2 research outputs found
Bimetal Zeolitic Imidazolite Framework-Derived Iron‑, Cobalt- and Nitrogen-Codoped Carbon Nanopolyhedra Electrocatalyst for Efficient Oxygen Reduction
Replacing precious metal electrocatalysts
with high-performance and low-cost nonprecious metal electrocatalysts
(NPMCs) is crucial for the commercialization of fuel cell technologies.
Herein, we present a novel and facile route for synthesis of iron-,
cobalt-, and nitrogen-codoped carbon nanopolyhedra electrocatalysts
(Fe,Co,N-CNP) by one-step pyrolysis of a new type of Fe/Co bimetal
zeolitic imidazolate framework (Fe,Co-ZIF) crystals that were self-assembled
by oxygen-free solvothermal reaction of Fe<sup>2+</sup> and Co<sup>2+</sup> with 2-methylimidazole. During the pyrolysis process, the
Fe<sup>2+</sup> ions in Fe,Co-ZIF not only effectively inhibit the
aggregation of Co nanoparticles but also increase the specific surface
area (SSA) and N content of the resultant electrocatalysts. The optimized
Fe,Co,N-CNP(0.3) (Fe/Co molar ratio of 0.3 in Fe,Co-ZIF) electrocatalyst
exhibited a highly promising activity for oxygen reduction reaction
(ORR) with a positive half-wave potential (<i>E</i><sub>1/2</sub>) of 0.875 V (29 mV higher than that of the commercial Pt/C),
excellent methanol tolerance, and electrochemical stability in the
alkaline electrolyte. Also, Fe,Co,N-CNP(0.3) presents comparable ORR
catalytic activity as Pt/C in the acidic electrolyte with <i>E</i><sub>1/2</sub> of 0.764 V and superior methanol tolerance
and electrochemical stability. The outstanding ORR performance of
Fe,Co,N-CNP(0.3) is ascribed to the synergistic contribution of homogeneous
Fe, Co, and N codoping structure, high SSA, and hierarchically porous
structure for rapid mass transport. This novel and rational methodology
for controlled synthesis of ZIFs-derived nitrogen-doped porous carbon
nanopolyhedras offers new prospects in developing highly efficient