14,222 research outputs found
Cyclic Lattice Feshbach Resonances
In this Letter we illustrate the possible cyclic fermion pairing states
across Feshbach resonances in optical lattices. In cyclic fermion pairing, the
pairing amplitude exhibits an oscillatory behavior as the detuning varies. We
estimate the quasi-particle gaps in different regimes of the resonances.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures included;two typos correcte
Microscopic Wave Functions of Spin Singlet and Nematic Mott States of Spin-One Bosons in High Dimensional Bipartite Lattices
We present microscopic wave functions of spin singlet Mott insulating states
and nematic Mott insulating states. We also investigate quantum phase
transitions between the spin singlet Mott phase and the nematic Mott phase in
both large-N limit and small-N limit (N being the number of particles per site)
in high dimensional bipartite lattices. In the mean field approximation
employed in this article we find that phase transitions are generally weakly
first order.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; final version, to appear in PR
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