42,100 research outputs found
Ensiling Characteristics and Ruminal Degradation of Italian Ryegrass with or without Wilting and Added Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes
The previous experiment (Yu zhu et al.,1999) has shown that the efficacy of added enzymes varied greatly according to the DM content of the material crop. The silage DM did not alter the effects of enzymes on the in vitro digestion of NDF (Yu zhu et al.,1999, Yu zhu et al.,2000). The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of wilting and enzymes on fermentation quality, chemical composition and in situ digestion of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) silage
Diradicals and their driving forces
Several series of aromatic and quinoidal compounds, such as oligothiophenes (Scheme 1), oligophenylene-vinylenes, oligoperylenes (oligophenyls) and graphene nanoribbon derivatives, are studied in the common context of the capability to stabilize diradical structures. [1,2,3,4]. In this work, we try to clarify how several driving forces (i.e., thermodynamic and entropic) are responsible for the generation of diradical and diradicaloid structures. A combination of different types of molecular spectroscopies (i.e., electronic absorption, electronic emission, excited state absorption, vibrational Raman, vibrational infrared, etc.) as well as hybridized with thermal and pressure-dependent techniques are shown to provide important information about the origin of the formation and stabilization of diradicals. From a conceptual point of view, we analyze these properties in the context of the oligomer approach which is the study of the evolution of these spectroscopic quantities as a function of the oligomer size.
[1] P. Mayorga Burrezo, J.L. Zafra, J. Casado. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 2250.
[2] J. Casado, R. Ponce Ortiz, J. T. Lopez Navarrete, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2012, 41, 5672.
[3] P. Mayorga Burrezo, X. Zhu, S. F. Zhu, Q. Yan, J. T. Lopez Navarrete, H. Tsuji, E. Nakamura, J. Casado, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 3834-3843.
[4] J. Casado, Para-quinodimethanes: A unified review of the quinoidal-versus-aromatic competition and its implications. Top. Curr. Chem. 2017, 375, 73.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Mobilizing the Vietnamese Body: Dance Theory, Critical Refugee Studies, and the Aftermaths of War in Andrew X. Pham’s Catfish and Mandala
Mobilizing the Vietnamese Body: Dance Theory, Critical Refugee Studies, and the Aftermaths of War in Andrew X. Pham’s Catfish and Mandala
Through analysis of Andrew X. Pham’s Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam, this collaboration between a literary scholar and dance scholar joins methodologies from their respective fields to explore the politicized dimensions of the Vietnamese body-in-motion. Published in 1999, Pham\u27s memoir documents his journey, as a Vietnamese refugee living in the U.S., as he travels throughout Vietnam on a bicycle. We argue that through the literal and theoretical mobilization of his body, Catfish and Mandala constitutes a choreographic text that animates the Vietnamese body as making meaning within and beyond post-Vietnam war geopolitical formations. As such the text productively critiques the dyad of resistance and accommodation that have long structured and haunted critical inquiries into power
Deleuzovska reinterpretacija Zhu Xija
I propose an interpretation of Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130–1200) seen through the ontology of Gilles Deleuze. Zhu Xi is one of the most prominent Chinese philosophers, the figurehead of the so-called Neo-Confucian school, and Deleuze is arguably one of the most important Western philosophers of the twentieth century. Both philosophers presented an ontology of differentiation, whose main aspects or stages I try to analyse in the paper: Deleuze’s notions of the virtual, dark precursor, field of individuation, intensities and the actual; and parallel to these, Zhu Xi’s notions of the veins (li 理), supreme ultimate (taiji 太極), energy (qi 氣), and things (wu 物). It is argued that a Deleuzian (re)interpretation of Zhu Xi is possible and that it may open new tools of analysis for studying Chinese philosophy as well as create a conceptual space that can bring together concepts and practices from different traditions.Predlagam novo interpretacijo Zhu Xija 朱熹 (1130–1200) skozi optiko ontologije Gillesa Deleuza. Zhu Xi je eden najbolj znanih kitajskih filozofov in osrednji predstavnik tako imenovane neokonfucijanske šole, Deleuze pa je nedvomno eden najpomembnejših zahodnih filozofov dvajsetega stoletja. Oba teoretika sta ustvarila ontologiji, ki temeljita na razlikovanju. Osrednje vidike oziroma stopnje obeh ontologij in ustreznih tipov razlikovanja bom analiziral v pričujočem članku. Pri tem se bom osredotočil na Deleuzove ideje virtualnega, temačnega predhodnika, polja individuacije, intenzivnosti ter aktualnosti. Vzporedno s temi idejami bom obravnaval tudi Zhu Xijeve pojme žil (li 理), skrajnega pola (taiji 太極), energije (qi 氣) in stvari (wu 物). Trdim, da je deleuzovska (re)interpretacija Zhu Xija možna, da nam lahko nudi nova orodja analize za študij kitajske filozofije ter da lahko ustvari nov konceptualni prostor, v katerem bo mogoče združevati ideje in prakse različnih tradicij
Recent Advances on Internet of Things
Meng, X.; Lloret, J.; Zhu, X.; Zhou, Z. (2014). Recent Advances on Internet of Things. Scientific World Journal. doi:10.1155/2014/709345
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