305 research outputs found
Pendidikan Kognitif Berbasis Karakter
Pendidikan kognitif berbasis karakter dapat dipandang sebagai
penilaian yang tertua di dalam sejarah pendidikan. Penilaian
penilaian yang tertua di dalam sejarah pendidikan. Penilaian
ini sangat menitik beratkan pada pengukuran proses evaluasi
ini sangat menitik beratkan pada pengukuran proses evaluasi
pendidikan. Pengukuran tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pengertian
pendidikan. Pengukuran tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pengertian
kuantitas atau jumlah. Jumlah ini akan menentukan besarnya
kuantitas atau jumlah. Jumlah ini akan menentukan besarnya
(magnitude) objek, orang ataupun peristiwa-peristiwa yang
(magnitude) objek, orang ataupun peristiwa-peristiwa yang
dilukiskan dalam unit-unit ukuran tertentu. Dalam bidang
dilukiskan dalam unit-unit ukuran tertentu. Dalam bidang
pendidikan, penilaian yang bersifat pada pengembangan
pendidikan, penilaian yang bersifat pada pengembangan
kognitif, ini telah diterapkan dalam proses evaluasi untuk
kognitif, ini telah diterapkan dalam proses evaluasi untuk
melihat dan mengungkapkan perbedaan-perbedaan individual
melihat dan mengungkapkan perbedaan-perbedaan individual
maupun kelompok dalam hal kemampuan, minat, sikap maupun
maupun kelompok dalam hal kemampuan, minat, sikap maupun
kepribadian. Adapun pendidikan yang paling mendasar dalam
kepribadian. Adapun pendidikan yang paling mendasar dalam
kehidupan generasi bangsa adalah pendidikan karakter, karena dengan adanya kualitas sumber daya manusia yang berkarakter akan menentukan kemajuan suatu bangsa. Karakter yang berkulaitas perlu dibentuk dan dibina sejak usia dini, karena usia dini merupakan masa penentuan bagi pembentukan karakter seseorang. Oleh karena itu, kesuksesan orang tua dalam membimbing anaknya dalam mengatasi konflik kepribadian di
kehidupan generasi bangsa adalah pendidikan karakter, karena dengan adanya kualitas sumber daya manusia yang berkarakter akan menentukan kemajuan suatu bangsa. Karakter yang berkulaitas perlu dibentuk dan dibina sejak usia dini, karena usia dini merupakan masa penentuan bagi pembentukan karakter seseorang. Oleh karena itu, kesuksesan orang tua dalam membimbing anaknya dalam mengatasi konflik kepribadian di
usia dini sangat menentukan kesuksesan anak dalam kehidupan sosial di masa dewasanya.
usia dini sangat menentukan kesuksesan anak dalam kehidupan sosial di masa dewasanya
Pengembangan Media Animasi Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Geografi Di SMA
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pengembangan media animasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran Geografi di SMA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan developmental research. Subjek penelitian, yaitu kelas X3 SMA Al- Kautsar Bandar Lampung sebanyak 42 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui tes, wawancara, dan angket. Analisis data yang digunakan, yaitu kualitatif dan kuantitatif berdasarkan kriteria penilaian siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan ketuntasan belajar siswa berdasarkan hasil postes, yaitu sebesar 67% pada postes perta- ma, meningkat menjadi 71% pada postes kedua, dan meningkat menjadi 80% pada postes ketiga. Keefektifan media juga meningkat dari hasil postes pada kelas yang mengguna- kan media animasi. Postes pertama menunjukkan penggunaan media animasi sebesar 64,2, postes kedua sebesar 69,9, dan postes ketiga sebesar 73,5. Tanggapan siswa tentang penggunaan media animasi sebagai media pembelajaran Geografi menyatakan 87% baik dan menarik. Kesimpulan bahwa media animasi sebagai media pembelajaran Geografi efektif digunakan dan mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa
Perubahan Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah Akibat Pemberian Limbah Cair Industri Kelapa Sawit Dengan Metode Land Application
The aims of the research was to know effect gift industrial liquid waste of palm oil with the method land application on the some soil chemistry properties.The research was started from April until July 2011, that conducted in PT. London Sumatra sub district of Tanjung Isuy, with total areas of land was + 7,29 ha at block 81 D and waste volume given as much 6.690 m3 equivalent by 6.6690.000 litre. Soil sample was taken by using auger soil at depth of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm compositely by system random.Results of the research showed that gift industrial liquid waste of palm oil with the method land application was existence of degradation of pH, C organic, and N total, but improvement on the element P available and K available
RESEARCH NOTE Floral Bud Length as Morphological Predictor for Microspore Developmental Stage in Sturt\u27s Desert Pea (Swainsona Formosa)
This work was conducted to establish the relationship between microspore developmental stage and length of the floral bud in glasshouse-grown Sturt\u27s desert pea, a native Australian legume. The stages of microspore development were segregated into tetrad, early-uninucleate, mid-uninucleate and late-uninucleate. The results showed that the stage of microspore development was highly dependent on the length of floral bud. The tetrad stage lasted longer than early-, mid- or late-uninucleate stages. The attempted induction of androgenesis in Sturt\u27s desert pea using anthers from floral buds with similar size, as in the present work, was unsuccessful. However, our work showed that the floral bud length can be used as a reliable predictor of microspore developmental stage in Sturt\u27s desert pea
Implementasi Kebijakan Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya Di Kecamatan Parigi Selatan
This study aims to find out what caused the implementation of Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Policy in South Parigi District has not been effective. The research type of this study was descriptive qualitative research. The types of data used in this study were primary and secondary data. Those data were collected by means of observations, interviews, documentations, and triangulations. Informant sampling method used in this study was purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used in this study was the Miles and Huberman model, i.e. data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The theory used in this study was the theory of van Meter and van Horn, consisting of 6 (six) aspects: the basic measures and policy objectives, policy resources, interagency and inter-implementation communications, characteristics of the implementing agencies, and economic, social, and political conditions, as well as tendencies of the implementers. The results show that the implementation of Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Policy in South Parigi District has not been effective: First, the communication aspect: socializations were done only when the meetings, those were not done on the KPB level resulting public ignorance about the basic measures and policy goals. In addition, the interagency coordination has not been maximal. Second, the characteristics of implementing agencies aspect: the sanctions given by the Department of Public Works and Public Housing of Parigi Moutong Regency on the violating parties were not strict, so as the awareness of the facilitators, the third parties, and the society were not awakened which in turn made the policy implementers not responsible for the policy implementation. Third, the tendencies of the implementers: an attitude that is not considered responsible and transparent, because it provides opportunities for certain parties to collect levies without clear designations and to do dereliction of duty and responsibility so that the distributions of building materials were delayed. Thus, the researcher concludes that policy implementation Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Policy in South Parigi District was not maximal, because only three (3) aspects are met: the basic measures and policy objectives, policy resources, and economic, social, and political conditions. While, other aspects were not maximal: interagency and inter-implementation communications, characteristics of the implementing agencies, and tendencies of the implementers
Analisis Penetapan Kriteria Kawasan Hutan
The purpose of this analysis is to determine ( 1 ) What are the criteria based on the forest slope , soil type and rainfall can be used as a basis for determining the hedging function , functional conservation and production functions , and ( 2 ) the criteria to meet the balance of forest ecosystems in the created in the layout plan of the province.The research was conducted for 4 ( four ) months from December 2012 to April 2013 , at the Faculty of Agriculture University GIS Laboratory Mulawarman , and several government agencies East Kalimantan Province .Data collection is done by : ( 1 ) data collection library , ( 2 ) data collection of government policy , and ( 3 ) observation satellite map.This research used descriptive analysis method by comparing the criteria with the forest setting policy rules of the forest ecosystem and forest conditions in the field that have a negative impact on the environment . Data from the analysis of Landsat satellite imagery from the comparator would be a real forest conditions , and generally explore the benefits and functions of the forest as is .The results showed that : ( 1 ) setting the criteria forest slope , soil type , and rainfall can not be made the basis of the criteria in determining the area of protected forests , forest conservation and forest production , and ( 2 ) the main criteria that can be used the setting is the availability of forest trees count as forming community forest
Soil Erosion Assessment of the Post-Coal Mining Site in Kutai Kartanagera District, East Kalimantan Province
Besides of its positive economic impact, mining activity has negative impacts to the sustainability of community development and livelihoods as mining reclamation can't restore the land condition to its original state. The objective of this study was to determine the main factor that caused soil erosion induced in post-coal mining and defined reclamation activity that caused soil erosion. The observed parameters were site reclamation age of each companies, soil physical properties (density, texture, permeability, organic material and soil structure), rainfall rate, soil chemical properties, land cover and age of re-vegetation, plant cover. Analysis was carried out to determine the magnitude of erosion at each site unit, tolerable erosion and potential erosion level. Adequate reclamation action with good vegetative cover could be seen from erosion magnitude at five year reclamation age i.e. 1.7 ton/ha/ year- which lower than tolerable erosion i.e. 5.4 ton/ha/year. While inadequate reclamation action could be seen from erosion magnitude at nine year age of reclamation i.e. 201.1 ton/ha/year1 which higher than tolerable erosion i.e. 15.1 ton/ha/ year1. The erosion magnitude at the four month of reclamation age was 4.966,3 ton/ha with tolerable erosion was 5.3 ton/ha. The erosion magnitude that occurs in post-mining site was due to soil compaction that lowering soil permeability rate leading to slow growing of cover crop. This condition made the soil wasn't covered from raindrop and water run-off. In order to improve the soil condition of post-mining site into productive land, legume cover crop was recommended to be planted
Pengaruh Hubungan Gerakan Penerapan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (GP-PTT) Dengan Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Kedelai
Food crops sector as producers of staple food for the people of Indonesia, so that this role can not be substituted fully by other sectors except food imports.Soybean crop is one of the staple food for the people of Indonesia that demand is increasing, therefore the government held a movement program Implementation of Integrated Crop Management (GP-PTT) to increase soybean production. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the relationship Movement Implementation of Integrated Crop Management (GP-PTT) in the increased production of soybeans in Rejo village Binangun Raman District of North East Lampung district. The method used is a qualitative and quantitative methods. The sample was 27 farmers were taken by systematic random sampling technic. Data analysis method used is the analysis method validity, reliability, and Spearman rank test. This research was conducted in the village of Rejo Binangun Raman District of North East Lampung district in April 2016. The results showed that the the factors related to business assistance in relation Movement Application Processing Integrated Plant (GP-PTT) with an increase in the production of soybean on variable business assistance, PPT technology component, group participation. The third variable business assistance, the variable component PPT technology, variable group participation are of marked meaning if the higher aid farming, technology components, and group participation, the interest of farmers for the higher soybean
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