315 research outputs found
Order alpha(6)mc(2) contributions to the fine structure splittings of helium and helium-like ions.
In this thesis, the Douglas and Kroll order \alpha\sp6mc\sp2 contributions to the 1s2p\sp3P\sb{J} fine structure splittings of helium are evaluated using the new variational wave functions of Drake (2). Our results improve the old calculation of Daley et al. (13) by several orders of magnitude. Extensions are made to two-electron ions in arbitrary angular momentum states. The other triplet states calculated are Z = 2, 1snp \sp3P\sb{J}, n = 2,, 10; Z = 3, 12, 1s2p \sp3P\sb{J}; Z = 3,,12, 1s3p\sp3P\sb{J}; Z = 2,, 12, 1s3d \sp3D\sb{J}; and Z = 2, 1snd \sp3D\sb{J}, n = 4,, 10. The final numerical values for the reduced matrix elements and the splittings are tabulated. By including the newly calculated second-order contributions of Drake, a comparison with the present high precision experimental measurements for the 1s2p \sp3P\sb{J} states of helium is made. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 56-01, Section: B, page: 0298. Supervisor: G. W. F. Drake. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1994
The dynamic dipole polarizabilities of the Li atom and the Be+ ion
The dynamic dipole polarizabilities for the Li atom and the Be+ ion in the 2s
and 2p states are calculated using the variational method with a Hylleraas
basis. The present polarizabilities represent the definitive values in the
non-relativistic limit. Corrections due to relativistic effects are also
estimated. Analytic representations of the polarizabilities for frequency
ranges encompassing the n=3 excitations are presented. The recommended
polarizabilities for ^7Li and ^9Be+ were 164.11 \pm 0.03 a.u. and 24.489 \pm
0.004 a.u.
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