1,634 research outputs found
Coherence scale of coupled Anderson impurities
For two coupled Anderson impurities, two energy scales are present to
characterize the evolution from local moment state of the impurities to either
of the inter-impurity singlet or the Kondo singlet ground states. The high
energy scale is found to deviate from the single-ion Kondo temperature and
rather scales as Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction when it
becomes dominant. We find that the scaling behavior and the associated physical
properties of this scale are consistent with those of a coherence scale defined
in heavy fermion systems.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, extended versio
Singularity in self-energy and composite fermion excitations of interacting electrons
We propose that a composite fermion operator could have coherent excitations, where is the
fermion operator for interacting electrons and is the
number operator of the opposite spin. In the two-impurity Anderson model, it is
found that the excitation of this composite fermion has a pseudogap in the
Kondo regime, and has a finite spectral weight in the regime where the
excitation of the regular fermion has a pseudogap. In the latter
regime, the self-energy of is found to be singular near Fermi
energy. We argue that this composite fermion could develop a Fermi surface with
Fermi liquid behaviors but "hidden" from charge excitations in lattice
generalizations. We further illustrate that this type of excitations is
essential in addressing the pseudogap state and unconventional
superconductivity.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
Specific Heat and Sound Velocity Distinguish the Relevant Competing Phase in the Pseudogap Region of High Temperature Superconductors
A great step forward towards the understanding of high temperature
superconductors are the variety of experimental results which have led to the
wide-spread acceptance of the idea that a phase with a broken symmetry competes
with superconductivity in the under-doped region, often called the pseudo-gap
region. There are a plethora of suggested phases. The idea, that a broken
symmetry phase competes with superconductivity makes thermodynamic sense only
if the energy gained due to it is comparable to that gained through the
superconducting transition in their co-existence region. Extraordinarily,
however, no specific heat signature of a phase transition has been identified
at the pseudo-gap temperature . We use the recent highly accurate
sound-velocity measurements and the best available specific heat measurements
in YBaCuO to show that phase transitions to the
universality class of the loop-current ordered state with free-energy reduction
similar to the measured superconducting condensation are consistent with the
sound velocity and with lack of identifiable observation in the specific heat.
We also compare the measured specific heat with some more usual transitions and
show that transitions with such symmetry classes can easily be shown by
existing specific heat measurements to have energy reduction due to them less
than 1/20 the superconducting condensation energy
Crossovers and critical scaling in the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model
We consider the scaling behavior of thermodynamic quantities in the
one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model near its quantum critical point
(QCP). Our study has been motivated by the question about the thermodynamical
signatures of this paradigmatic quantum critical system and, more generally, by
the issue of how quantum criticality accumulates entropy. We find that the
crossovers in the phase diagram of temperature and (the non-thermal control
parameter) transverse field obey a general scaling ansatz, and so does the
critical scaling behavior of the specific heat and magnetic expansion
coefficient. Furthermore, the Gr\"{u}neisen ratio diverges in a power-law way
when the QCP is accessed as a function of the transverse field at zero
temperature, which follows the prediction of quantum critical scaling. However,
at the critical field, upon decreasing the temperature, the Gr\"uneisen ratio
approaches a constant instead of showing the expected divergence. We are able
to understand this unusual result in terms of a peculiar form of the quantum
critical scaling function for the free energy; the contribution to the
Gr\"uneisen ratio vanishes at the linear order in a suitable Taylor expansion
of the scaling function. In spite of this special form of the scaling function,
we show that the entropy is still maximized near the QCP, as expected from the
general scaling argument. Our results establish the telltale thermodynamic
signature of a transverse-field Ising chain, and will thus facilitate the
experimental identification of this model quantum-critical system in real
materials.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
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