33 research outputs found
Structure and Properties of Water on the Anatase TiO<sub>2</sub>(101) Surface: From Single-Molecule Adsorption to Interface Formation
The interaction of water with titanium dioxide surfaces
has a vital
role in many energy- and environment-related applications, such as
dye-sensitized solar cell, photocatalytic or photoelectrochemical
hydrogen production, and environmental purification. Structure and
properties of water on the anatase TiO<sub>2</sub>(101) surface have
been studied by using a combination of density functional theory and
force field molecular dynamics. Owing to the amphotericity of this
surface and the competition between water–water and water–substrate
interactions, the structure and properties
of water on the anatase TiO<sub>2</sub>(101) surface exhibited some
peculiar and complicated features. The overall evolutionary process
of interface formation has been obtained by investigating the coverage-dependent
adsorption configuration and energy of water. The competition between
and water–substrate interaction results in the existence
of a stable bilayer of water (Θ ≥ 2 ML) and an ice-like
structure of water at higher coverage (Θ ≥ 3 ML). Both
static and dynamic calculation results have showed that a highly ordered
structure occurs in the first few water molecule layers, and this
order decreases as one moves toward the bulk region. The electric
fields across the interface and in the electric double layer were
estimated to be about 10 and 2 eV, respectively. This study may provide
new insight into the static and dynamic properties of the water–TiO<sub>2</sub> interface and elucidate the reactions that occur on the TiO<sub>2</sub> surface
Back Electron Transfer at TiO<sub>2</sub> Nanotube Photoanodes in the Presence of a H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> Hole Scavenger
charge scavengers, which usually are more unstable than water, is
an effective method to quantify the quantum efficiency loss of photoelectrode
during the charge separation, transfer, and injection processes of
the water splitting reaction. Here, we detected, on TiO<sub>2</sub> nanotube photoanodes after using hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) as a hole scavenger, a nearly 40% saturated photocurrent
decrease in alkaline electrolyte and a negligible saturated photocurrent
difference in acid electrolyte. We found that the photoelectrons were
trapped in the surface states of TiO<sub>2</sub> with nearly the same
storage capacity of electrons in a wide range of pH values from 1.0
to 13.6. However, kinetics of a back reaction, H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> reduction by the photoelectrons trapped in surface states,
is about 10 times higher for that in alkaline electrolyte than in
acid electrolyte. As a result, the pH-dependent kinetic difference
in H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> reduction induced the negative effects
on the saturated photocurrent. Our results offer a new insight into
understanding the effects of back electron transfer on electrochemical
behaviors of surface states and charge scavengers
Trivalent Nickel-Catalyzing Electroconversion of Alcohols to Carboxylic Acids
The comprehension of activity and selectivity origins
of the electrooxidation
of organics is a crucial knot for the development of a highly efficient
energy conversion system that can produce value-added chemicals on
both the anode and cathode. Here, we find that the potential-retaining
trivalent nickel in NiOOH (Fermi level, −7.4 eV) is capable
of selectively oxidizing various primary alcohols to carboxylic acids
through a nucleophilic attack and nonredox electron transfer process.
This nonredox trivalent nickel is highly efficient in oxidizing primary
alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol, and benzyl alcohol)
that are equipped with the appropriate highest occupied molecular
orbital (HOMO) levels (−7.1 to −6.5 eV vs vacuum level)
and the negative dual local softness values (Δsk, −0.50 to −0.19) of nucleophilic atoms
in nucleophilic hydroxyl functional groups. However, the carboxylic
acid products exhibit a deeper HOMO level (<−7.4 eV) or
a positive Δsk, suggesting that
they are highly stable and weakly nucleophilic on NiOOH. The combination
(HOMO, Δsk) is useful in explaining
the activity and selectivity origins of electrochemically oxidizing
alcohols to carboxylic acid. Our findings are valuable in creating
efficient energy conversions to generate value-added chemicals on
dual electrodes
Solution-Chemical Route to Generalized Synthesis of Metal Germanate Nanowires with Room-Temperature, Light-Driven Hydrogenation Activity of CO<sub>2</sub> into Renewable Hydrocarbon Fuels
A facile
solution-chemical route was developed for the generalized preparation
of a family of highly uniform metal germanate nanowires on a large
scale. This route is based on the use of hydrazine monohydrate/H<sub>2</sub>O as a mixed solvent under solvothermal conditions. Hydrazine
has multiple effects on the generation of the nanowires: as an alkali
solvent, a coordination agent, and crystal anisotropic growth director.
Different-percentage cobalt-doped Cd<sub>2</sub>Ge<sub>2</sub>O<sub>6</sub> nanowires were also successfully obtained through the addition
of CoÂ(OAc)<sub>2</sub>·4H<sub>2</sub>O to the initial reaction
mixture for future investigation of the magnetic properties of these
nanowires. The considerably negative conduction band level of the
Cd<sub>2</sub>Ge<sub>2</sub>O<sub>6</sub> nanowire offers a high driving
force for photogenerated electron transfer to CO<sub>2</sub> under
UV–vis illumination, which facilitates CO<sub>2</sub> photocatalytic
reduction to a renewable hydrocarbon fuel in the presence of water
vapor at room temperature
Theoretical Insight into Charge-Recombination Center in Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub> Photocatalyst: Interstitial Hydrogen
Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub> is a promising candidate photocatalyst
for solar water splitting. In a common synthetic route, both oxygen
and hydrogen impurities are inevitably formed during the nitridation
of TaO<sub><i>x</i></sub> precursor by ammonia. The introduced
hydrogen impurities would bond with oxygen in the form of hydroxyl
groups, resulting in additional bands bracketing band edges. This
configuration adds Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub> electron–hole
recombination centers, leading to a high onset potential. Hydrogen
impurities would also introduce hydrogen bonds which aggravate charge
recombination by additional charge transport paths from anions to
hydroxyl recombination centers. In addition, hydride ions of hydroxyl
groups may be activated into protons at high bias and may relay hole
transport in Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub>, endowing the material with
high saturated photocurrent. In summary, hydrogen impurities would
aggravate the onset potential of Ta<sub>3</sub>N<sub>5</sub> in the
way of high electron–hole recombination. More broadly, hydrogen
impurities may be common in (oxy)Ânitrides and other covalent materials;
they may add to the photocatalysts’ high onset potential via
electron localizations and might introduce high charge recombination
for covalent semiconductors
Controllable Conformation Transfer of Conjugated Polymer toward High Photoelectrical Performance: The Role of Solvent in Induced-Crystallization Route
the present work, polyimides with different conformation (dendritic,
spherulitic, and laminar) were synthesized in different solvents.
The strong solvent-dependent conformation variation is found intimately
related to the specific interactions between the polymer chain and
solvent molecules that have a primary driving force for the chain
diffusion and rearrangement. Moreover, the photoelectrical properties
of polyimide were sensitively influenced by the crystal structure
and polymer morphology. In laminar conformation with strong intermolecular
π–π interactions, the light absorption as well
as the mobility and separation of photoinduced carriers were greatly
improved compared with similar values of dendritic and spherulitic
ones. For photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from water splitting,
polyimide with laminar conformation exhibits 16 times enhancement
in activity than the dendritic. This work provides further insight
into the intrinsic interacting mechanism of solvent-induced crystallization
of conjugated polymer and paves an innovative way for synthesis of
efficient polymer semiconductor photocatalysts
Ultrathin, Single-Crystal WO<sub>3</sub> Nanosheets by Two-Dimensional Oriented Attachment toward Enhanced Photocatalystic Reduction of CO<sub>2</sub> into Hydrocarbon Fuels under Visible Light
An ultrathin, single-crystal WO<sub>3</sub> nanosheet
of ∼4–5
nm in thickness, corresponding to six repeating unit cells of monoclinic
WO<sub>3</sub> along the <i>c</i> axis, was synthesized
with laterally oriented attachment of tiny WO<sub>3</sub> nanocrystals
formed using a solid–liquid phase arc discharge route in an
aqueous solution. Size-quantization effects in this ultrathin nanostructure
alter the WO<sub>3</sub> band gap to enable the nanosheet to exhibit
enhanced performance for photocatalytic reduction of CO<sub>2</sub> in the presence of water in hydrocarbon fuels that do not exist
in its bulk form
Oxygen-Impurity-Induced Direct–Indirect Band Gap in Perovskite SrTaO<sub>2</sub>N
semiconductors are considered to be promising candidates
for solar water splitting. In this work, we show that oxygen-rich
SrTaO<sub>2</sub>N has a band gap with direct–indirect character
through twin valence-band maximums (VBMs), resulting in good photoelectronic
responses. Compared with the direct band gap of ideal SrTaO<sub>2</sub>N, the additional indirect VBM of the oxygen-rich solid solution
was found to be due to strontium–oxygen hybridization, using
orbital projections based on hybrid/GW density functional theory (DFT).
This twin-VBM character was validated by strontium K-edge absorption
through extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis.
The twin-VBM character of the band structure can enhance the photoelectronic
response and hole transport. Our findings provide a viable strategy
for enhancing the solar water splitting performance of oxynitrides
Formation of Hierarchical Structure Composed of (Co/Ni)Mn-LDH Nanosheets on MWCNT Backbones for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation
stable, and cost-effective electrocatalysts are attractive
alternatives to the noble metal oxides that have been used in water
splitting. The direct nucleation and growth of electrochemically active
LDH materials on chemically modified MWCNTs exhibit considerable electrocatalytic
activity toward oxygen evolution from water oxidation. CoMn-based
and NiMn-based hybrids were synthesized using a facile chemical bath
deposition method and the as-synthesized materials exhibited three-dimensional
hierarchical configurations with tunable Co/Mn and Ni/Mn ratio. Benefiting
from enhanced electrical conductivity with MWCNT backbones and LDH
lamellar structure, the Co<sub>5</sub>Mn-LDH/MWCNT and Ni<sub>5</sub>Mn-LDH/MWCNT could generated a current density of 10 mA cm<sup>–2</sup> at overpotentials of ∼300 and ∼350 mV, respectively,
in 1 M KOH. In addition, the materials also exhibited outstanding
long-term electrocatalytic stability
Study on the Ambient Temperature as an Important but Easily Neglected Factor in the Process of Preparing Photovoltaic All-Inorganic CsPbIBr<sub>2</sub> Perovskite Film by the Elegant Solvent-Controlled Growth Strategy
All-inorganic CsPbIBr2 perovskite has received
attention in the field of solar cells due to its good wet and thermal
stability as well as a moderate band gap. In the preparation of CsPbIBr2 film by one-step spin-coating method, the amount of dimethyl
sulfoxide solvent remaining in the precursor film has a great influence
on the process of film growth. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure
that an appropriate amount of solvent exists in the precursor film
before annealing. Herein, we adopted the solvent-controlled growth
(SCG) strategy, that is, standing by the precursor films in the nitrogen
glovebox for a period of time before annealing, to make sure that
excess solvent can be evaporated from the precursor film. In this
work, we found that the ambient temperature is an important but easily
neglected factor in the process of preparing CsPbIBr2 film
by the SCG strategy. When the ambient temperature is 20 °C, SCG
treatment is required to obtain a flat and dense CsPbIBr2 film. However, SCG treatment is not essential at 30 °C. The
ambient temperature has an impact on the evaporation rate of the solvent
in the precursor film, and thus affects the effect of the SCG strategy.
This work highlights that, when preparing CsPbIBr2 film
by a one-step spin-coating method, in order to obtain a high-quality
CsPbIBr2 film, the influence of ambient temperature on
solvent-controlled growth strategy should be considered