428 research outputs found
Photon emission in a constant magnetic field in 2+1 dimensional space-time
We calculate by the proper-time method the amplitude of the two-photon
emission by a charged fermion in a constant magnetic field in (2+1)-dimensional
space-time. The relevant dynamics reduces to that of a supesymmetric
quantum-mechanical system with one bosonic and one fermionic degrees of
freedom.Comment: 18 pages. v2: references added, some significant changes in the
Natural Quintessence with Gauge Coupling Unification
We show that a positive accelerating universe can be obtained simply by the
dynamics of a non-abelian gauge group. It is the condensates of the chiral
fields that obtain a negative power potential, below the condensation scale,
and allow for a quintessence interpretation of these fields. The only free
parameters in this model are and and the number of dynamically
gauge singlet bilinear fields generated below the condensation scale. We
show that it is possible to have unification of all coupling constants,
including the standard and non standard model couplings, while having an
acceptable phenomenology of as the cosmological constant. This is done
without any fine tuning of the initial conditions. The problem of coincidence
(why the universe has only recently started an accelerating period) is not
solved but it is put at the same level as what the particle content of the
standard model is.Comment: minor changes(discussion on field normalization included), reference
added, accepted in Phy.Rev.Lett., 5 pages,LateX,2 Figure
Cosmological models from quintessence
A generalized quintessence model is presented which corresponds to a richer
vacuum structure that, besides a time-dependent, slowly varying scalar field,
contains a varying cosmological term. From first principles we determine a
number of scalar-field potentials that satisfy the constraints imposed by the
field equations and conservations laws, both in the conventional and
generalized quintessence models. Besides inverse-power law solutions, these
potentials are given in terms of hyperbolic functions or the twelve Jacobian
elliptic functions, and are all related to the luminosity distance by means of
an integral equation. Integration of this equation for the different solutions
leads to a large family of cosmological models characterized by luminosity
distance-redshift relations. Out of such models, only four appear to be able to
predict a required accelerating universe conforming to observations on
supernova Ia, at large or moderate redshifts.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Palatini approach to 1/R gravity and its implications to the late Universe
By applying the Palatini approach to the 1/R-gravity model it is possible to
explain the present accelerated expansion of the Universe. Investigation of the
late Universe limiting case shows that: (i) due to the curvature effects the
energy-momentum tensor of the matter field is not covariantly conserved; (ii)
however, it is possible to reinterpret the curvature corrections as sources of
the gravitational field, by defining a modified energy-momentum tensor; (iii)
with the adoption of this modified energy-momentum tensor the Einstein's field
equations are recovered with two main modifications: the first one is the
weakening of the gravitational effects of matter whereas the second is the
emergence of an effective varying "cosmological constant"; (iv) there is a
transition in the evolution of the cosmic scale factor from a power-law scaling
to an asymptotically exponential scaling ; (v) the energy density of the matter field scales as ; (vi) the present age of the Universe and the
decelerated-accelerated transition redshift are smaller than the corresponding
ones in the CDM model.Comment: 5 pages and 2 figures. Accepted in PR
Distinguishing among Scalar Field Models of Dark Energy
We show that various scalar field models of dark energy predict degenerate
luminosity distance history of the Universe and thus cannot be distinguished by
supernovae measurements alone. In particular, models with a vanishing
cosmological constant (the value of the potential at its minimum) are
degenerate with models with a positive or negative cosmological constant whose
magnitude can be as large as the critical density. Adding information from CMB
anisotropy measurements does reduce the degeneracy somewhat but not
significantly. Our results indicate that a theoretical prior on the preferred
form of the potential and the field's initial conditions may allow to
quantitatively estimate model parameters from data. Without such a theoretical
prior only limited qualitative information on the form and parameters of the
potential can be extracted even from very accurate data.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure
An analysis of cosmological perturbations in hydrodynamical and field representations
Density fluctuations of fluids with negative pressure exhibit decreasing time
behaviour in the long wavelength limit, but are strongly unstable in the small
wavelength limit when a hydrodynamical approach is used. On the other hand, the
corresponding gravitational waves are well behaved. We verify that the
instabilities present in density fluctuations are due essentially to the
hydrodynamical representation; if we turn to a field representation that lead
to the same background behaviour, the instabilities are no more present. In the
long wavelength limit, both approachs give the same results. We show also that
this inequivalence between background and perturbative level is a feature of
negative pressure fluid. When the fluid has positive pressure, the
hydrodynamical representation leads to the same behaviour as the field
representation both at the background and perturbative levels.Comment: Latex file, 18 page
Curvature of the universe and the dark energy potential
The flatness of an accelerating universe model (characterized by a dark
energy scalar field ) is mimicked from a curved model that is filled
with, apart from the cold dark matter component, a quintessencelike scalar
field . In this process, we characterize the original scalar potential
and the mimicked scalar potential associated to the scalar
fields and , respectively. The parameters of the original model are
fixed through the mimicked quantities that we relate to the present
astronomical data, such that the equation state parameter and the
dark energy density parameter .Comment: References 7 and 8 have been corrected: (7) Riess et al. 1998, AJ,
116, 1009 and (8) Perlmutter et al. 1999, ApJ, 517, 56
A new view of k-essence
K-essence models, relying on scalar fields with non-canonical kinetic terms,
have been proposed as an alternative to quintessence in explaining the observed
acceleration of the Universe. We consider the use of field redefinitions to
cast k-essence in a more familiar form. While k-essence models cannot in
general be rewritten in the form of quintessence models, we show that in
certain dynamical regimes an equivalence can be made, which in particular can
shed light on the tracking behaviour of k-essence. In several cases, k-essence
cannot be observationally distinguished from quintessence using the homogeneous
evolution, though there may be small effects on the perturbation spectrum. We
make a detailed analysis of two k-essence models from the literature and
comment on the nature of the fine tuning arising in the models.Comment: 7 pages RevTeX4 file with four figures incorporate
Renormalization-group running of the cosmological constant and its implication for the Higgs boson mass in the Standard Model
The renormalization-group equation for the zero-point energies associated
with vacuum fluctuations of massive fields from the Standard Model is examined.
Our main observation is that at any scale the running is necessarily dominated
by the heaviest degrees of freedom, in clear contradistinction with the
Appelquist & Carazzone decoupling theorem. Such an enhanced running would
represent a disaster for cosmology, unless a fine-tuned relation among the
masses of heavy particles is imposed. In this way, we obtain for the Higgs mass, a value safely within the unitarity bound, but far
above the more stringent triviality bound for the case when the validity of the
Standard Model is pushed up to the grand unification (or Planck) scale.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex2
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