98,764 research outputs found

    The ωNN\omega NN couplings derived from QCD sum rules

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    The light cone QCD sum rules are derived for ωNN\omega NN vector and tensor couplings simultaneously. The vacuum gluon field contribution is taken into account. Our results are gω=(18±8),κω=(0.8±0.4)g_\omega =(18\pm 8), \kappa_\omega=(0.8\pm 0.4).Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. C (Brief Report

    πΔΔ\pi \Delta\Delta coupling constant

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    We calculate the πΔΔ\pi \Delta\Delta coupling gπ0Δ++Δ++g_{\pi^0\Delta^{++}\Delta^{++}} using light cone QCD sum rule. Our result is gπ0Δ++Δ++=(11.8±2.0)g_{\pi^0\Delta^{++}\Delta^{++}}=(11.8\pm 2.0).Comment: RevTex, 5 pages + 1 PS figur
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