220 research outputs found

    Identification and Robust Control of the Nonlinear Photoelectrothermal Dynamics of LED Systems

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    In lighting systems consisting light-emitting diodes (LEDs), excessive temperature is a main cause of degraded luminous efficacy, which leads to reduced average illuminance and distorted illumination rendering. Modeling the thermal dynamics of LEDs is hence essential in designing thermal dissipators and controllers for maintaining constant illuminance or chromaticity. In the existing literature, both physical modeling and system identification have been proposed, which all find the dependence of the temperature on the input power. When the power fluctuates, e.g., due to dimming control, the thermal dynamics becomes nonlinear. Moreover, when a photoelectrothermal model is used in the control synthesis, the nonlinearity due to the product of the temperature-dependent efficacy and the input power must be considered. These nonlinearities are either ignored or linearized in most existing methods. The main contribution of this work is treating the aforementioned nonlinearities in a linear parameter varying (LPV) framework. First, the nonlinear thermal dynamics is identified by LPV system identification techniques. Then, a controller to track reference illuminance is designed by H∞ control techniques to be robust to both the temperature and the disturbance from ambient light. The identification data and the designed controller are collected from and verified on a real experimental setup.Electronic Components, Technology and Material

    An Alternative Micro LED Mass Transfer Technology: Self-Assembly

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    Micro LED display technology has been spotlighted as the most promising technology compared to LCD and OLED. Its excellent advantages include higher brightness, self-illumination, higher resolution, lower power consumption, faster response, higher integration, higher stability, thinner thickness, longer life, etc. In terms of the unique benefits, it is attracting increasing attention from industries. With the commercialization of Micro LED technology, the following hurdles are identified: wafer manufacturing, full color, bonding, and mass transfer. Among them, mass transfer is so far considered as the most severe bottleneck. Several mass transfer technologies have emerged, including fine picking and placing, roll printing, laser transferring, and fluid self-assembly, which aim to solve the mass transfer problems. However, the aforementioned first 3 types of technologies still rely on the pick-and-place process, which is limited when the Micro LED die dimension shrinks to smaller scales due to processability and equipment precision. Fluidity self-assembly, on the other hand, will not be constrained by the Micro LED size and machine accuracy in the mass transfer process, which received increasing attention from researchers. In the self-assembly of component level, gravitational attraction, magnetic /electromagnetic fields, and capillary force are considered the mainstream force to facilitate the assembly process. Therefore, the component self-assembly becomes a prospective substitute for the Micro LED mass transfer solution, which overcomes the problems of the trade-off between throughput and the placement accuracy of the pick-and-place technology.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Electronic Components, Technology and Material

    Analyzing efficacy and safety of anti-fungal blue light therapy via kernel-based modeling the reactive oxygen species induced by light

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    Objective: The goal of this study is to investigate the efficacy, safety, and mechanism of ABL for inactivating Candida albicans (C. albicans), and to determine the best wavelength for treating candida infected disease, by experimental measurements and dynamic modeling. Methods: The changes in reactive oxygen species (ROS) in C. albicans and human host cells under the irradiation of 385, 405, and 415nm wavelengths light with irradiance of 50mW/cm2 were measured. Moreover, a kernel-based nonlinear dynamic model, i.e., nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (NARX), was developed and applied to predict the concentration of light-induced ROS, whose kernels were selected by a newly developed algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). Results: The ROS concentration was increased respectively about 10-12 times in C. albicans and about 3-6 times in human epithelial cells by the ABL treatment with the same fluence of 90J/cm2. The NARX models were respectively fitted to the data from the experiments on both types of cells. Besides, four different kernel functions, including Gaussian, Laplace, linear and polynomial kernels, were compared in their fitting accuracies. The errors with the Laplace kernel turned out to be only 0.2704 and 0.0593, as respectively fitted to the experimental data of the C. albicans and human host cells. Conclusion: The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the NARX modeling approach, and revealed that the 415nm light was more effective as an anti-fungal treatment with less damage to the host cells than the 405 or 385nm light. Significance: The kernel-based NARX model identification algorithm offers opportunities for determining the effective and safe light dosages in treating various fungal infection diseases.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Electronic Components, Technology and Material

    Implementation of Fully Coupled Electromigration Theory in COMSOL

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    In this paper, a 3D and fully coupled electromigration modeling is implemented using COMSOL. The fully coupled multi-physics theory has a unique set of partial differential equations, which cannot be directly simulated with the standard finite element software such as ABAQUS and ANSYS. With the weak form PDE modulus in COMSOL, the weak form of the governing equations is obtained and realized for a 3D finite element modeling of electromigration. The metal lines under totally constrained and stress-free conditions with a perfectly blocking condition are presented as benchmark problems, in which the finite element solutions are in excellent agreement with the analytical solutions.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Electronic Components, Technology and Material

    Reliability Prediction of Integrated LED Lamps with Electrolytic Capacitor-Less LED Drivers

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    This chapter investigates the reliability of the integrated LED lamps with electrolytic capacitor-less LED drivers. Firstly, the impact of the interaction between the degradations of the LED light source and the driver on the lumen depreciation is studied. The electronic-thermal simulation was carried out to obtain the history of temperatures of LED and driver, the driver’s output current, and the luminous flux considering the variations of temperature and current throughout the operation life. It is found that the ultimate lamp’s lifetime is significantly less than the individual lifetimes of the preselected LED and driver. It is concluded that it is necessary to apply the electronic-thermal simulations to predict the lifetime of LED lamps when driver’s lifetime is comparable to the LED’s lifetime. Secondly, this chapter focuses on predicting the catastrophic failure of an electrolytic capacitor-free LED driver during the lumen depreciation process. Electronic-thermal simulations are utilized to obtain the lamp’s dynamic history of temperature and electrical current for two distinct modes: constant current mode (CCM) and the constant optical output (CLO) mode, respectively. A fault tree method is applied to calculate the system’s MTTF, and the LED’s lifetime also is calculated. The CLO mode increases the LED’s current exponentially to maintain the constant light output. As a result, junction temperatures of LEDs, MOSFET, and diode rise significantly, leading a shorter lifetime and MTTF. Compare with the current of the MOSFET, the increased junction temperature has larger effects on the failure rate. The MOSFET contributes more to the driver’s failure rate than the diode. For the CCM mode, junction temperatures increase slightly and have a little shorter lifetime and MTTF.Electronic Components, Technology and Material

    Analysis and data-based modeling of the photochemical reaction dynamics of the induced singlet oxygen in light therapies

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    Objective: The macroscopic singlet oxygen (MSO) model for quantifying the light-induced singlet oxygen (1O2^{1}O_{2}) always contain a set of nonlinear dynamic equations and therefore are generally difficult to be applied. This work was devoted to analyze and simplify this dynamic model. Methods: Firstly, the nonlinearity of the MSO model was analyzed with control theory. The conditions, under which it can be simplified to a linear one, were derived. Secondly, in the case of ample triplet oxygen concentration, a closed-form exact solution of the 1O2^{1}O_{2} model was further derived, in a nonlinear algebraic form with only four parameters that can be easily fitted to experimental data. Finally, in vitro experiments of anti-fungal light therapies were conducted, where the fungi, Candida albicans, were irradiated respectively by the 385, 405, 415, and 450 nm wavelength light. The singlet oxygen concentration levels in the fungi were measured, and then used to fit the developed models. Results: The parameters of the closed-form exact solution were estimated from both the simulated and the measured experimental data. Based on this model, a functional relationship between the photon energy, fluence rate and singlet oxygen concentration was also established. The fitting accuracy of this model to the data was satisfactory, which therefore demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed modeling techniques. Conclusion: The results from simulating the closed-form model indicate that the photon energy within the range of either 2.7 \sim 2.8 eV or 3.0 \sim 3. 2 eV (388 \sim 413 nm or 443 \sim 459 nm in wavelength) is more effective in generating singlet oxygen in the fungi studied in this work. Significance: It is the first attempt of applying control theory to analyze the photochemical reaction dynamics of light therapies in terms of their nonlinearity. The proposed modeling techniques also offer opportunities for determining the light dosages in treating fungal infection diseases, especially those on the surface tissues of human body.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Electronic Components, Technology and Material

    Review of Laser Sintering of Nanosilver Pastes for Die Attachment: Technologies and Trends

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    Nanosilver pastes have been regarded as the most promising die-attach materials for high-temperature and high-power applications due to their advantages such as excellent thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, high temperature resistance, and good shear strength. However, the common hot pressing sintering process for nanosilver pastes has the limitations of long sintering time and complicated sintering processes. Thus, laser sintering has been proposed as a rapid sintering method that attracts increasing interest due to its advantages of high energy density, fast temperature rise, easy densification, etc. In this review, the recent advances in laser sintering processes were summarized, including pressure laser sintering, backside sintering, and hybrid bimodal laser sintering. The effects of various laser sintering process parameters on joint performance, such as laser power, sintering pressure, irradiation time, and defocusing amount, were further discussed. The rapid sintering mechanism of laser sintering silver nanoparticles(AgNPs) was revealed, while microscopic explanations need to be further explored. This review provided ideas and methods for subsequent researchers to develop rapid sintering methods for power electronic packaging.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Electronic Components, Technology and Material

    Solder joint reliability risk estimation by AI-assisted simulation framework with genetic algorithm to optimize the initial parameters for AI models

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    Solder joint fatigue is one of the critical failure modes in ball-grid array packaging. Because the reliability test is time-consuming and geometrical/material nonlinearities are required for the physics-driven model, the AI-assisted simulation framework is developed to establish the risk estimation capability against the design and process parameters. Due to the time-dependent and nonlinear characteristics of the solder joint fatigue failure, this research follows the AI-assisted simulation framework and builds the non-sequential artificial neural network (ANN) and sequential recurrent neural network (RNN) architectures. Both are investigated to understand their capability of abstracting the time-dependent solder joint fatigue knowledge from the dataset. Moreover, this research applies the genetic algorithm (GA) optimization to decrease the influence of the initial guessings, including the weightings and bias of the neural network architectures. In this research, two GA optimizers are developed, including the “back-to-original” and “progressing” ones. Moreover, we apply the principal component analysis (PCA) to the GA optimization results to obtain the PCA gene. The prediction error of all neural network models is within 0.15% under GA optimized PCA gene. There is no clear statistical evidence that RNN is better than ANN in the wafer level chip-scaled packaging (WLCSP) solder joint reliability risk estimation when the GA optimizer is applied to minimize the impact of the initial AI model. Hence, a stable optimization with a broad design domain can be realized by an ANN model with a faster training speed than RNN, even though solder fatigue is a time-dependent mechanical behavior.Electronic Components, Technology and Material

    Practical aspects of thermomechanical modeling in electronics packaging: A case study with a SiC power package

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    In this paper, we presented several practical aspects for building robust and reliable finite element models in thermomechanical modeling in electronics packaging using finite element analysis. Firstly, for layered or patterned structures, a homogenized equivalent model, with equivalent orthotropic material properties, gives excellent agreement with the exact finite element model solutions. Such a simplified finite element model provides an efficient way for structural parameter optimization. Secondly, the finite element mesh should keep the fixed size and shape at the location of interest where the singular point exists. This approach provides a simple way for relative stress comparison in different designs, although the absolute value of stress components has no actual meaning. Thirdly, to further eliminate the mesh dependency, the volume averaging method can be used. We extended the local volume averaging method for large-area die attach problems. Fourthly, in this paper, we presented a comparison study between linear elastic and nonlinear viscoplastic analysis, and demonstrated that in some cases, two different types of analysis give opposite trend results. Lastly, we demonstrated that with the use of different stress components, the conclusions may be different. We also provided an ANSYS APDL script in the supplemental material as a benchmark example.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Electronic Components, Technology and Material

    Implementation of General Coupling Model of Electromigration in ANSYS

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    In this paper, a recently developed theory - general coupling model of electromigration, is implemented in ANSYS. We first identify several errors provided in ANSYS manual for electromigration modeling. Then the general coupling model is implemented in ANSYS and the detailed description is presented. Finally, a 1-D confined metal line with a perfectly blocking condition is presented as a benchmark problem, in which the finite element solutions are in excellent agreement with the analytical solutions.Accepted author manuscriptElectronic Components, Technology and Material