28,127 research outputs found

    Moduli Space of Paired Punctures, Cyclohedra and Particle Pairs on a Circle

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    In this paper, we study a new moduli space Mn+1c\mathcal{M}_{n+1}^{\mathrm{c}}, which is obtained from M0,2n+2\mathcal{M}_{0,2n+2} by identifying pairs of punctures. We find that this space is tiled by 2n1n!2^{n-1}n! cyclohedra, and construct the canonical form for each chamber. We also find the corresponding Koba-Nielsen factor can be viewed as the potential of the system of n+1n{+}1 pairs of particles on a circle, which is similar to the original case of M0,n\mathcal{M}_{0,n} where the system is n3n{-}3 particles on a line. We investigate the intersection numbers of chambers equipped with Koba-Nielsen factors. Then we construct cyclohedra in kinematic space and show that the scattering equations serve as a map between the interior of worldsheet cyclohedron and kinematic cyclohedron. Finally, we briefly discuss string-like integrals over such moduli space.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    One loop amplitude from null string

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    We generalize the CHY formalism to one-loop level, based on the framework of the null string theory. The null string, a tensionless string theory, produces the same results as the ones from the chiral ambitwistor string theory, with the latter believed to give a string interpretation of the CHY formalism. A key feature of our formalism is the interpretation of the modular parameters. We find that the SS modular transformation invariance of the ordinary string theory does not survive in the case of the null string theory. Treating the integration over the modular parameters this way enable us to derive the n-gons scattering amplitude in field theory, thus proving the n-gons conjecture.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    A Generalization of the Doubling Construction for Sums of Squares Identities

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    The doubling construction is a fast and important way to generate new solutions to the Hurwitz problem on sums of squares identities from any known ones. In this short note, we generalize the doubling construction and obtain from any given admissible triple [r,s,n][r,s,n] a series of new ones [r+ρ(2m1),2ms,2mn][r+\rho(2^{m-1}),2^ms,2^mn] for all positive integer mm, where ρ\rho is the Hurwitz-Radon function