26 research outputs found
The chaotic effects in a nonlinear QCD evolution equation
The corrections of gluon fusion to the DGLAP and BFKL equations are discussed
in a united partonic framework. The resulting nonlinear evolution equations are
the well-known GLR-MQ-ZRS equation and a new evolution equation. Using the
available saturation models as input, we find that the new evolution equation
has the chaos solution with positive Lyaponov exponents in the perturbative
range. We predict a new kind of shadowing caused by chaos, which blocks the QCD
evolution in a critical small range. The blocking effect in the evolution
equation may explain the Abelian gluon assumption and even influence our
expectations to the projected Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC), Very Large
Hadron Collider (VLHC) and the upgrade (CppC) in a circular collider
(SppC).Comment: 58 pages, 23 figures,. Final version to appear in NP
Artifact Restoration in Histology Images with Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Histological whole slide images (WSIs) can be usually compromised by
artifacts, such as tissue folding and bubbles, which will increase the
examination difficulty for both pathologists and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD)
systems. Existing approaches to restoring artifact images are confined to
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), where the restoration process is
formulated as an image-to-image transfer. Those methods are prone to suffer
from mode collapse and unexpected mistransfer in the stain style, leading to
unsatisfied and unrealistic restored images. Innovatively, we make the first
attempt at a denoising diffusion probabilistic model for histological artifact
restoration, namely ArtiFusion.Specifically, ArtiFusion formulates the artifact
region restoration as a gradual denoising process, and its training relies
solely on artifact-free images to simplify the training complexity.Furthermore,
to capture local-global correlations in the regional artifact restoration, a
novel Swin-Transformer denoising architecture is designed, along with a time
token scheme. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of
ArtiFusion as a pre-processing method for histology analysis, which can
successfully preserve the tissue structures and stain style in artifact-free
regions during the restoration. Code is available at
https://github.com/zhenqi-he/ArtiFusion.Comment: Accepted by MICCAI202
Parton recombination effect in polarized parton distributions
Parton recombination corrections to the standard spin-dependent
Altarelli-Parisi evolution equation are considered in a nonlinear evolution
equation. The properties of this recombination equation and its relation with
the spin-averaged form are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Nucl. Phys. B. Appendix is
MP2: A Momentum Contrast Approach for Recommendation with Pointwise and Pairwise Learning
Binary pointwise labels (aka implicit feedback) are heavily leveraged by deep
learning based recommendation algorithms nowadays. In this paper we discuss the
limited expressiveness of these labels may fail to accommodate varying degrees
of user preference, and thus lead to conflicts during model training, which we
call annotation bias. To solve this issue, we find the soft-labeling property
of pairwise labels could be utilized to alleviate the bias of pointwise labels.
To this end, we propose a momentum contrast framework (MP2) that combines
pointwise and pairwise learning for recommendation. MP2 has a three-tower
network structure: one user network and two item networks. The two item
networks are used for computing pointwise and pairwise loss respectively. To
alleviate the influence of the annotation bias, we perform a momentum update to
ensure a consistent item representation. Extensive experiments on real-world
datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method against state-of-the-art
recommendation algorithms.Comment: This paper was accepted at SIGIR 202
Contributions of gluon recombination to saturation phenomena
Parton distributions in the small region are numerically predicted by
using a modified DGLAP equation with the GRV-like input distributions. We find
that gluon recombination at twist-4 level obviously suppresses the rapid growth
of parton densities with decrease. We show that before the saturation scale
is reached, saturation and partial saturation appear in the small
behavior of parton distributions in nucleus and free proton, respectively. The
antishadowing contributions to the saturation phenomena are also discussed.Comment: 23 pages, LATEX, 22 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.