32,489 research outputs found

    A Generic Sample Splitting Approach for Refined Community Recovery in Stochastic Block Models

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    We propose and analyze a generic method for community recovery in stochastic block models and degree corrected block models. This approach can exactly recover the hidden communities with high probability when the expected node degrees are of order logn\log n or higher. Starting from a roughly correct community partition given by some conventional community recovery algorithm, this method refines the partition in a cross clustering step. Our results simplify and extend some of the previous work on exact community recovery, discovering the key role played by sample splitting. The proposed method is simple and can be implemented with many practical community recovery algorithms.Comment: 19 page

    A Robust Information Source Estimator with Sparse Observations

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of locating the information source with sparse observations. We assume that a piece of information spreads in a network following a heterogeneous susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model and that a small subset of infected nodes are reported, from which we need to find the source of the information. We adopt the sample path based estimator developed in [1], and prove that on infinite trees, the sample path based estimator is a Jordan infection center with respect to the set of observed infected nodes. In other words, the sample path based estimator minimizes the maximum distance to observed infected nodes. We further prove that the distance between the estimator and the actual source is upper bounded by a constant independent of the number of infected nodes with a high probability on infinite trees. Our simulations on tree networks and real world networks show that the sample path based estimator is closer to the actual source than several other algorithms

    X(1576) and the Final State Interaction Effect

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    We study whether the broad peak X(1576) observed by BES Collaboration arises from the final state interaction effect of ρ(1450,1700)\rho(1450,1700) decays. The interference effect could produce an enhancement around 1540 MeV in the K+KK^+K^- spectrum with typical interference phases. However, the branching ratio B[J/ψπ0ρ(1450,1700)]B[ρ(1450,1700)K+K]B[J/\psi\to \pi^{0}\rho(1450,1700)]\cdot B[\rho(1450,1700)\to K^{+}K^{-}] from the final state interaction effect is far less than the experimental data.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Some typos corrected, more discussion and references adde