmology and why Supersymmetry provides such an interesting paradigm for cosmology and particle physics in order to appreciate what it means to give up this paradigm. In addition, we compare the predicted cross sections for direct and indirect DM detection with observations with emphasis on the latest developments. Especially, we discuss the possible origins of the two hotly debated candidates for a DM annihilation signal, namely the positron excess and the Fermi GeV excess, which are unfortunately incompatible with each other and more mundane astrophysical explanations exist.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures. Invited talk at ICNFP2017, August 2017, Crete, Greec

    Determination of the Local Dark Matter Density in our Galaxy

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    The rotation curve, the total mass and the gravitational potential of the Galaxy are sensitive measurements of the dark matter halo profile. In this publication cuspy and cored DM halo profiles are analysed with respect to recent astronomical constraints in order to constrain the shape of the Galactic DM halo and the local DM density. All Galactic density components (luminous matter and DM) are parametrized. Then the total density distribution is constrained by astronomical observations: 1) the total mass of the Galaxy, 2) the total matter density at the position of the Sun, 3) the surface density of the visible matter, 4) the surface density of the total matter in the vicinity of the Sun, 5) the rotation speed of the Sun and 6) the shape of the velocity distribution within and above the Galactic disc. The mass model of the Galaxy is mainly constrained by the local matter density (Oort limit), the rotation speed of the Sun and the total mass of the Galaxy from tracer stars in the halo. It is shown from a statistical chi^2 fit to all data that the local DM density is strongly positively (negatively) correlated with the scale length of the DM halo (baryonic disc). Since these scale lengths are poorly constrained the local DM density can vary from 0.2 to 0.4 GeV/cm^3 (0.005 - 0.01 M_sun/pc^3) for a spherical DM halo profile and allowing total Galaxy masses up to 2 * 10^12 M_sun. For oblate DM halos and dark matter discs, as predicted in recent N-body simulations, the local DM density can be increased significantly.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Becoming more systematic about flexible learning: beyond time and distance

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    Changes in higher education frequently involve the need for more flexibility in course design and delivery. Flexibility is a concept that can be operationalized in many ways. One approach to conceptualizing flexibility within courses is to distinguish planning-type flexibility, which the instructor can designate before the course begins and which needs to be managed when the course is offered, for interpersonal flexibility, which relates more to the dynamics of the course as it is experienced by the learners. Course management systems (CMSs) offer options that can support both of these sorts of flexibility, if instructors use the CMSs with a systematic frame of reference. The instructor faces challenges in managing both types of flexibility, but the experience at one institution shows that being systematic about flexibility choices and ways to support those choices in the institutional CMS can help in meeting these challenges

    Indirect Dark Matter Signals from EGRET and PAMELA compared

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    Dark Matter annihilation (DMA) may yield an excess of gamma rays and antimatter particles, like antiprotons and positrons, above the background from cosmic ray interactions. The excess of diffuse Galactic Gamma Rays from EGRET shows all the features expected from DMA. The new precise measurements of the antiproton and positron fractions from PAMELA are compared with the EGRET excess. It is shown that the charged particles are strongly dependent on the propagation model used. The usual propagation models with isotropic propagation models are incompatible with the recently observed convection in our Galaxy. Convection leads to an order of magnitude uncertainty in the yield of charged particles from DMA, since even a rather small convection will let drift the charged particles in the halo to outer space. It is shown that such anisotropic propagation models including convection prefer a contribution from DMA for the antiprotons, but the rise in the positron fraction, as observed by PAMELA, is incompatible with DMA, if compared with the EGRET excess. A rise in the positron/electron ratio is expected, if the observed rise in the proton/electron ratio is carefully fitted in a propagation model, although the rise is slightly larger than expected, so additional local sources may contribute as well within the limited accuracy of the data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Contributed paper to the Eighth UCLA Symposium: Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Univers

    Simulation of beam induced lattice defects of diamond detectors using FLUKA

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    Diamond is more and more used as detector material for particle detection. One argument for diamond is its higher radiation hardness compared to silicon. Since various particles have different potential for radiation damage at different energies a scaling rule is necessary for the prediction of radiation damage. For silicon detectors the non-ionising energy loss (NIEL) is used for scaling the effects of different particles. A different way of predicting the radiation damage is based on the Norget-Robinson-Torrens theorem to predict the number of displacements per atom (DPA). This provides a better scaling rule since recombination effects are taken into account. This model is implemented in the FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations package for protons, neutrons and pions. We compare simulation results of NIEL and DPA for diamond and silicon material exposed to protons, neutrons and pions for a wide range of energies
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