272 research outputs found
Reinforcement learning based adaptive control method for traffic lights in intelligent transportation
Addressing the requirements and challenges of traffic light control, a reinforcement learning based adaptive optimal control model for traffic lights in intelligent transportation systems is proposed. In the model design, we combined Markov decision process, Q-learning algorithm, and Deep Q-Learning Network (DQN) control theory to establish a comprehensive signal light Adaptive Optimal Control of Signal Lights in Intelligent Transportation Systems (AOCITL) control model. Through simulation experiments on the model and the application of actual road scene data, we have verified the superiority of the model in improving traffic system efficiency and reducing traffic pressure. The experimental results show that compared with traditional fixed cycle signal light control, the adaptive optimal control model based on reinforcement learning can significantly improve the traffic efficiency of roads, reduce the incidence of traffic accidents, and enhance the overall operational effectiveness of urban transportation systems. The proposed method is possible to further optimize the model algorithm, expand its application scope, and promote the development and practical application of intelligent transportation systems
Numerical simulations of X-rays Free Electron Lasers (XFEL)
We study a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation which arises as an effective
single particle model in X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL). This equation
appears as a first-principles model for the beam-matter interactions that would
take place in an XFEL molecular imaging experiment in \cite{frat1}. Since XFEL
is more powerful by several orders of magnitude than more conventional lasers,
the systematic investigation of many of the standard assumptions and
approximations has attracted increased attention.
In this model the electrons move under a rapidly oscillating electromagnetic
field, and the convergence of the problem to an effective time-averaged one is
examined. We use an operator splitting pseudo-spectral method to investigate
numerically the behaviour of the model versus its time-averaged version in
complex situations, namely the energy subcritical/mass supercritical case, and
in the presence of a periodic lattice.
We find the time averaged model to be an effective approximation, even close
to blowup, for fast enough oscillations of the external field. This work
extends previous analytical results for simpler cases \cite{xfel1}.Comment: 14 page
Privacy-Preserving Polynomial Computing Over Distributed Data
In this letter, we delve into a scenario where a user aims to compute
polynomial functions using their own data as well as data obtained from
distributed sources. To accomplish this, the user enlists the assistance of
distributed workers, thereby defining a problem we refer to as
privacy-preserving polynomial computing over distributed data. To address this
challenge, we propose an approach founded upon Lagrange encoding. Our method
not only possesses the ability to withstand the presence of stragglers and
byzantine workers but also ensures the preservation of security. Specifically,
even if a coalition of workers collude, they are unable to acquire any
knowledge pertaining to the data originating from the distributed sources or
the user
Multiplexed Streaming Codes for Messages With Different Decoding Delays in Channel with Burst and Random Erasures
In a real-time transmission scenario, messages are transmitted through a
channel that is subject to packet loss. The destination must recover the
messages within the required deadline. In this paper, we consider a setup where
two different types of messages with distinct decoding deadlines are
transmitted through a channel that can introduce burst erasures of a length at
most , or random erasures. The message with a short decoding deadline
is referred to as an urgent message, while the other one with a decoding
deadline () is referred to as a less urgent message.
We propose a merging method to encode two message streams of different
urgency levels into a single flow. We consider the scenario where . We establish that any coding strategy based on this merging approach has a
closed-form upper limit on its achievable sum rate. Moreover, we present
explicit constructions within a finite field that scales quadratically with the
imposed delay, ensuring adherence to the upper bound. In a given parameter
configuration, we rigorously demonstrate that the sum rate of our proposed
streaming codes consistently surpasses that of separate encoding, which serves
as a baseline for comparison
Approximation and Generalization of DeepONets for Learning Operators Arising from a Class of Singularly Perturbed Problems
Singularly perturbed problems present inherent difficulty due to the presence
of a thin boundary layer in its solution. To overcome this difficulty, we
propose using deep operator networks (DeepONets), a method previously shown to
be effective in approximating nonlinear operators between infinite-dimensional
Banach spaces. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time the application
of DeepONets to one-dimensional singularly perturbed problems, achieving
promising results that suggest their potential as a robust tool for solving
this class of problems. We consider the convergence rate of the approximation
error incurred by the operator networks in approximating the solution operator,
and examine the generalization gap and empirical risk, all of which are shown
to converge uniformly with respect to the perturbation parameter. By utilizing
Shishkin mesh points as locations of the loss function, we conduct several
numerical experiments that provide further support for the effectiveness of
operator networks in capturing the singular boundary layer behavior
Thermal vortex dynamics in thin circular ferromagnetic nanodisks
The dynamics of gyrotropic vortex motion in a thin circular nanodisk of soft
ferromagnetic material is considered. The demagnetization field is calculated
using two-dimensional Green's functions for the thin film problem and fast
Fourier transforms. At zero temperature, the dynamics of the
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation is simulated using fourth order Runge-Kutta
integration. Pure vortex initial conditions at a desired position are obtained
with a Lagrange multipliers constraint. These methods give accurate estimates
of the vortex restoring force constant and gyrotropic frequency, showing
that the vortex core motion is described by the Thiele equation to very high
precision. At finite temperature, the second order Heun algorithm is applied to
the Langevin dynamical equation with thermal noise and damping. A spontaneous
gyrotropic motion takes place without the application of an external magnetic
field, driven only by thermal fluctuations. The statistics of the vortex radial
position and rotational velocity are described with Boltzmann distributions
determined by and by a vortex gyrotropic mass ,
respectively, where is the vortex gyrovector.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figure
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