23 research outputs found

    Training Overparametrized Neural Networks in Sublinear Time

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    The success of deep learning comes at a tremendous computational and energy cost, and the scalability of training massively overparametrized neural networks is becoming a real barrier to the progress of artificial intelligence (AI). Despite the popularity and low cost-per-iteration of traditional backpropagation via gradient decent, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) has prohibitive convergence rate in non-convex settings, both in theory and practice. To mitigate this cost, recent works have proposed to employ alternative (Newton-type) training methods with much faster convergence rate, albeit with higher cost-per-iteration. For a typical neural network with m=poly(n)m=\mathrm{poly}(n) parameters and input batch of nn datapoints in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, the previous work of [Brand, Peng, Song, and Weinstein, ITCS'2021] requires ∼mnd+n3\sim mnd + n^3 time per iteration. In this paper, we present a novel training method that requires only m1−αnd+n3m^{1-\alpha} n d + n^3 amortized time in the same overparametrized regime, where α∈(0.01,1)\alpha \in (0.01,1) is some fixed constant. This method relies on a new and alternative view of neural networks, as a set of binary search trees, where each iteration corresponds to modifying a small subset of the nodes in the tree. We believe this view would have further applications in the design and analysis of deep neural networks (DNNs)

    A Faster kk-means++ Algorithm

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    K-means++ is an important algorithm to choose initial cluster centers for the k-means clustering algorithm. In this work, we present a new algorithm that can solve the kk-means++ problem with near optimal running time. Given nn data points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, the current state-of-the-art algorithm runs in O~(k)\widetilde{O}(k ) iterations, and each iteration takes O~(ndk)\widetilde{O}(nd k) time. The overall running time is thus O~(ndk2)\widetilde{O}(n d k^2). We propose a new algorithm \textsc{FastKmeans++} that only takes in O~(nd+nk2)\widetilde{O}(nd + nk^2) time, in total

    Differentially Oblivious Database Joins: Overcoming the Worst-Case Curse of Fully Oblivious Algorithms

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    Numerous high-profile works have shown that access patterns to even encrypted databases can leak secret information and sometimes even lead to reconstruction of the entire database. To thwart access pattern leakage, the literature has focused on oblivious algorithms, where obliviousness requires that the access patterns leak nothing about the input data. In this paper, we consider the Join operator, an important database primitive that has been extensively studied and optimized. Unfortunately, any fully oblivious Join algorithm would require always padding the result to the worst-case length which is quadratic in the data size N. In comparison, an insecure baseline incurs only O(R + N) cost where R is the true result length, and in the common case in practice, R is relatively short. As a typical example, when R = O(N), any fully oblivious algorithm must inherently incur a prohibitive, N-fold slowdown relative to the insecure baseline. Indeed, the (non-private) database and algorithms literature invariably focuses on studying the instance-specific rather than worst-case performance of database algorithms. Unfortunately, the stringent notion of full obliviousness precludes the design of efficient algorithms with non-trivial instance-specific performance. To overcome this worst-case performance barrier of full obliviousness and enable algorithms with good instance-specific performance, we consider a relaxed notion of access pattern privacy called (?, ?)-differential obliviousness (DO), originally proposed in the seminal work of Chan et al. (SODA\u2719). Rather than insisting that the access patterns leak no information whatsoever, the relaxed DO notion requires that the access patterns satisfy (?, ?)-differential privacy. We show that by adopting the relaxed DO notion, we can obtain efficient database Join mechanisms whose instance-specific performance approximately matches the insecure baseline, while still offering a meaningful notion of privacy to individual users. Complementing our upper bound results, we also prove new lower bounds regarding the performance of any DO Join algorithm. Differential obliviousness (DO) is a new notion and is a relatively unexplored territory. Following the pioneering investigations by Chan et al. and others, our work is among the very first to formally explore how DO can help overcome the worst-case performance curse of full obliviousness; moreover, we motivate our work with database applications. Our work shows new evidence why DO might be a promising notion, and opens up several exciting future directions

    Query Complexity of Active Learning for Function Family With Nearly Orthogonal Basis

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    Many machine learning algorithms require large numbers of labeled data to deliver state-of-the-art results. In applications such as medical diagnosis and fraud detection, though there is an abundance of unlabeled data, it is costly to label the data by experts, experiments, or simulations. Active learning algorithms aim to reduce the number of required labeled data points while preserving performance. For many convex optimization problems such as linear regression and pp-norm regression, there are theoretical bounds on the number of required labels to achieve a certain accuracy. We call this the query complexity of active learning. However, today's active learning algorithms require the underlying learned function to have an orthogonal basis. For example, when applying active learning to linear regression, the requirement is the target function is a linear composition of a set of orthogonal linear functions, and active learning can find the coefficients of these linear functions. We present a theoretical result to show that active learning does not need an orthogonal basis but rather only requires a nearly orthogonal basis. We provide the corresponding theoretical proofs for the function family of nearly orthogonal basis, and its applications associated with the algorithmically efficient active learning framework

    Agile Development of Linux Schedulers with Ekiben

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    Kernel task scheduling is important for application performance, adaptability to new hardware, and complex user requirements. However, developing, testing, and debugging new scheduling algorithms in Linux, the most widely used cloud operating system, is slow and difficult. We developed Ekiben, a framework for high velocity development of Linux kernel schedulers. Ekiben schedulers are written in safe Rust, and the system supports live upgrade of new scheduling policies into the kernel, userspace debugging, and bidirectional communication with applications. A scheduler implemented with Ekiben achieved near identical performance (within 1% on average) to the default Linux scheduler CFS on a wide range of benchmarks. Ekiben is also able to support a range of research schedulers, specifically the Shinjuku scheduler, a locality aware scheduler, and the Arachne core arbiter, with good performance.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Eurosys 202

    Punica: Multi-Tenant LoRA Serving

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    Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) has become an important and popular method to adapt pre-trained models to specific domains. We present Punica, a system to serve multiple LoRA models in a shared GPU cluster. Punica contains a new CUDA kernel design that allows batching of GPU operations for different LoRA models. This allows a GPU to hold only a single copy of the underlying pre-trained model when serving multiple, different LoRA models, significantly enhancing GPU efficiency in terms of both memory and computation. Our scheduler consolidates multi-tenant LoRA serving workloads in a shared GPU cluster. With a fixed-sized GPU cluster, our evaluations show that Punica achieves 12x higher throughput in serving multiple LoRA models compared to state-of-the-art LLM serving systems while only adding 2ms latency per token. Punica is open source at https://github.com/punica-ai/punica

    Adore: Differentially Oblivious Relational Database Operators

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    There has been a recent effort in applying differential privacy on memory access patterns to enhance data privacy. This is called differential obliviousness. Differential obliviousness is a promising direction because it provides a principled trade-off between performance and desired level of privacy. To date, it is still an open question whether differential obliviousness can speed up database processing with respect to full obliviousness. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of three new major database operators: selection with projection, grouping with aggregation, and foreign key join. We prove that they satisfy the notion of differential obliviousness. Our differentially oblivious operators have reduced cache complexity, runtime complexity, and output size compared to their state-of-the-art fully oblivious counterparts. We also demonstrate that our implementation of these differentially oblivious operators can outperform their state-of-the-art fully oblivious counterparts by up to 7.4×7.4\times.Comment: VLDB 202