3 research outputs found
Caution, Students at Large
A black bundle of fur hurtled through the doorway of Elm Hall and darted down the hallway. Wild-eyed, a coed shrieked her way after the little animal. Screams echoed through the dormitory as other occupants discovered the object of the chase- a tiny skunk
Leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) of ‘L93’creeping bentgrass for plants with ALA application (Nonsalinity+ALA) or without ALA application (Nonsalinity, untreated) under non-salinity control conditions and salinity-stressed plants without ALA application (salinity) or with ALA application (salinity+ALA) at 28 d of salinity stress.
<p>Columns marked with different letters indicate significant differences based on least significant difference (LSD) test (P≤0.05).</p
Mean square values from analyses of variance of data for different parameters of ‘L93’creeping bentgrass at 28 d of experiment.
<p>* = significant at 0.05 level, ns = non-significant.</p><p>TQ = Turf quality, SGR = Shoot growth rate, RWC = Relative water content, Chl = Total chlorophyll content, EL = Electrolyte leakage, MDA = Malondialdehyde content, Pn = Net photosythesis rate, gs = Stomatal conductance, Tr = Transpiration rate, Ket = Ketoglutaric, Suc = Succinic, Oxop = Oxoproline, Asp = Aspartic acid.</p><p>Mean square values from analyses of variance of data for different parameters of ‘L93’creeping bentgrass at 28 d of experiment.</p