7 research outputs found

    Table_1_Exogenous melatonin treatment affects ascorbic acid metabolism in postharvest ‘Jinyan’ kiwifruit.DOCX

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    Ascorbic acid (AsA) is an important nutritious substance in fruits, and it also can maintain the biological activity of fruits during storage. This research investigated the effect of exogenous melatonin (MT) on AsA metabolism in postharvest kiwifruit. Our results indicated that exogenous MT delayed the decrease of fruit firmness and titratable acid (TA), inhibited the increase of soluble solids content (SSC), reduced the respiration rate and ethylene production, and maintained a higher AsA content in kiwifruit during storage. The high expression of L-galactose pathway key genes in the early storage and regeneration genes in the later storage maintained the AsA content in postharvest kiwifruit. MT treatment enhanced the expression levels of AsA biosynthesis (AcGME2, AcGalDH, and AcGalLDH) and regeneration (AcGR, AcDHAR, and AcMDHAR1) genes. Meanwhile, the expression of the degradation gene AcAO was inhibited in MT-treated kiwifruits.</p

    Rapidly Photocurable Corneal Interlamellar Adhesive for Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty

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    Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) has gained widespread utilization in corneal transplantation, thus generating significant interest in the use of tissue adhesives as a substitute for conventional sutures in this surgical procedure. However, several key challenges persist, including prolonged curing times, inadequate mechanical and adhesive properties, and insufficient biocompatibility. In this study, we developed a three-component corneal interlaminar adhesive, comprising methylacrylic acid-amided collagen (ColMA), methylacrylic acid-amided gelatin (GelMA), and poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA). This adhesive can be rapidly photo-cross-linked through free radical polymerization under blue light irradiation. It exhibits rapid photo-cross-linking kinetics and demonstrates robust adhesion strength. By incorporation of flexible macromolecules into the hydrogel network, the resulting hydrogel adhesive achieves an appropriate modulus for corneal applications. In subcutaneous implantation surgery conducted on mice models, the hydrogel adhesive exhibits stable collagen accumulation capability along with an effective inflammation control ability. Therefore, our developed adhesive holds potential for application in DALK surgery

    Bioinspired Hybrid Protein Oxygen Nanocarrier Amplified Photodynamic Therapy for Eliciting Anti-tumor Immunity and Abscopal Effect

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    An ideal cancer therapeutic strategy is expected to possess potent ability to not only ablate primary tumors but also prevent distance metastasis and relapse. In this study, human serum albumin was hybridized with hemoglobin by intermolecular disulfide bonds to develop a hybrid protein oxygen nanocarrier with chlorine e6 encapsulated (C@HPOC) for oxygen self-sufficient photodynamic therapy (PDT). C@HPOC realized the tumor-targeted co-delivery of photosensitizer and oxygen, which remarkably relieved tumor hypoxia. C@HPOC was favorable for more efficient PDT and enhanced infiltration of CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells in tumors. Moreover, oxygen-boosted PDT of C@HPOC induced immunogenic cell death, with the release of danger-associated molecular patterns to activate dendritic cells, T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells <i>in vivo</i>. Notably, C@HPOC-mediated immunogenic PDT could destroy primary tumors and effectively suppress distant tumors and lung metastasis in a metastatic triple-negative breast cancer model by evoking systemic anti-tumor immunity. This study provides a paradigm of oxygen-augmented immunogenic PDT for metastatic cancer treatment

    Cancer Cell Membrane–Biomimetic Nanoparticles for Homologous-Targeting Dual-Modal Imaging and Photothermal Therapy

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    An active cell membrane–camouflaged nanoparticle, owning to membrane antigens and membrane structure, can achieve special properties such as specific recognition, long blood circulation, and immune escaping. Herein, we reported a cancer cell membrane–cloaked nanoparticle system as a theranostic nanoplatform. The biomimetic nanoparticles (indocyanine green (ICG)-loaded and cancer cell membrane-coated nanoparticles, ICNPs) exhibit a core–shell nanostructure consisting of an ICG-polymeric core and cancer cell membrane shell. ICNPs demonstrated specific homologous targeting to cancer cells with good monodispersity, preferable photothermal response, and excellent fluorescence/photoacoustic (FL/PA) imaging properties. Benefited from the functionalization of the homologous binding adhesion molecules from cancer cell membranes, ICNPs significantly promoted cell endocytosis and homologous-targeting tumor accumulation <i>in vivo</i>. Moreover, ICNPs were also good at disguising as cells to decrease interception by the liver and kidney. Through near-infrared (NIR)-FL/PA dual-modal imaging, ICNPs could realize real-time monitored <i>in vivo</i> dynamic distribution with high spatial resolution and deep penetration. Under NIR laser irradiation, ICNPs exhibited highly efficient photothermal therapy to eradicate xenografted tumor. The robust ICNPs with homologous properties of cancer cell membranes can serve as a bionic nanoplatform for cancer-targeted imaging and phototherapy

    Comprehensive Assessment for the Impacts of S/IVOC Emissions from Mobile Sources on SOA Formation in China

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    Semivolatile/intermediate-volatility organic compounds (S/IVOCs) from mobile sources are essential SOA contributors. However, few studies have comprehensively evaluated the SOA contributions of S/IVOCs by simultaneously comparing different parameterization schemes. This study used three SOA schemes in the CMAQ model with a measurement-based emission inventory to quantify the mobile source S/IVOC-induced SOA (MS–SI-SOA) for 2018 in China. Among different SOA schemes, SOA predicted by the 2D-VBS scheme was in the best agreement with observations, but there were still large deviations in a few regions. Three SOA schemes showed the peak value of annual average MS–SI-SOA was up to 0.6 ± 0.3 μg/m3. High concentrations of MS–SI-SOA were detected in autumn, while the notable relative contribution of MS–SI-SOA to total SOA was predicted in the coastal areas in summer, with a regional average contribution up to 20 ± 10% in Shanghai. MS–SI-SOA concentrations varied by up to 2 times among three SOA schemes, mainly due to the discrepancy in SOA precursor emissions and chemical reactions, suggesting that the differences between SOA schemes should also be considered in modeling studies. These findings identify the hotspot areas and periods for MS–SI-SOA, highlighting the importance of S/IVOC emission control in the future upgrading of emission standards