2,235 research outputs found
An Unsupervised Learning Model for Deformable Medical Image Registration
We present a fast learning-based algorithm for deformable, pairwise 3D
medical image registration. Current registration methods optimize an objective
function independently for each pair of images, which can be time-consuming for
large data. We define registration as a parametric function, and optimize its
parameters given a set of images from a collection of interest. Given a new
pair of scans, we can quickly compute a registration field by directly
evaluating the function using the learned parameters. We model this function
using a convolutional neural network (CNN), and use a spatial transform layer
to reconstruct one image from another while imposing smoothness constraints on
the registration field. The proposed method does not require supervised
information such as ground truth registration fields or anatomical landmarks.
We demonstrate registration accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art 3D image
registration, while operating orders of magnitude faster in practice. Our
method promises to significantly speed up medical image analysis and processing
pipelines, while facilitating novel directions in learning-based registration
and its applications. Our code is available at
https://github.com/balakg/voxelmorph .Comment: 9 pages, in CVPR 201
A Practice in Enrollment Prediction with Markov Chain Models
Enrollment projection is a critical aspect of university management, guiding
decisions related to resource allocation and revenue forecasting. However,
despite its importance, there remains a lack of transparency regarding the
methodologies utilized by many institutions. This paper presents an innovative
approach to enrollment projection using Markov Chain modeling, drawing upon a
case study conducted at Eastern Michigan University (EMU). Markov Chain
modeling emerges as a promising approach for enrollment projection, offering
precise predictions based on historical trends. This paper outlines the
implementation of Enhanced Markov Chain modeling at EMU, detailing the
methodology used to compute transition probabilities and evaluate model
performance. Despite challenges posed by external uncertainties such as the
COVID-19 pandemic, Markov Chain modeling has demonstrated impressive accuracy,
with an average difference of less than 1 percent between predicted and actual
enrollments. The paper concludes with a discussion of future directions and
opportunities for collaboration among institutions
Zero-Sum Stochastic Stackelberg Games
Zero-sum stochastic games have found important applications in a variety of
fields, from machine learning to economics. Work on this model has primarily
focused on the computation of Nash equilibrium due to its effectiveness in
solving adversarial board and video games. Unfortunately, a Nash equilibrium is
not guaranteed to exist in zero-sum stochastic games when the payoffs at each
state are not convex-concave in the players' actions. A Stackelberg
equilibrium, however, is guaranteed to exist. Consequently, in this paper, we
study zero-sum stochastic Stackelberg games. Going beyond known existence
results for (non-stationary) Stackelberg equilibria, we prove the existence of
recursive (i.e., Markov perfect) Stackelberg equilibria (recSE) in these games,
provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a policy profile to be a recSE,
and show that recSE can be computed in (weakly) polynomial time via value
iteration. Finally, we show that zero-sum stochastic Stackelberg games can
model the problem of pricing and allocating goods across agents and time. More
specifically, we propose a zero-sum stochastic Stackelberg game whose recSE
correspond to the recursive competitive equilibria of a large class of
stochastic Fisher markets. We close with a series of experiments that showcase
how our methodology can be used to solve the consumption-savings problem in
stochastic Fisher markets.Comment: 29 pages 2 figures, Appeared in NeurIPS'2
Fisher Markets with Social Influence
A Fisher market is an economic model of buyer and seller interactions in
which each buyer's utility depends only on the bundle of goods she obtains.
Many people's interests, however, are affected by their social interactions
with others. In this paper, we introduce a generalization of Fisher markets,
namely influence Fisher markets, which captures the impact of social influence
on buyers' utilities. We show that competitive equilibria in influence Fisher
markets correspond to generalized Nash equilibria in an associated pseudo-game,
which implies the existence of competitive equilibria in all influence Fisher
markets with continuous and concave utility functions. We then construct a
monotone pseudo-game, whose variational equilibria and their duals together
characterize competitive equilibria in influence Fisher markets with
continuous, jointly concave, and homogeneous utility functions. This
observation implies that competitive equilibria in these markets can be
computed in polynomial time under standard smoothness assumptions on the
utility functions. The dual of this second pseudo-game enables us to interpret
the competitive equilibria of influence CCH Fisher markets as the solutions to
a system of simultaneous Stackelberg games. Finally, we derive a novel
first-order method that solves this Stackelberg system in polynomial time,
prove that it is equivalent to computing competitive equilibrium prices via
t\^{a}tonnement, and run experiments that confirm our theoretical results
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Region-specific and activity-dependent regulation of SVZ neurogenesis and recovery after stroke.
Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability. Neurogenesis after stroke is associated with repair; however, the mechanisms regulating poststroke neurogenesis and its functional effect remain unclear. Here, we investigate multiple mechanistic routes of induced neurogenesis in the poststroke brain, using both a forelimb overuse manipulation that models a clinical neurorehabilitation paradigm, as well as local manipulation of cellular activity in the peri-infarct cortex. Increased activity in the forelimb peri-infarct cortex via either modulation drives increased subventricular zone (SVZ) progenitor proliferation, migration, and neuronal maturation in peri-infarct cortex. This effect is sensitive to competition from neighboring brain regions. By using orthogonal tract tracing and rabies virus approaches in transgenic SVZ-lineage-tracing mice, SVZ-derived neurons synaptically integrate into the peri-infarct cortex; these effects are enhanced with forelimb overuse. Synaptic transmission from these newborn SVZ-derived neurons is critical for spontaneous recovery after stroke, as tetanus neurotoxin silencing specifically of the SVZ-derived neurons disrupts the formation of these synaptic connections and hinders functional recovery after stroke. SVZ-derived neurogenesis after stroke is activity-dependent, region-specific, and sensitive to modulation, and the synaptic connections formed by these newborn cells are functionally critical for poststroke recovery
Meridional heat transport variability induced by mesoscale processes in the subpolar North Atlantic
© The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nature Communications 9 (2018): 1124, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03134-x.The ocean’s role in global climate change largely depends on its heat transport. Therefore, understanding the oceanic meridional heat transport (MHT) variability is a fundamental issue. Prevailing observational and modeling evidence suggests that MHT variability is primarily determined by the large-scale ocean circulation. Here, using new in situ observations in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic Ocean and an eddy-resolving numerical model, we show that energetic mesoscale eddies with horizontal scales of about 10–100 km profoundly modulate MHT variability on time scales from intra-seasonal to interannual. Our results reveal that the velocity changes due to mesoscale processes produce substantial variability for the MHT regionally (within sub-basins) and the subpolar North Atlantic as a whole. The findings have important implications for understanding the mechanisms for poleward heat transport variability in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean, a key region for heat and carbon sequestration, ice–ocean interaction, and biological productivity.J.Z. was financially supported by the Postdoctoral Scholar Program at WHOI, with funding provided by the Ocean and Climate Change Institute. This work was also supported by the US National Science Foundation (OCE-1258823 and OCE-1634886), as well as by China’s national key research and development projects (2016YFA0601803), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41521091 and U1606402), the Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (2015ASKJ01), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (201424001 and 201362048)
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