418 research outputs found
Suzaku View of the Neutron Star in the Dipping Source 4U 182237
The dipping X-ray source 4U 182237 was observed by Suzaku on 2006 Octrober
20 for a net exposure of 37 ks. The source was detected with the XIS at a 1-10
keV flux of 5.5 erg cm s, and with the HXD
(HXD-PIN) at a 10-50 keV flux of 8.9 erg cm s.
With HXD-PIN, the pulsation was detected at a barycentric period of 0.592437 s,
and its change rate was reconfirmed as 10 s s. The
1-50 keV spectra of 4U 1822-37 were found to be very similar to those of Her
X-1 in the slopes, cutoff and iron lines. Three iron lines (Fe K, Fe
XXV, and Fe XXVI) were detected, on top of a 1-50 keV continuum that is
described by an NPEX model plus a soft blackbody. In addition, a cyclotron
resonance scattering feature was detected significantly ( confidence),
at an energy of 332 keV with a depth of 0.4. Therefore,
the neutron star in this source is concluded to have a strong magnetic field of
2.8 G. Further assuming that the source has a relatively high
intrinsic luminosity of several times 10 erg s, its spectral and
timing properties are consistently explained
The struggle for chicano/latino studies. Evolution and development in California
Entre los años 60 y 70, los estudios latinos y chicanos fueron promovidos al más alto nivel académico. El sociólogo italiano Gino Germani habÃa argumentado que los latinos en los Estados Unidos estaban condicionados por la situación sociocultural y la personalidad social básica de la cultura estadounidense. Este artÃculo estudia la identidad social latinoamericana básica en California que influyó en la creación de los Departamentos y programas de estudios latinos y chicanos. Es en el interés del artÃculo analizar los tres tipos de Departamentos descritos por el Profesor Pedro Cabán en respuesta a un desarrollo de identidad cultural latina básica en California. El artÃculo se divide en tres secciones diferentes: la evolución de los Estudios latinos/chicanos, los problemas migratorios y educativos de la comunidad latina en los Estados Unidos, y finalmente una división de los Departamentos y Programas en las Universidades y Colegios de California donde se estudian temas relacionados con la comunidad latina y chicana en los Estados Unidos.Between the 1960s and 1970s Latino/Chicano studies were encouraged at the highest academic level. Italian sociologist Gino Germani had argued that Latinos in the United States were conditioned by the socio-cultural situation and the basic social personality of American culture. This article studies the basic Latin American social identity in California which influenced the creation of Departments and programs of Latino/Chicano Studies. It is in the interest of the article analyze the three types of Departments described by Professor Pedro Cabán in respond to a development of the basic Latino identity in California. The article is divided in three different sections: the evolution of Latino/ Chicano studies; the immigration and educational issues of the Latino community in the United States and finally a division of the Departments and Programs in the Universities and Colleges of California where they study subjects related to the Latin/Chicano community in the United States
Study of populations of low-mass X-ray binaries in elliptical galaxies
The aim of this thesis is to study the environmental dependence of populations of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) in early-type galaxies. The dissertation is mainly based on archival data of the Chandra observatory, complemented by the infrared data of the Spitzer observatory as well as by the results of the Hubble Space Telescope and ground based optical observations. The dissertation investigates the dependence of LMXB populations on the stellar density, velocity dispersion and the age of the stellar population.
To investigate the LMXB dependence on the stellar density and velocity dispersion, we studied different sub populations of low-mass X-ray binaries -- dynamically formed systems in globular clusters and in the nucleus of M31, and presumably primordial X-ray binaries in the fields of galaxies. We found that the luminosity distributions of globular cluster and field LMXBs differ throughout the entire luminosity range. The fraction of faint (Lx < E37 erg/s) sources in globular clusters is ~ 4 times smaller than in the field population. This may present a challenge for the models suggesting that the entire LMXB population was formed dynamically in globular clusters and then expelled to the field due to dynamical interactions or as globular clusters dissolve. The luminosity function of dynamically formed sources in the nucleus of M31 is similar to that of globular cluster sources at the faint end but differs at the bright end, that the M31 nucleus hosting significantly fewer bright sources than globular clusters (and field population). The difference between their luminosity distributions is likely caused by the factor of ~ 10-20 difference in stellar velocities in globular clusters and galactic nuclei, which leads to different dynamical formation channels.
In order to investigate the LMXB dependence on the stellar age we collected a sample of 20 nearby massive E/S0 galaxies covering a broad range of stellar ages from ~ 1 to > 10 Gyrs. We found statistically significant correlation of the specific frequency of LMXBs (number per unit stellar mass) with the age of the host galaxy and its globular cluster content. Overall, older galaxies tend to have more X-ray binaries per unit stellar mass than the younger ones. This can be explained as a combined effect of two factors. On one hand, there appears to be an intrinsic correlation of the specific number of low-mass X-ray binaries in the field with the age of the stellar population. On the other hand, the older galaxies tend to have richer globular cluster population and therefore a larger number of dynamically formed X-ray sources associated with them. We also found a significant difference in the luminosity functions of low-mass X-ray
binaries in younger and older galaxies, with the former having a flatter luminosity distribution and hosting more bright sources. This behavior is unrelated to the difference between luminosity distributions of the globular cluster and field sources and reflects the intrinsic age dependence of the LMXB populations
Detection of a quasi-periodic oscillation in gamma-ray light curve of the high redshift blazar B2 1520+31
We detected a possible quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) of ~ 71 days in the
0.1 -- 300 GeV gamma-ray Fermi-LAT light curve of the high redshift flat
spectrum radio quasar B2 1520+31. We identify and confirm that quasi-period by
Lomb Scargle periodogram (LSP), and weighted wavelet z-transform (WWZ)
analyses. Using this QPO period, and assuming it originates from accretion-disc
fluctuations at the innermost stable circular orbit, we estimate the central
supermassive black hole mass to range between ~ 5.4 * 10 M for
a non-rotating black hole and ~ 6.0 * 10 M for a maximally
rotating black hole. We briefly discuss other possible radio-loud active
galactic nuclei emission models capable of producing a gamma-ray QPO of such a
period in a blazar.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to MNRA
Imaging and variability studies of CTA~102 during the 2016 January -ray flare
The -ray bright blazar CTA 102 is studied using imaging (new 15 GHz
and archival 43 GHz Very Long Baseline Array, VLBA data) and time variable
optical flux density, polarization degree and electric vector position angle
(EVPA) spanning between 2015 June 1 and 2016 October 1, covering a prominent
-ray flare during 2016 January. The pc-scale jet indicates expansion
with oscillatory features upto 17 mas. Component proper motions are in the
range 0.04 - 0.33 mas/yr with acceleration upto 1.2 mas followed by a slowing
down beyond 1.5 mas. A jet bulk Lorentz factor 17.5, position angle of
128.3 degrees, inclination angle 6.6 degrees and intrinsic half opening
angle 1.8 degrees are derived from the VLBA data. These inferences are
employed in a helical jet model to infer long term variability in flux density,
polarization degree, EVPA and a rotation of the Stokes Q and U parameters. A
core distance of = 22.9 pc, and a magnetic field
strength at 1 pc and the core location of 1.57 G and 0.07 G respectively are
inferred using the core shift method. The study is useful in the context of
estimating jet parameters and in offering clues to distinguish mechanisms
responsible for variability over different timescales.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; accepted for publication in Ap
Multiscale Simulation of Surface Defect Influence in Nanoindentation by a Quasi-Continuum Method
Microscopic properties of crystal aluminum thin film have been investigated using the quasi-continuum method in order to study the influence of surface defects in nanoindentation. Various distances between the surface pit defect and indenter and various sizes of the pit have been calculated. In this simulation, as the distance between the pit and indenter increases, the nanohardness increases in a wave that goes up in a period of three atoms, and it is found closely related to the crystal structure of periodic atom arrangement on {1Â 1Â 1} atomic close-packed planes of FCC metal; there is almost no influence on the nanohardness when the adjacent distance between the pit and indenter is more than 16 atomic spacing. We have modified the theoretical equation of the necessary load for elastic-to-plastic transition of Al film with the initial surface defect size. Furthermore, when the size coefficient of width (of height) equals about one unit (half unit), the yield load experiences an obvious drop. When it reaches about two units (one unit), the yield load is nearly close to that of the nanoindentation on a stepped surface. Additionally, compared to the width, the height of surface pit defect displays a greater influence on the yield load of thin film
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