60,486 research outputs found
Early Search for Supersymmetry at ATLAS
The search for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) is one of the most
important goals for the general purpose detector ATLAS at the Large Hadron
Collider at CERN. Supersymmetry search strategies based on generic event
signatures of high jet multiplicity and large missing transverse momentum,
optionally including leptons in the final state with R-parity conservation are
discussed in this document. We review the results for above SUSY search
strategies with first data up to 305 of integrated luminosity
collected by ATLAS during 2010 at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of Kruge 2010 Workshop on
Discovery Physics at the LHC, South Africa, 5-10 Dec 2010, available on the
CERN document server under the number ATL-PHYS-PROC-2011-01
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