261 research outputs found

    Moderate Deviations for the SSEP with a Slow Bond

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    We consider the one dimensional symmetric simple exclusion process with a slow bond. In this model, particles cross each bond at rate N2N^2, except one particular bond, the slow bond, where the rate is NN. Above, NN is the scaling parameter. This model has been considered in the context of hydrodynamic limits, fluctuations and large deviations. We investigate moderate deviations from hydrodynamics and obtain a moderate deviation principle.Comment: 24 page

    Equilibrium Perturbations for Asymmetric Zero Range Process under Diffusive Scaling in Dimensions d≄2d \geq 2

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    We consider the asymmetric zero range process in dimensions d≄2d \geq 2. Assume the initial density profile is a perturbation of the constant density, which has order N−αN^{-\alpha}, α∈(0,1)\alpha \in (0,1), and is constant along the drift direction. Here, NN is the scaling parameter. We show that under some constraints on the jump rate of the zero range process, the perturbed quantity macroscopically obeys the heat equation under diffusive scaling

    Sample path MDP for the current and the tagged particle in the SSEP

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    We prove sample path moderate deviation principles (MDP) for the current and the tagged particle in the symmetric simple exclusion process, which extends the results in \cite{xue2023moderate}, where the MDP was only proved at any fixed time

    Non-equilibrium Fluctuations of the Weakly Asymmetric Normalized Binary Contact Path Process

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    This paper is a further investigation of the problem studied in \cite{xue2020hydrodynamics}, where the authors proved a law of large numbers for the empirical measure of the weakly asymmetric normalized binary contact path process on Zd, d≄3\mathbb{Z}^d,\, d \geq 3, and then conjectured that a central limit theorem should hold under a non-equilibrium initial condition. We prove that the aforesaid conjecture is true when the dimension dd of the underlying lattice and the infection rate λ\lambda of the process are sufficiently large

    Stationary fluctuations for the facilitated exclusion process

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    We derive the stationary fluctuations for the Facilitated Exclusion Process (FEP) in one dimension in the symmetric, weakly asymmetric and asymmetric cases. Our proof relies on the mapping between the FEP and the zero-range process, and extends the strategy in \cite{erignoux2022mapping}, where hydrodynamic limits were derived for the FEP, to its stationary fluctuations. Our results thus exploit works on the zero-range process's fluctuations \cite{gonccalves2010equilibrium,gonccalves2015stochastic}, but we also provide a direct proof in the symmetric case, for which we derive a sharp estimate on the equivalence of ensembles for the FEP's stationary states.Comment: 38page

    Moderate Deviations for the SSEP with a Slow Bond

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    We consider the one dimensional symmetric simple exclusion process with a slow bond. In this model, particles cross each bond at rate N^2 , except one particular bond, the slow bond, where the rate is N. Above, N is the scaling parameter. This model has been considered in the context of hydrodynamic limits, fluctuations and large deviations. We investigate moderate deviations from hydrodynamics and obtain a moderate deviation principle
