6 research outputs found
An Investigation of the Negotiation Domain for Electronic Commerce Information Systems
To support fully automatic business cycles, information systems for electronic commerce need to be able to conduct negotiation automatically. In recent years, a number of general frameworks for automated negotiation have been proposed. Application of such frameworks in a specific negotiation situation entails selecting the proper framework and adapting it to this situation. This selection and adaptation process is driven by the specific characteristics of the situation. This paper presents a systematic investigation of there characteristics and surveys a number of frameworks for automated negotiation
Dynamic Matching of Services by Negotation
This paper presents my research project on the topic of dynamic matching of services by negotiation. The goal of the research is to develop a design theory for information systems that offer negotiation services. The result of the research will be a specification of a design framework for such systems. This framework will contain knowledge about architectural choices one has to make when designing an information system with particular properties satisfying particular requirements
Semantic Support for Automated Negotiation with Alliances
Companies can form alliances on the Internet to aggregate buying or selling power and create value. More concretely, together resources are shared or new possibilities are exploited that cannot be exploited individually. Most alliances are formed as a result of a negotiation process between the companies that form an alliance. This paper proposes a software framework that enables automated negotiation between alliances. Our framework allows for the semantic description of negotiation objects and their attributes, and provides a mean for the exchange of negotiation messages unambiguously interpretable by all parties involved. The proposed framework supports ad-hoc alliances by allowing parties with a common interest to negotiate on the proposal they want to make to other market participants first
Consistency between e3-value Models and Activity Diagrams in a Multi-Perspective Development Method
Multi-perspective approaches to analysis and design of businesses information systems are used to manage the complexity of the development process. A perspective contains a partial specification of the system from a particular stakeholder�s standpoint. This separation of concerns leads to potential inconsistencies between specifications from different perspectives, resulting in non-implementable systems. In this paper, a consistency relationship between the economic value and business processes perspectives of a design framework for networked businesses is proposed based on an equivalence of a common semantic model