59 research outputs found
Illustration of SampEn algorithm with the embedding dimension <i>m</i> = 2.
<p>The colored bands show the tolerance regions <i>r</i>. (a) Green arrow denotes template vector <i>u</i>(10) = [<i>x</i>(10), <i>x</i>(11)]. (b) Only vectors <i>u</i>(20) = [<i>x</i>(20), <i>x</i>(21)], <i>u</i>(35) = [<i>x</i>(35), <i>x</i>(36)] (red arrow) falling into these bands were counted to match the template vector: <i>u</i>(10) = [<i>x</i>(10), <i>x</i>(11)].</p
Scatterplots of glucose metabolism in local maximum of each cluster versus age in the female group.
<p>A quadratic polynomial fitting is used to express the relationship between glucose uptake and age. (a) Left medial frontal gyrus, ; (b) Left inferior frontal gyrus, ; (c) Right superior gyrus, .</p
Synthetic Data.
<p>Top: Horizontal profiles along the (<i>left</i>), (<i>middle</i>), and (<i>right</i>) rows of the recovered activity maps for low count measurements. Bottom: Horizontal profiles along the (<i>left</i>), (<i>middle</i>), and (<i>right</i>) rows of the recovered activity maps for high count measurements.</p
The activated clusters detected by (a) SampEn, in which statistical <i>T</i><sup>+</sup> map reveals an activation change in two experimental paradigms (neutral-blank to threat-neutral); (b) SPM12, in which statistical <i>T</i> map reveals activations during processing of neutral-blank (hot orange) and threat-neutral (winter blue).
<p>The activated clusters detected by (a) SampEn, in which statistical <i>T</i><sup>+</sup> map reveals an activation change in two experimental paradigms (neutral-blank to threat-neutral); (b) SPM12, in which statistical <i>T</i> map reveals activations during processing of neutral-blank (hot orange) and threat-neutral (winter blue).</p
Results of a two-node DCM analysis applied to the flashing checkerboard experiment.
<p>The coupling parameters calculated with actual are shown alongside the corresponding connections. The values in brackets are parameters estimated with assumed . in visual area V, in V and assumed in two areas. and represent external inputs into the system; and are the hemodynamic observations and arrows indicate connections.</p
Reconstructed activity map of the physical phantom by FBP (<i>top left</i>), EM-ML (<i>top right</i>), EKF (<i>bottom left</i>) and UKF(<i>bottom right</i>) (arrows indicate cold areas), and the associated color scale.
<p>Reconstructed activity map of the physical phantom by FBP (<i>top left</i>), EM-ML (<i>top right</i>), EKF (<i>bottom left</i>) and UKF(<i>bottom right</i>) (arrows indicate cold areas), and the associated color scale.</p
A visual guide to optimal selection of window length (<i>m</i>) and tolerance (<i>r</i>) parameters for SampEn estimation of fMRI time series of length 128.
<p>(a) the median value of relative error of SampEn is shown in pseudocolor. (b) their changes with <i>m</i> and <i>r</i> is shown as a color ribbon map.</p
Estimated BOLD signal (Left), and reconstructed physiological states (Right) from the greatest activated locus in primary visual cortex (V).
<p>For comparative purpose, model estimation was also performed with a typical assumed . Real value is .</p
Schematic illustration of the hemodynamic Balloon model.
<p>Schematic illustration of the hemodynamic Balloon model.</p
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