57 research outputs found

    Goal-oriented design of value and process models from patterns

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    This thesis defines a design framework and a method for modelling networked businesses. The intended application domain is electronic businesses that extensively use information and communication technology to coordinate work. The key property of the proposed approach is the reuse of design knowledge in the form of design patterns. Design patterns are extracted from models of existing electronic intermediaries considered successful. These businesses have been reverse-engineered to two types of models: economic value exchange models and business process models. The identified patterns comprise two libraries of value exchange and business process patterns, respectively. Patterns are catalogued with, among others, their context, solved problem, and proposed solution. Most importantly, they are annotated with a machine-readable\ud capability model used as a search key in the library. Capability models are part of the goal-modelling technique for business requirements proposed here. Our goal-modelling technique operationalizes each business goal with a variable and an evaluation function: the evaluation function determines when a measured variable value satisfies the goal. A goal model represents requirements if goals are assigned evaluation functions but the variable values are unknown. In such a case, the goal model specifies what is desired to happen. If, on the other hand, variable values are known, the goal model documents the capabilities of a pattern. The proposed design framework structures the development process into: (1) available design knowledge in libraries of value and process patterns, (2) business requirements captured in a goal model, and (3) economic value and business process perspectives to look at a business system. The design method prescribes steps to transform patterns and requirements into a system specification. These include: (i) identification of relevant pattern based on matching capability and requirements goal models; (ii) synthesis of value and process patterns into value and process models, respectively; and (iii) consistency check procedure for value and process model.\ud The usefulness of the approach is demonstrated in a real-life example, which shows that the framework and method exhibit a predefined set of desired properties

    Multi-perspective requirements engineering for networked business systems: a framework for pattern composition

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    How business and software analysts explore, document, and negotiate requirements for enterprise systems is critical to the benefits their organizations will eventually derive. In this paper, we present a framework for analysis and redesign of networked business systems. It is based on libraries of patterns which are derived from existing Internet businesses. The framework includes three perspectives: Economic value, Business processes, and Application communication, each of which applies a goal-oriented method to compose patterns. By means of consistency relationships between perspectives, we demonstrate the usefulness of the patterns as a light-weight approach to exploration of business ideas


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    The effects of water stress on water relations in the leaves of young common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants were studied. Water stress was imposed 14 days after the emergency by withholding water until soil water potential reached -0.9 MPa. Water defi cit led to a noticeable decrease in both the osmotic potential at full hydration and turgor loss poin in the primary and the fi rst trifoliate leaves of all the cultivars. The lowest calculated values for osmotic adjustment are found in droughted plants of cv. Dobrudjanski ran (-0.29 MPa for the primary and -0.42 MPa for the fi rst trifoliate leaf). In contrast, high osmotic adjustment was found in cultivars Plovdiv 10 and Prelom. The three bean genotypes displayed signifi cant differences in their adaptive response to drought. This study indicated that osmotic adjustment is one of the major adaptive mechanisms of Phaseolus vulgaris to survive drought. The main difference among cultivars appears to be due to turgor maintenance, which may be more representative of the physiological status of the leaves in these cultivars.Проучено е влиянието на водния стрес върху водообмена в листата на млади растения фасул (Phaseolus vulgaris L). Водният стрес е приложен 14 дни след поникването на растенията, чрез прекратяване на поливането, до достигане на потенциал на водата в почвата -0.9 МРа. Водният дефицит предизвиква значително понижение в осмотичния потенциал при пълно насищане с вода, както и на точката на загуба на тургор в първичния и първи сложен лист в растенията и от трите сорта. С най-ниска стойност на осмотичното приспособяване са растенията от сорт Добруджански ран (-0.29 МРа за първичния и -0.42 МРа за първи сложен лист). При сорт Прелом и сорт Пловдив 10 степента на осмотично приспособяване е най-висока. Растенията от трите генотипа показват значителни различия в реакцията им към приложеното засушаване. Установено е, че осмотичното приспособяване е един от основните адаптивни механизми при фасула за преодоляване на приложеното засушаване. Основното различие между растенията от трите сорта е в способността им да поддържат тургора, което е показателно за функционалното състояние на листата и на растенията като цяло

    Goal-Oriented RE for E-Services

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    Current research in service-oriented computing (SoC) is mainly\ud about technology standards for SoC and the design of software components that\ud implement these standards. In this paper we investigate the problem of\ud requirements engineering (RE) for SoC. We propose a framework for goaloriented\ud RE for e-services that identifies patterns in service provisioning and\ud shows how to compose business models from them. Based on an analysis of 19\ud business models for e-intermediaries we identified 10 intermediation service\ud patterns and their goals, and show how we can compose new business models\ud from those patterns in a goal-oriented way. We represent the service patterns\ud using value models, which are models that show which value exchanges\ud business patterns engage in. We conclude the paper with a discussion of how\ud this approach can be extended to include business process patterns to perform\ud the services, and software components that support these processes

    Towards critical event monitoring, detection and prediction for self-adaptive future Internet applications

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    The Future Internet (FI) will be composed of a multitude of diverse types of services that offer flexible, remote access to software features, content, computing resources, and middleware solutions through different cloud delivery models, such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Ultimately, this means that loosely coupled Internet services will form a comprehensive base for developing value added applications in an agile way. Unlike traditional application development, which uses computing resources and software components under local administrative control, FI applications will thus strongly depend on third-party services. To maintain their quality of service, those applications therefore need to dynamically and autonomously adapt to an unprecedented level of changes that may occur during runtime. In this paper, we present our recent experiences on monitoring, detection, and prediction of critical events for both software services and multimedia applications. Based on these findings we introduce potential directions for future research on self-adaptive FI applications, bringing together those research directions


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    The effects of water stress on water relations in the leaves of young common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants were studied. Water stress was imposed 14 days after the emergency by withholding water until soil water potential reached -0.9 MPa. Water defi cit led to a noticeable decrease in both the osmotic potential at full hydration and turgor loss poin in the primary and the fi rst trifoliate leaves of all the cultivars. The lowest calculated values for osmotic adjustment are found in droughted plants of cv. Dobrudjanski ran (-0.29 MPa for the primary and -0.42 MPa for the fi rst trifoliate leaf). In contrast, high osmotic adjustment was found in cultivars Plovdiv 10 and Prelom. The three bean genotypes displayed signifi cant differences in their adaptive response to drought. This study indicated that osmotic adjustment is one of the major adaptive mechanisms of Phaseolus vulgaris to survive drought. The main difference among cultivars appears to be due to turgor maintenance, which may be more representative of the physiological status of the leaves in these cultivars.Проучено е влиянието на водния стрес върху водообмена в листата на млади растения фасул (Phaseolus vulgaris L). Водният стрес е приложен 14 дни след поникването на растенията, чрез прекратяване на поливането, до достигане на потенциал на водата в почвата -0.9 МРа. Водният дефицит предизвиква значително понижение в осмотичния потенциал при пълно насищане с вода, както и на точката на загуба на тургор в първичния и първи сложен лист в растенията и от трите сорта. С най-ниска стойност на осмотичното приспособяване са растенията от сорт Добруджански ран (-0.29 МРа за първичния и -0.42 МРа за първи сложен лист). При сорт Прелом и сорт Пловдив 10 степента на осмотично приспособяване е най-висока. Растенията от трите генотипа показват значителни различия в реакцията им към приложеното засушаване. Установено е, че осмотичното приспособяване е един от основните адаптивни механизми при фасула за преодоляване на приложеното засушаване. Основното различие между растенията от трите сорта е в способността им да поддържат тургора, което е показателно за функционалното състояние на листата и на растенията като цяло

    Value-exchange patterns in business models of intermediaries that offer negotiation services

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    This document is a library of value-exchange patterns. A value-exchange pattern is a repeatedly occurring fragment in value-based business models. The collection is drawn out of business models of market intermediaries that offer negotiation services. The intermediaries are selected as a result of literature and Internet surveys. The first part of the document presents the pool of business models from which the library is derived. Businesses are modeled with the e3value ontology [8][7], which emphasizes on the values exchanged. Therefore, the patterns identified are called value-exchange patterns. The second part of the document presents the library. Every pattern is specified in a template describing its name, context, goal, values exchanged and services offered


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    The effect of ammonium sulphate supply on plant Cd uptake, growth and photosynthesis of bean plants (cv. Limburgse vroege) grown in Cd-contaminated artifi cial soil was studied. The experiments were performed at controlled conditions in absence or presence of Cd (0 or 50 mg Cd kg-1 soil) and with or without supply of ammonium sulphate [0 or 0.687 g (NH4)2SO4 kg-1]. Cadmium inhibited both growth and photosynthetic activity of bean plants. The supply of ammonium sulphate had no signifi cant effect on plant Cd uptake and growth inhibition, but to some extend, reduced Cd-induced stress and its negative impact on the photosynthetic performance.Изследван е ефектът от приложението на амониевия сулфат върху постъпването на Cd, растежа и фотосинтезата на фасулеви растения (сорт Limburgse vroede), отглеждани върху замърсена с Cd изкуствена почва. Опитите са изведени при контролирани условия в отсъствие или присъствие на Cd (0 или 50 mg Cd kg-1 почва) и при торене или без торене с амониев сулфат [0 или 0.687 g (NH4)2SO4 kg-1 почва]. Установено е, че Cd инхибира растежа и фотосинтетичната активност на фасулевите растения. Приложението на амониев сулфат не оказва съществено влияние върху постъпването на Cd и растежа на растенията, но намалява, в известна степен, проявите на Cd стрес и техния негативен ефект върху фотосинтезата


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    Gas-exchange, plastid pigments and some other physiological parameters were determined in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. local populations) leaves naturally infected by Xanthomonas campestris pv.phaseoli (Smith) Dye, and Pseudomonas syringae pv.phaseolicola (Bukholder) Young, Dye et Wilkie, and in healthy leaves (control). It was established that infected leaves had lower both plastid pigments content and photosynthetic activity as well as lower yield and quality of produce


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    The potential modifying effect of the synthetic growth regulators Tidiazuron and poliamine diethilentriamine, applied after gamma-irradiation stress on oats and triticale plants, was studied. Pot vegetative experiments with spring oats, cultivar Hanza 152, and triticale, cultivar 7251, were carried out. The plants were grown under controlled conditions and in the phase of stem extension they were irradiated with Cesium- 137 gamma rays, at a dose rate of 6 Gy (oats), and 4 Gy (triticale), and dose intensity of 2 Gy/min. On the day after the irradiation the plants were sprayed with a radioprotector for the purpose of decreasing the radiation damage. Two types of protectors were tested: tidiazuron and diethilenthriamine. The irradiation of oats and triticale plants in the phase of stem extension caused stress, which was detected by the disorganization of the cardinal physiological processes. The tested synthetic plant growth regulators reduced the negative effect of the irradiation. The peroxidase activity and the lipid peroxidation were reduced, while the plant productivity and the photosynthetic pigments were increased, both photosynthesis and transpiration activation were increased. Independently of the similar effect of both of the substances, polyamine DETA was characterized with a better modifying effect.Изследван беше модифициращият ефект на синтетичния растежен регулатор Тидиазурон и полиамина Диетилентриамин. Изведен беше вегетационен съдов опит с пролетен овес, сорт Ханза и тритикале сорт 7251. Растенията бяха отгледани при контролирани условия и във фаза вретенене бяха облъчени с гама-лъчи (Cs- 137), доза 6 Gy (овес), и 4 Gy (тритикале), при мощност на дозата 2 Gy/min. На следващия ден бяха третирани с посочените растежни вещества. Установено беше, че облъчването на овес и тритикале предизвиква стрес в растенията, който се изразява в подтискане на физиологичните процеси. Приложените вещества намаляват негативния ефект от облъчването. Липидната пероксидация и активността на ензима пероксидаза намаляват, докато продуктивността, скоростта на фотосинтезата и съдържанието на фотосинтетичните пигменти се повишава при третираните растения. Независимо от сходния характер на веществата, полиаминът диетилентриамин се характеризира с по-добър модифициращ ефект