35,382 research outputs found
Quasi-Spin Graded-Fermion Formalism and Branching Rules
The graded-fermion algebra and quasi-spin formalism are introduced and
applied to obtain the branching rules for the
"two-column" tensor irreducible representations of gl(m|n), for the case . In the case m < n, all such irreducible representations of gl(m|n)
are shown to be completely reducible as representations of osp(m|n). This is
also shown to be true for the case m=n except for the "spin-singlet"
representations which contain an indecomposable representation of osp(m|n) with
composition length 3. These branching rules are given in fully explicit form.Comment: 19 pages, Latex fil
Quasi-Hopf Superalgebras and Elliptic Quantum Supergroups
We introduce the quasi-Hopf superalgebras which are graded versions of
Drinfeld's quasi-Hopf algebras. We describe the realization of elliptic quantum
supergroups as quasi-triangular quasi-Hopf superalgebras obtained from twisting
the normal quantum supergroups by twistors which satisfy the graded shifted
cocycle condition, thus generalizing the quasi-Hopf twisting procedure to the
supersymmetric case. Two types of elliptic quantum supergroups are defined,
that is the face type and the vertex type
(and ), where is any
Kac-Moody superalgebra with symmetrizable generalized Cartan matrix. It appears
that the vertex type twistor can be constructed only for
in a non-standard system of simple roots, all of which are fermionic.Comment: 22 pages, Latex fil
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