1,610 research outputs found
B_{s1}(5830) and B_{s2}^*(5840)
In this paper we investigate the strong decays of the two newly observed
bottom-strange mesons and in the framework of
the quark pair creation model. The two-body strong decay widths of
and are
calculated by considering to be a mixture between and
states, and to be a state. The double pion
decay of and is supposed to occur via the
intermediate state and . Although the double pion decay
widths of and are smaller than the two-body
strong decay widths of and , one suggests future
experiments to search the double pion decays of and
due to their sizable decay widths.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures and 6 tables. More references and discussions
added, typos corrected, some descriptions changed. Publication version in PR
Emergence, Evolution and Scaling of Online Social Networks
This work was partially supported by AFOSR under Grant No. FA9550-10-1-0083, NSF under Grant No. CDI-1026710, NSF of China under Grants Nos. 61473060 and 11275003, and NBRPC under Grant No. 2010CB731403. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
Possible Deuteron-like Molecular States Composed of Heavy Baryons
We perform a systematic study of the possible loosely bound states composed
of two charmed baryons or a charmed baryon and an anti-charmed baryon within
the framework of the one boson exchange (OBE) model. We consider not only the
exchange but also the , , , and
exchanges. The mixing effects for the spin-triplets are also taken into
account. With the derived effective potentials, we calculate the binding
energies and root-mean-square (RMS) radii for the systems
, ,
. Our numerical results indicate that: (1)
the H-dibaryon-like state does not exist; (2) there may
exist four loosely bound deuteron-like states and
with small binding energies and large RMS radii.Comment: 17 pages, 32 figure
Algebraic higher symmetry and categorical symmetry -- a holographic and entanglement view of symmetry
We introduce the notion of algebraic higher symmetry, which generalizes
higher symmetry and is beyond higher group. We show that an algebraic higher
symmetry in a bosonic system in -dimensional space is characterized and
classified by a local fusion -category. We find another way to describe
algebraic higher symmetry by restricting to symmetric sub Hilbert space where
symmetry transformations all become trivial. In this case, algebraic higher
symmetry can be fully characterized by a non-invertible gravitational anomaly
(i.e. an topological order in one higher dimension). Thus we also refer to
non-invertible gravitational anomaly as categorical symmetry to stress its
connection to symmetry. This provides a holographic and entanglement view of
symmetries. For a system with a categorical symmetry, its gapped state must
spontaneously break part (not all) of the symmetry, and the state with the full
symmetry must be gapless. Using such a holographic point of view, we obtain (1)
the gauging of the algebraic higher symmetry; (2) the classification of
anomalies for an algebraic higher symmetry; (3) the equivalence between classes
of systems, with different (potentially anomalous) algebraic higher symmetries
or different sets of low energy excitations, as long as they have the same
categorical symmetry; (4) the classification of gapped liquid phases for
bosonic/fermionic systems with a categorical symmetry, as gapped boundaries of
a topological order in one higher dimension (that corresponds to the
categorical symmetry). This classification includes symmetry protected trivial
(SPT) orders and symmetry enriched topological (SET) orders with an algebraic
higher symmetry.Comment: 61 pages, 31 figure
The single charmed pentaquark molecular states via the QCD sum rules
In this work, we systematically investigate the singly charmed pentaquark
molecular states , and with
the QCD sum rules by carrying out the operator product expansion up to the
vacuum condensates of dimension 13 and taking fully account of the light-flavor
breaking effects. The numerical results favor assigning the
as the molecular state with the and
, assigning the as the
molecular state with the and , assigning the as the molecular state with the
and , and assigning the
as the molecular state with the
and . Other potential
molecule candidates are also predicted, which may be observed in future
experiments. For example, we can search for the and molecular
states with the isospin in the
and mass spectrum respectively in the
future, which could shed light on the nature of the .Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure
Probing nuclear symmetry energy at high densities using pion, kaon, eta and photon productions in heavy-ion collisions
The high-density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy is among the most
uncertain properties of dense neutron-rich matter. Its accurate determination
has significant ramifications in understanding not only the reaction dynamics
of heavy-ion reactions especially those induced by radioactive beams but also
many interesting phenomena in astrophysics, such as the explosion mechanism of
supernova and the properties of neutron stars. The heavy-ion physics community
has devoted much effort during the last few years to constrain the high-density
symmetry using various probes. In particular, the pion-/pion+ ratio has been
most extensively studied both theoretically and experimentally. All models have
consistently predicted qualitatively that the pion-/pion+ ratio is a sensitive
probe of the high-density symmetry energy especially with beam energies near
the pion production threshold. However, the predicted values of the pion-/pion+
ratio are still quite model dependent mostly because of the complexity of
modeling pion production and reabsorption dynamics in heavy-ion collisions,
leading to currently still controversial conclusions regarding the high-density
behavior of nuclear symmetry energy from comparing various model calculations
with available experimental data. As more pion-/pion+ data become available and
a deeper understanding about the pion dynamics in heavy-ion reactions is
obtained, more penetrating probes, such as the kaon+/kaon0 ratio, eta meson and
high energy photons are also being investigated or planned at several
facilities. Here, we review some of our recent contributions to the community
effort of constraining the high-density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy in
heavy-ion collisions. In addition, the status of some worldwide experiments for
studying the high-density symmetry energy, including the HIRFL-CSR external
target experiment (CEE) are briefly introduced.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Contribution to the Topical Issue on Nuclear
Symmetry Energy in EPJA Special Volum
On Nonuniform Polynomial Trichotomy of Linear Discrete-Time Systems in Banach Spaces
We study two nonuniform polynomial trichotomy concepts for linear
discrete-time systems in Banach spaces. Our main objective is to give summation property for
nonuniform polynomial trichotomies. As for applications we obtain characterization of these
concepts in terms of Lyapunov functions
A modified T. Chan’s preconditioner for Toeplitz systems
AbstractWe present a modified T. Chan’s preconditioner for solving Toeplitz linear systems by the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method in this paper. Especially, we give some results when the matrices are Hermitian positive definite Toeplitz matrices. The operation and convergence of the PCG method are discussed. Numerical examples presented illustrate the effectiveness of the preconditioner obtained
Global analysis of measured and unmeasured hadronic two-body weak decays of antitriplet charmed baryons
A large amount of data on hadronic two body weak decays of anti-triplet
charmed baryons to an octet baryon and an octet or singlet
pseudoscalar meson , , have been measured. The SU(3)
flavor symmetry has been applied to study these decays to obtain insights about
weak interactions for charm physics. However not all such decays needed to
determine the SU(3) irreducible amplitudes have been measured forbidding a
complete global analysis. Previously, it has been shown that data from measured
decays can be used to do a global fit to determine all except one parity
violating and one parity conserving amplitudes of the relevant SU(3)
irreducible amplitudes causing 8 hadronic two body weak decay channels
involving to or transitions undetermined. It is
important to obtain information about these decays in order to guide
experimental searches. In this work using newly measured decay modes by BESIII
and Belle in 2022, we carry out a global analysis and parameterize the unknown
amplitudes to provide the ranges for the branching ratios of the 8 undetermined
decays. Our results indicate that the SU(3) flavor symmetry can explain the
measured data exceptionally well, with a remarkable minimal of
1.21 and predict 80 observables in 45 decays for future experimental data to
test. We then vary the unknown SU(3) amplitudes to obtain the allowed range of
branching ratios for the 8 undetermined decays. We find that some of them are
within reach of near future experimental capabilities. We urge our experimental
colleagues to carry out related searches.Comment: 9pages, 2 figures, 3 table
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