557 research outputs found
Some remarks on unilateral matrix equations
We briefly review the results of our paper hep-th/0009013: we study certain
perturbative solutions of left-unilateral matrix equations. These are algebraic
equations where the coefficients and the unknown are square matrices of the
same order, or, more abstractly, elements of an associative, but possibly
noncommutative algebra, and all coefficients are on the left. Recently such
equations have appeared in a discussion of generalized Born-Infeld theories. In
particular, two equations, their perturbative solutions and the relation
between them are studied, applying a unified approach based on the generalized
Bezout theorem for matrix polynomials.Comment: latex, 6 pages, 1 figure, talk given at the euroconference "Brane New
World and Noncommutative Geometry", Villa Gualino, Torino, Italy, Oct 2-7,
Reality in the Differential Calculus on q-euclidean Spaces
The nonlinear reality structure of the derivatives and the differentials for
the euclidean q-spaces are found. A real Laplacian is constructed and reality
properties of the exterior derivative are given.Comment: 10 page
Fermi-Bose supersymmetry (supergauge symmetry in four dimensions)
The author explains the ideas of Fermi-Bose supersymmetry and presents examples to show how the construction of realistic models may be attempted. (24 refs)
Linear stability of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet static spacetimes. Part I: tensor perturbations
We study the stability under linear perturbations of a class of static
solutions of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity in dimensions with spatial
slices of the form \Sigma_{\k}^n \times {\mathbb R}^+, \Sigma_{\k}^n an
manifold of constant curvature \k. Linear perturbations for this class of
space-times can be generally classified into tensor, vector and scalar types.
The analysis in this paper is restricted to tensor perturbations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
WZW action in odd dimensional gauge theories
It is shown that Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) type actions can be constructed in
odd dimensional space-times using Wilson line or Wilson loop. WZW action
constructed using Wilson line gives anomalous gauge variations and the WZW
action constructed using Wilson loop gives anomalous chiral transformation. We
show that pure gauge theory including Yang-Mills action, Chern-Simons action
and the WZW action can be defined in odd dimensional space-times with even
dimensional boundaries. Examples in 3D and 5D are given. We emphasize that this
offers a way to generalize gauge theory in odd dimensions. The WZW action
constructed using Wilson line can not be considered as action localized on
boundary space-times since it can give anomalous gauge transformations on
separated boundaries. We try to show that such WZW action can be obtained in
the effective theory when making localized chiral fermions decouple.Comment: 19 pages, text shortened, reference added. Version to appear in PR
Braided Hopf Algebras and Differential Calculus
We show that the algebra of the bicovariant differential calculus on a
quantum group can be understood as a projection of the cross product between a
braided Hopf algebra and the quantum double of the quantum group. The resulting
super-Hopf algebra can be reproduced by extending the exterior derivative to
tensor products.Comment: 8 page
Nonabelian Gauge Theories on Noncommutative Spaces
In this paper, we describe a method for obtaining the nonabelian
Seiberg-Witten map for any gauge group and to any order in theta. The equations
defining the Seiberg-Witten map are expressed using a coboundary operator, so
that they can be solved by constructing a corresponding homotopy operator. The
ambiguities, of both the gauge and covariant type, which arise in this map are
manifest in our formalism.Comment: 14 pages, latex, Talk presented at 2001: A Spacetime Odyssey -
Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, some typos correcte
Weyl Symmetry and the Liouville Theory
Flat-space conformal invariance and curved-space Weyl invariance are simply
related in dimensions greater than two. In two dimensions the Liouville theory
presents an exceptional situation, which we here examine.Comment: 8 pages, no figure
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