75 research outputs found
Valley contrasting chiral phonons in monolayer hexagonal lattices
In monolayer hexagonal lattices, two inequivalent valleys appear in the
Brillouin zone. With inversion symmetry breaking, we find chiral phonons with
valley contrasting circular polarization and ionic magnetic moment. At valley
centers, there is a three-fold rotational symmetry endowing phonons with a
quantized pseudo angular momentum, which includes spin and orbital parts. From
conservation of the pseudo angular momentum, crystal momentum and energy,
selection rules in intervalley scattering of electrons by phonons are obtained.
The chiral valley phonons are verified and the selection rules are predicted in
monolayer Molybdenum disulfide. Due to valley contrasting phonon Berry
curvature, one can also detect a valley phonon Hall effect. The
valley-contrasting chiral phonon, together with phonon circular polarization,
ionic magnetic moment, phonon pseudo angular momentum, valley phonon Hall
effect, will form the basis for valley-based electronics and phononics
applications in the future
Angular Momentum of Phonons and Einstein-de Haas Effect
We study angular momentum of phonons in a magnetic crystal. In the presence
of a spin-phonon interaction, we obtain a nonzero angular momentum of phonons,
which is an odd function of magnetization. At zero temperature, phonon has a
zero-point angular momentum besides a zero-point energy. With increasing
temperature, the total phonon angular momentum diminishes and approaches to
zero in the classical limit. The nonzero phonon angular momentum can have a
significant impact on the Einstein-de Haas effect. To obtain the change of
angular momentum of electrons, the change of phonon angular momentum needs to
be subtracted from the opposite change of lattice angular momentum.
Furthermore, the finding of phonon angular momentum gives a potential method to
study the spin-phonon interaction. Possible experiments on phonon angular
momentum are also discussed.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett. Detailed supplementary file is include
Ballistic magneto-thermal transport in a Heisenberg spin chain at low temperatures
We study ballistic thermal transport in Heisenberg spin chain with
nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interactions at low temperatures. Explicit
expressions for transmission coefficients are derived for thermal transport in
a periodic spin chain of arbitrary junction length by a spin-wave model. Our
analytical results agree very well with the ones from nonequilibrium Green's
function method. Our study shows that the transmission coefficient oscillates
with the frequency of thermal wave. Moreover, the thermal transmission shows
strong dependence on the intrachain coupling, the length of the spin chain, and
the external magnetic field. The results demonstrate the possibility of
manipulating spin-wave propagation and magnetothermal conductance in the
spin-chain junction by adjusting the intrachain coupling and/or the external
magnetic field.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure
Topological phase transition based on the attractive Hubbard model
We theoretically investigate the effect of an attractive on-site interaction
on the two-band magnetic Dirac fermion model based on a square lattice system.
When the attractive fermion interaction is taken into account by the mean-field
approximation, a phase diagram is obtained. It is found that a quantum phase
transition from a band insulator state to quantum anomalous Hall state occurs
with increased attractive interaction. For an existing quantum anomalous Hall
state, the attractive interaction enlarges its nontrivial band gap and makes
the topological edge states more localized, which protects the transport of
linear-dispersive edge states against finite-size and further disorder effects.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Interfacial thermal transport in atomic junctions
We study ballistic interfacial thermal transport across atomic junctions.
Exact expressions for phonon transmission coefficients are derived for thermal
transport in one-junction and two-junction chains, and verified by numerical
calculation based on a nonequilibrium Green's function method. For a
single-junction case, we find that the phonon transmission coefficient
typically decreases monotonically with increasing freqency. However, in the
range between equal frequency spectrum and equal acoustic impedance, it
increases first then decreases, which explains why the Kapitza resistance
calculated from the acoustic mismatch model is far larger than the experimental
values at low temperatures. The junction thermal conductance reaches a maximum
when the interfacial coupling equals the harmonic average of the spring
constants of the two semi-infinite chains. For three-dimensional junctions, in
the weak coupling limit, we find that the conductance is proportional to the
square of the interfacial coupling, while for intermediate coupling strength
the conductance is approximately proportional to the interfacial coupling
strength. For two-junction chains, the transmission coefficient oscillates with
the frequency due to interference effects. The oscillations between the two
envelop lines can be understood analytically, thus providing guidelines in
designing phonon frequency filters.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev.
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