1,780 research outputs found
Fusion of \ade Lattice Models
Fusion hierarchies of \ade face models are constructed. The fused critical
, and elliptic models yield new solutions of the Yang-Baxter
equations with bond variables on the edges of faces in addition to the spin
variables on the corners. It is shown directly that the row transfer matrices
of the fused models satisfy special functional equations. Intertwiners between
the fused \ade models are constructed by fusing the cells that intertwine the
elementary face weights. As an example, we calculate explicitly the fused
face weights of the 3-state Potts model associated with the
diagram as well as the fused intertwiner cells for the --
intertwiner. Remarkably, this fusion yields the face weights of
both the Ising model and 3-state CSOS models.Comment: 41 page
Intertwiners and \ade Lattice Models
Intertwiners between \ade lattice models are presented and the general theory
developed. The intertwiners are discussed at three levels: at the level of the
adjacency matrices, at the level of the cell calculus intertwining the face
algebras and at the level of the row transfer matrices. A convenient graphical
representation of the intertwining cells is introduced. The utility of the
intertwining relations in studying the spectra of the \ade models is
emphasized. In particular, it is shown that the existence of an intertwiner
implies that many eigenvalues of the \ade row transfer matrices are exactly in
common for a finite system and, consequently, that the corresponding central
charges and scaling dimensions can be identified.Comment: 48 pages, Two postscript files included
The Commutative Effect and Casuality of Openness and Indigenous Factors Among World Economies
The paper studies the commutative and causality relationship between economic openness and indigenous factors. The construction of the Openness Index and the Indigenous Index provides a measure on the extent of openness and indigenous development among world economies. The two indices are used to study their commutative effect and causality. The empirical findings show that there is a positive and significant static effect of openness on indigenous factors and vice versa; however the latter is larger. There are bi-directional dynamic causality relationships between openness and indigenous factors. Indigenous factors help to forecast openness factors and vice versa.Openness, indigeneity, panel data model, commutative effect, causality
Causality between Openness and Indigenous Factors among World Economies
The paper studies the causality relationship between economic openness and indigenous factors. The construction of the Openness Index and the Indigenous Index provides a measure on the extent of openness and indigenous development among world economies. The two indices are used to study their causality. The empirical findings show that there are bi-directional dynamic causality relationships between openness and indigenous factors. Indigenous factors help to forecast openness factors and vice versa.Openness, indigeneity, panel data model, causality test
Inequality and development: Evidence from semiparametric estimation with panel data
Evidences from nonparametric and semiparametric unbalanced panel data models with fixed effects show that Kuznet’s inverted-U relationship is confirmed when economic development reaches a threshold. The model tests justify semiparametric specification. The integrated net contribution of control variables to inequality reduction is significant.Kuznet’s inverted-U, Semiparametric model, Unbalanced panel data
An Ising model in a magnetic field with a boundary
We obtain the diagonal reflection matrices for a recently introduced family
of dilute lattice models in which the model can be
viewed as an Ising model in a magnetic field. We calculate the surface free
energy from the crossing-unitarity relation and thus directly obtain the
critical magnetic surface exponent for odd and surface specific
heat exponent for even in each of the various regimes. For in the
appropriate regime we obtain the Ising exponent ,
which is the first determination of this exponent without the use of scaling
relations.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe
The commutative effect and causality of openness and indigenous factors among world economies
The paper studies the commutative and causality relationship between economic openness and indigenous factors. The construction of the Openness Index and the Indigenous Index provides a measure on the extent of openness and indigenous development among world economies. The two indices are used to study their commutative effect and causality. The empirical findings show that there is a positive and significant static effect of openness on indigenous factors and vice versa; however the latter is larger. There are bi-directional dynamic causality relationships between openness and indigenous factors. Indigenous factors help to forecast openness factors and vice versa
Information Filtering on Coupled Social Networks
In this paper, based on the coupled social networks (CSN), we propose a
hybrid algorithm to nonlinearly integrate both social and behavior information
of online users. Filtering algorithm based on the coupled social networks,
which considers the effects of both social influence and personalized
preference. Experimental results on two real datasets, \emph{Epinions} and
\emph{Friendfeed}, show that hybrid pattern can not only provide more accurate
recommendations, but also can enlarge the recommendation coverage while
adopting global metric. Further empirical analyses demonstrate that the mutual
reinforcement and rich-club phenomenon can also be found in coupled social
networks where the identical individuals occupy the core position of the online
system. This work may shed some light on the in-depth understanding structure
and function of coupled social networks
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