32 research outputs found
Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of <i>Eutrema deltoideum</i> (Brassicaceae)
Eutrema deltoideum (Hook. f. et Thoms.) has been recognized as a potentially important vegetable and medicinal resource. In this study, we present the complete chloroplast genome of E. deltoideum and conduct a phylogenetic analysis. The chloroplast genome is 154,051 bp long and consists of a large single-copy (LSC) region of 84,149 bp, two inverted repeat (IR) regions of 26,065 bp each, and a small single-copy (SSC) region of 17,772 bp. It contains 132 complete genes, including 87 protein-coding genes, 8 ribosomal RNA genes, and 37 tRNA genes. Additionally, we identified 78 simple sequence repeats (SSRs). The phylogenetic tree reveals that E. deltoideum is closely related to E. heterophyllum, and the Eutrema genus is monophyletic. This study provides valuable information about E. deltoideum and enhances our understanding of its taxonomic classification.</p
Tuning Laccase Catalytic Activity with Phosphate Functionalized Carbon Dots by Visible Light
The phosphate functionalized carbon
dots (PCDs) with high biocompatibility and low toxicity can be used
as efficient additives for the construction of laccase/PCDs hybrids
catalyst. A series of experiments indicated that the activity of laccase/PCDs
was higher than that of free laccase (increased by 47.7%). When laccase/PCDs
hybrids catalyst was irradiated with visible light (laccase/PCDs-Light),
its activity was higher than that of laccase/PCDs hybrids without
light irradiation (increased by 92.1%). In the present system, the
T1 Cu in laccase was combined with the phosphate group on PCDs, which
can increase binding capacity of laccase/PCDs hybrids and substrate.
Further, the visible light irradiation increased the donating and
accepting electronic capability of the laccase/PCDs hybrids, improving
their catalytic activity
Cell wall stiffness profiles of wild-type and <i>35S</i>::<i>OsEXPA8</i> suspension cells with the passage of time in culture.
<p>(A) and (B) on day 5, (C) and (D) on day 10, (E) and (F) on day 13. Each graph corresponds to stiffness values of 150 FD curves obtained on 30 cells, which derived from three biological replications from <i>35S::OsEXPA</i>8 transgenic line 1. WT: wild-type.</p
Hierarchical and Highly Stable Conductive Network Cathode for Ultraflexible Li–S Batteries
Li–S batteries have great potential for next-generation energy
storage which can meet the rising demand of rollable displays and
wearable electronic devices because of the high theoretical energy
density and competitive price. Here, we design and fabricate an integrated
electrode with hierarchical structure and interconnected 3D conductive
networks as a cathode of flexible Li–S batteries. The composite
cathode exhibits high electrochemical performance and cycling stability.
The initial reversible discharge capacity is 1312 mA h g<sup>–1</sup> at 0.2 C with sulfur load 2.0 mg cm<sup>–2</sup>, and the
capacity decay rate is 0.09% per cycle within 500 cycles at current
of 1 C. Notably, the composite electrode can sustain 15.2 MPa stress
with 10% strain and retain structural integrity after 200 000
bending cycles, the highest number of bending cycles found to date
for any flexible S cathodes. The soft package batteries with different
sizes and shapes are fabricated, and they exhibit extraordinary flexibility
and stability after bending and flattening over 2100 times. Moreover,
their potential applications in rollable displays, flexible lighting,
and wearable electronic devices are also investigated
Overexpression of <i>OsEXPA8</i>, a Root-Specific Gene, Improves Rice Growth and Root System Architecture by Facilitating Cell Extension
<div><p>Expansins are unique plant cell wall proteins that are involved in cell wall modifications underlying many plant developmental processes. In this work, we investigated the possible biological role of the root-specific α-expansin gene <i>OsEXPA8</i> in rice growth and development by generating transgenic plants. Overexpression of <i>OsEXPA8</i> in rice plants yielded pleiotropic phenotypes of improved root system architecture (longer primary roots, more lateral roots and root hairs), increased plant height, enhanced leaf number and enlarged leaf size. Further study indicated that the average cell length in both leaf and root vascular bundles was enhanced, and the cell growth in suspension cultures was increased, which revealed the cellular basis for <i>OsEXPA8</i>-mediated rice plant growth acceleration. Expansins are thought to be a key factor required for cell enlargement and wall loosening. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) technology revealed that average wall stiffness values for <i>35S</i>::<i>OsEXPA8</i> transgenic suspension-cultured cells decreased over six-fold compared to wild-type counterparts during different growth phases. Moreover, a prominent change in the wall polymer composition of suspension cells was observed, and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra revealed a relative increase in the ratios of the polysaccharide/lignin content in cell wall compositions of <i>OsEXPA8</i> overexpressors. These results support a role for expansins in cell expansion and plant growth.</p></div
Behavior of infrared absorption bands in cell wall isolates.
<p>Cell wall isolates of wild-type and <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> transgenic line 1 suspension cells on day 10 was used for wall composition analysis. Average and area-normalized Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of isolated cell walls from wild-type (lower) and <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> (upper) line 1 suspension cells.</p
Morphological changes in <i>35S</i>::<i>OsEXPA8</i> transgenic lines.
<p>(A) Seven-day-old rice seedlings of wild-type and <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> transgenic line1 plants. (B, C) Stereoscope images of the primary root of wild-type (B) and <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> line1 (C) seedlings. Scale bars = 40 µm. (D, E) Epidermal morphology of the root hair growth zones of seminal roots of wild-type (D) and <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> line1 (E) seedlings. Scale bars = 10 µm. Seedlings were grown for 7 days on half-strength solid MS medium vertically, and the root apex of was observed by stereoscope microscopes and cryo-scanning electron microscope (Cryo-SEM), respectively. (F) Root system architecture of two-month-old wild-type and <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> line1 plants. (G) The plant morphology of two-month-old wild-type and <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> line1 plants. (H) Flag leaf phenotype of two-month-old wild-type and <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> line1 plants.</p
Effect of overexpression of <i>OsEXPA8</i> on the root system architecture and plant growth.
<p>(A) The length of primary roots of seven-day-old rice seedlings. (B) The number of lateral roots of seven-day-old rice seedlings. (C) The plant height of two -month-old rice plants. (D) The leaf number per plant of two-month-old rice plants. (E) The length of the flag leaf of two-month-old rice plants. (F) The width of the flag leaf of two-month-old rice plants. Three independent transgenic line 1 (L1), line 4 (L4) and line 5 (L5) were analyzed. WT: wild-type. Values are the means of ten biological replications ± standard error. One independent plant was considered as one biological replication. Asterisks (*) indicate parameters of <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> transgenic plants were significantly different from that of wild-type plants by statistical analysis using the Student’s <i>t</i>-test program (<i>P</i><0.01).</p
Hierarchical and Highly Stable Conductive Network Cathode for Ultraflexible Li–S Batteries
Li–S batteries have great potential for next-generation energy
storage which can meet the rising demand of rollable displays and
wearable electronic devices because of the high theoretical energy
density and competitive price. Here, we design and fabricate an integrated
electrode with hierarchical structure and interconnected 3D conductive
networks as a cathode of flexible Li–S batteries. The composite
cathode exhibits high electrochemical performance and cycling stability.
The initial reversible discharge capacity is 1312 mA h g<sup>–1</sup> at 0.2 C with sulfur load 2.0 mg cm<sup>–2</sup>, and the
capacity decay rate is 0.09% per cycle within 500 cycles at current
of 1 C. Notably, the composite electrode can sustain 15.2 MPa stress
with 10% strain and retain structural integrity after 200 000
bending cycles, the highest number of bending cycles found to date
for any flexible S cathodes. The soft package batteries with different
sizes and shapes are fabricated, and they exhibit extraordinary flexibility
and stability after bending and flattening over 2100 times. Moreover,
their potential applications in rollable displays, flexible lighting,
and wearable electronic devices are also investigated
Morphological changes of vascular bundle cells in both leaves and roots in rice <i>35S</i>::<i>OsEXPA8</i> transgenic line 1 plants
<p>. Plants of two-month-old were subject to anatomic analysis. The cells were analyzed in an optical microscope. (A), (C), (E) and (G) wild-type plants; (B), (D), (F) and (H) <i>35S::OsEXPA8</i> transgenic lines; (A) and (B) transverse sections of the flag leaf, (C) and (D) longitudinal sections of the flag leaf; (E) and (F) transverse sections of the lateral root, (G) and (H) longitudinal sections of the lateral root. Scale bars: 25 µm.</p