7 research outputs found

    Sensitivity analysis of transgenic strains MT-Bs to Zeomycin.

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    <p>a: wild-type strain CC-124; b: respiratory deficient strain CC-2654; c: transgenic strain MT-B; d: empty control.</p

    Western blotting analysis of the transformants MT-B using monoclonal anti-BLE antibody.

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    <p>The soluble protein of CC-2654 (2) were used as control, the soluble protein of transformants MT-B (1) was detected by Western blotting.</p

    Schematic diagram of homologous recombination events between pBsLPNCB and CC-2654 mtDNA.

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    <p>The dotted line represents the deletion part of mtDNA in CC-2654 relative to wild-type CC-124. The empty boxes are the mitochondrial genes and the empty arrows above the genes indicate their transcription directions. The crossed solid lines denote the homologous recombination region between the CC-2654 mtDNA and expression vector pBsLPNCB.</p

    <i>Sh ble</i> gene transcripts in transformant MT-B.

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    <p>Panal A is the RT-PCR analysis of MT-B strains and PCR amplification with total RNA. M: DL2000 marker, Lane 1: cDNA of negative control CC-2654 used as template; 2–4: total RNA isolated from different MT-B strains used as template; lane 5–7: cDNA of different MT-B strains used as template. Panal B is the Northern blot analysis of <i>C. reinhardtii</i> MT-B. Lane 1, total RNA of MT-B was detected with <i>Sh ble</i> probe; lane 2. total RNA of CC-2654 was used as negative control.</p

    Growth of transformants MT-Bs on the TAP media with 3 µg/mL Zeomycin (A) and PCR analysis with B1/B2 primers (B).

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    <p>M, DL2000 marker; lanes1-6, different clones of MT-B; lanes 7–8, negative controls CC-2654 and CC-124; lane 9, water used as negative control.</p

    The expression levels of the <i>Sh ble</i> gene and the mitochondrial genes in transgenic MT-B.

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    <p>A: The gene organization of MT-B mitochondrial genome: B: RT-PCR results of <i>Sh ble</i> gene and the mitochondrial genes with rrnL7 as internal control; C: Relative mRNA levels analysis using BIO-RAD image software.</p

    Analysis of the <i>Sh ble</i> gene integrated site in the mitochondrial genome of MT-B.

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    <p>A: The Southern hybridization of <i>C. reinhardtii</i> MT-B with the ble-probe; B: Restriction map of the mitochondrial genome of <i>C. reinhardtii</i> MT-B showing the positions of all mapped genes and restriction sites. Line 1,2, 3: Total DNA of MT-B were digested with <i>Bam</i> HI, <i>Nde</i> I and <i>Sac</i> II, respectively, Line 4: the genome of CC-2654 digested with <i>Nde</i>I was used as control.</p