269,657 research outputs found
Remark on Entropic Characterization of Quantum Operations
In the present paper, the reduction of some proofs in \cite{Roga1} is
presented. An entropic inequality for quantum state and bi-stochastic CP
super-operators is conjectured.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX. A conjecture for some entropic inequality is adde
Lie transformation method on quantum state evolution of a general time-dependent driven and damped parametric oscillator
A variety of dynamics in nature and society can be approximately treated as a
driven and damped parametric oscillator. An intensive investigation of this
time-dependent model from an algebraic point of view provides a consistent
method to resolve the classical dynamics and the quantum evolution in order to
understand the time-dependent phenomena that occur not only in the macroscopic
classical scale for the synchronized behaviors but also in the microscopic
quantum scale for a coherent state evolution. By using a Floquet
U-transformation on a general time-dependent quadratic Hamiltonian, we exactly
solve the dynamic behaviors of a driven and damped parametric oscillator to
obtain the optimal solutions by means of invariant parameters of s to
combine with Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant method. This approach can discriminate
the external dynamics from the internal evolution of a wave packet by producing
independent parametric equations that dramatically facilitate the parametric
control on the quantum state evolution in a dissipative system. In order to
show the advantages of this method, several time-dependent models proposed in
the quantum control field are analyzed in details.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure
Dirac Delta Function of Matrix Argument
Dirac delta function of matrix argument is employed frequently in the
development of diverse fields such as Random Matrix Theory, Quantum Information
Theory, etc. The purpose of the article is pedagogical, it begins by recalling
detailed knowledge about Heaviside unit step function and Dirac delta function.
Then its extensions of Dirac delta function to vector spaces and matrix spaces
are discussed systematically, respectively. The detailed and elementary proofs
of these results are provided. Though we have not seen these results formulated
in the literature, there certainly are predecessors. Applications are also
mentioned.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Any comments are welcome!. arXiv admin
note: text overlap with arXiv:quant-ph/0012101 by other author
Conditional mutual information and self-commutator
A simpler approach to the characterization of vanishing conditional mutual
information is presented. Some remarks are given as well. More specifically,
relating the conditional mutual information to a commutator is a very promising
approach towards the approximate version of SSA. That is, it is conjectured
that small conditional mutual information implies small perturbation of quantum
Markov chain.Comment: LaTex, 9 pages. Minor modifications are made. Any comments are
Remark on the coherent information saturating its upper bound
Coherent information is a useful concept in quantum information theory. It
connects with other notions in data processing. In this short remark, we
discuss the coherent information saturating its upper bound. A necessary and
sufficient condition for this saturation is derived.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, a little remark is adde
Matrix integrals over unitary groups: An application of Schur-Weyl duality
The integral formulae over the unitary group \unitary{d} are reviewed with
new results and new proofs. The normalization and the bi-invariance of the
uniform Haar measure play the key role for these computations. These facts are
based on Schur-Weyl duality, a powerful tool from representation theory of
group.Comment: v1: 42 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Any comments are welcome! v2: 52
pages, LaTeX, no figures. A new section added. Appendix is also modified. v3:
53 pages, LaTeX, no figures. A conjecture proposed in the first version is
cracked in this version. v4: 61 pages, LaTex, no figures; several examples
and new propositions are included. v5: 63 pages, some materials are added.
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:quant-ph/0512255 by other author
Average coherence and its typicality for random mixed quantum states
Wishart ensemble is a useful and important random matrix model used in
diverse fields. By realizing induced random mixed quantum states as Wishart
ensemble with the fixed-trace one, using matrix integral technique we give a
fast track to the average coherence for random mixed quantum states induced via
partial-tracing of the Haar-distributed bipartite pure states. As a direct
consequence of this result, we get a compact formula of the average subentropy
of random mixed states. These obtained compact formulae extend our previous
work.Comment: v2: 18 pages, minor errors and misprints are corrected, final
version, accepted for publication in J. Phys. A; v1: 17 pages, LaTeX, no
figures. Any comments are welcome
Vertex tensor category structure on a category of Kazhdan--Lusztig
We incorporate a category of certain modules for an affine Lie algebra, of a
certain fixed non-positive-integral level, considered by Kazhdan and Lusztig,
into the representation theory of vertex operator algebras, by using the
logarithmic tensor product theory for generalized modules for a vertex operator
algebra developed by Huang, Lepowsky and the author. We do this by proving that
the conditions for applying this general logarithmic tensor product theory
hold. As a consequence, we prove that this category has a natural vertex tensor
category structure, and in particular we obtain a new, vertex-algebraic,
construction of the natural associativity isomorphisms and proof of their
properties.Comment: 20 page
On some entropy inequalities
In this short report, we give some new entropy inequalities based on
R\'{e}nyi relative entropy and the observation made by Berta {\em et al}
[arXiv:1403.6102]. These inequalities obtained extends some well-known entropy
inequalities. We also obtain a condition under which a tripartite operator
becomes a Markov state.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, any comments are welcome
An Efficient Approach for Cell Segmentation in Phase Contrast Microscopy Images
In this paper, we propose a new model to segment cells in phase contrast
microscopy images. Cell images collected from the similar scenario share a
similar background. Inspired by this, we separate cells from the background in
images by formulating the problem as a low-rank and structured sparse matrix
decomposition problem. Then, we propose the inverse diffraction pattern
filtering method to further segment individual cells in the images. This is a
deconvolution process that has a much lower computational complexity when
compared to the other restoration methods. Experiments demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed model when it is compared with recent works
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