107 research outputs found
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Additional file 7: Figure S1. The KEGG pathways separately enriched with hypermethylated (a) and hypomethylated (b) genes in at least 10% of the 539 TCGA lung adenocarcinoma samples
Structure Evolution of Synthetic Amino Acids-Derived Basic Ionic Liquids for Catalytic Production of Biodiesel
A two-step
strategy was attempted to develop the best amino acid-based
basic ionic liquids for catalytic production of biodiesel via transesterification.
Cholinium with various amino acids as paired anions were first synthesized
to screen anionic moiety. Arginine and histidine were selected for
further structural evolution by varying the substituents of tetraammonium
cation. Tetrabutylammonium arginine ([TBA]Â[Arg]) was found to be the
most effective catalyst to obtain 98.0%–99.8% yield of biodiesel
at 80 °C within 15 min with catalyst loading of 28.84 mmol/100
g high oleic sunflower oil. <sup>13</sup>C NMR spectra of reactants
and products certified the progress of transesterification structurally.
Biodiesel yield of 98.80% was obtained under the optimal conditions:
catalyst loading 6% (oil basis, w/w), temperature 90 °C, methanol
to oil mole ratio 9:1, and 15 min reaction. The catalytic transesterification
by [TBA]Â[Arg] was applicable for different alkyl alcohols, but the
activity decreased with increasing alkyl chain length. The catalyst
did not show specificity and preference to different glycerides and
different fatty acids. The strong protonizability of the guanidine
moiety in [Arg]<sup>−</sup> and stability of [TBA]<sup>+</sup>, [TMA]<sup>+</sup> and [Ch]<sup>+</sup> in methanol are suggested
to be responsible for the high catalytic activity of the ILs. The
developed catalyst significantly reduced the reaction time and might
be greener and more sustainable due to the properties of the substrates
and the preparation in water
Complete Utilization of Rapeseed Meal to Produce Lipophilic Antioxidants, Protein, and Monosugars in a Concordant Manner
possibilities of complete utilization of rapeseed meal to produce
lipophilic phenolic compounds, protein, and monosugars were evaluated
extensively in this work. Advanced techniques including NMR and MS
were employed for confirming the occurrence of the proposed reaction
structurally. Lipophilization of the major phenolic compound in rapeseed
meal, sinapine, by transesterification reaction was achieved in a
solvent-free system with optimal conditions of 10 mg NaOH/g meal,
70 °C, 15 mL methanol/g meal, and 15 min. Sinapate alkyl esters
yields were decreased gradually with longer chain alcohols. However,
the purity of the targeted compounds in corresponding alcohols was
improved due to low solubilities of the other polar compounds. After
sinapate alkyl esters production, the solid residue was soaked in
NaOH solution at room temperature for protein extraction and 50 mg
protein/g meal with protein content of 77% was obtained. The above
two procedures played roles as pretreatments of the carbohydrate.
Hexose yield of 67% was reached without any other pretreatments. This
work suggests the big possibilities of producing high value products
from rapeseed meal in a concordant manner
Batch effects on tumour samples for nine cancer types.
<p>(a) different batches and different laboratories; (b) the same laboratory but different batches; (c) the same batch but different laboratories; (d) Hierarchical clustering the tumour samples of ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma in batch 9 and batch 12. For a cancer type denoted in the x-axis in graph a, b or c, a box plot in the y-axis represents the percentage of probes significantly susceptible to different batch conditions. The percentage takes value ranging from 0 (no susceptible probe) to 1 (100% susceptible probes). Each box stretches from the lower hinge (defined as the 25th percentile) to the upper hinge (the 75th percentile) and the median is shown as a line across the box.</p
Concordance between differential methylation and differential expression.
§<p>Gene number denotes the number of hypermethylated (or hypomethylated) genes which were determined to be differentially expressed in the expression data.</p
Rational Bottom-Up Engineering of Electrocatalysts by Atomic Layer Deposition: A Case Study of Fe<sub><i>x</i></sub>Co<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>S<sub><i>y</i></sub>‑Based Catalysts for Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution
A rational
bottom-up engineering strategy for efficient electrocatalysts
based on atomic layer deposition (ALD) is reported. The strategy involves
compositional optimization of surface catalyst material by ALD for
high specific activity and geometric optimization of electrode structure
for high surface area. The two optimizations are decoupled herein,
because the conformal ALD ensures that the coating of the catalyst
does not depend on the substrate geometry. To demonstrate this strategy,
we choose ternary Fe<sub><i>x</i></sub>Co<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>S<sub><i>y</i></sub> compound as the catalyst
for electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Compositional
optimization shows that Fe<sub>0.54</sub>Co<sub>0.46</sub>S<sub>0.92</sub> is the best composition for high specific HER activity, and it is
therefore chosen to be conformally coated by ALD on a high-surface-area
CNTs/CC (carbon nanotubes on carbon cloth) electrode. The synthesized
Fe<sub>0.54</sub>Co<sub>0.46</sub>S<sub>0.92</sub>/CNTs/CC electrode
exhibits a fairly low HER overpotential of −70 mV for achieving
−10 mA/cm<sup>2</sup> in current density in alkaline solution,
which demonstrates the effectiveness of this ALD-based engineering
Batch effects on DM genes of six cancer types.
<p>For each cancer type denoted in the x-axis, a box plot in the y-axis represents the consistency score defined as the proportion of DM genes with consistent methylation states among all overlapping DM gene commonly detected in both of the two groups (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0029686#s2" target="_blank">‘Methods’</a> section). The consistency score takes value ranging from 0 (no consistent states) to 1 (100% consistent states). Each box stretches from the lower hinge (defined as the 25th percentile) to the upper hinge (the 75th percentile) and the median is shown as a line across the box.</p
The Methylation and Expression datasets of five cancer types for concordance analysis.
#<p>Each dataset is denoted by the following nomenclature: initial character of the cancer type followed by the total number of samples of the dataset; NA, not available.</p
Keratin associated protein genes hypomethylated in five cancers.
<p>Keratin associated protein genes hypomethylated in five cancers.</p
The datasets of nine cancer types for analyzing batch effects.
<p>The datasets of nine cancer types for analyzing batch effects.</p
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