748 research outputs found

    Exactly solvable models with PT-symmetry and with an asymmetric coupling of channels

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    Bound states generated by K coupled PT-symmetric square wells are studied in a series of models where the Hamiltonians are assumed R−R-pseudo-Hermitian and R2−R^2-symmetric. Specific rotation-like generalized parities RR are considered such that RN=IR^N=I at some integers N. We show that and how our assumptions make the models exactly solvable and quasi-Hermitian. This means that they possess the real spectra as well as the standard probabilistic interpretation.Comment: 22 p., submitted and to be presented, this week, to PHHQP IV Int. Workshop in Stellenbosch (http://academic.sun.ac.za/workshop

    Complete Set of Inner Products for a Discrete PT-symmetric Square-well Hamiltonian

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    A discrete N−N-point Runge-Kutta version H(N)(λ)H^{(N)}({\lambda}) of one of the simplest non-Hermitian square-well Hamiltonians with real spectrum is studied. A complete set of its possible hermitizations (i.e., of the eligible metrics Θ(N)(λ)\Theta^{(N)}({\lambda}) defining its non-equivalent physical Hilbert spaces of states) is constructed, in closed form, for any coupling λ∈(−1,1){\lambda}\in (-1,1) and any matrix dimension NN.Comment: 26 pp., 6 figure

    Perturbation method for non-square Hamiltonians and its application to polynomial oscillators

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    A remarkable extension of Rayleigh-Schroedinger perturbation method is found. Its (N+q) x (N+1) - dimensional Hamiltonians (as emerging, e.g., during quasi-exact constructions of bound states) are non-square matrices at q > 1. The role of an eigenvalue is played by an energy/coupling q-plet. In all orders, its perturbations are defined via a q-dimensional inversion.Comment: 21 page

    Perturbed Poeschl-Teller oscillators

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    Wave functions and energies are constructed in a short-range Poeschl-Teller well (= negative quadratic secans hyperbolicus) with a quartic perturbation. Within the framework of an innovated, Lanczos-inspired perturbation theory we show that our choice of non-orthogonal basis makes all the corrections given by closed formulae. The first few items are then generated using MAPLE.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, submitted to Physics Letters

    Cryptohermitian Hamiltonians on graphs

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    A family of nonhermitian quantum graphs (exhibiting, presumably, a hidden form of hermiticity) is proposed and studied via their discretization.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, the IJTP-special-issue core of talk presented during PHHQP-9 conference (June 21 - 23, 2010, Hangzhou, China, http://www.math.zju.edu.cn/wjd/

    Classification of the conditionally observable spectra exhibiting central symmetry

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    We show how in PT-symmetric 2J-level quantum systems the assumption of an upside-down symmetry (or duality) of their spectra simplifies their classification based on the non-equivalent pairwise mergers of the energy levels.Comment: 10 pp. 3 figure

    Strengthened PT-symmetry with P ≠\neq P†^\dagger

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    Two alternative scenarios are shown possible in Quantum Mechanics working with non-Hermitian PT−PT-symmetric form of observables. While, usually, people assume that PP is a self-adjoint indefinite metric in Hilbert space (and that their P−P-pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians HH possess the real spectra etc), we propose to relax the constraint P=P†P=P^\dagger as redundant. Non-Hermitian triplet of coupled square wells is chosen for illustration purposes. Its solutions are constructed and the observed degeneracy of their spectrum is attributed to the characteristic nontrivial symmetry S=P−1P†≠IS={P}^{-1} {P}^\dagger \neq I of the model HH. Due to the solvability of the model the determination of the domain where the energies remain real is straightforward. A few remarks on the correct (albeit ambiguous) physical interpretation of the model are added.Comment: 10 pp. + 1 figur

    Scattering theory with localized non-Hermiticities

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    In the context of the recent interest in solvable models of scattering mediated by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians (cf. H. F. Jones, Phys. Rev. D 76, 125003 (2007)) we show that and how the well known variability of our ad hoc choice of the metric Θ\Theta which defines the physical Hilbert space of states can help us to clarify several apparent paradoxes. We argue that with a suitable Θ\Theta a fully plausible physical picture of the scattering is recovered. Quantitatively, our new recipe is illustrated on an exactly solvable toy model.Comment: 22 pp, grammar amende

    The Coulomb - harmonic oscillator correspondence in PT-symmetric quantum mechanics

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    We show that and how the Coulomb potential can be regularized and solved exactly at the imaginary couplings. The new spectrum of energies is real and bounded as expected, but its explicit form proves totally different from the usual real-coupling case.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Quantum toboggans with two branch points

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    Wave functions describing quantum toboggans with two branch points (QT2) are defined along complex contours of coordinates which spiral around these branch points. The classification of QT2 is found in terms of certain ``winding descriptors" ϱ\varrho. A mapping x(ϱ)(s)→y(0)(s)x^{(\varrho)}(s) \to y^{(0)}(s) is then presented which rectifies the contours for a subset of the simplest ϱ=ϱ0\varrho=\varrho_0.Comment: 19pp, 3 figs, presented also as a part of the lecture for QTS-5 conference in Valladolid, Spain, during July 22-28, 2007 (see its webpage http://tristan.fam.cie.uva.es/qts5
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