6,024 research outputs found
Jet quenching of massive quarks in a nuclear medium
Utilizing the generalized factorization of twist-4 processes, we derive the
modified heavy quark fragmentation function after considering the gluon
radiation induced by multiple scattering in DIS. It is found that the mass
effects of heavy quark may reduce the gluon formation time and change the
medium size dependence of heavy quark energy loss. The radiative energy loss is
also significantly suppressed relative to a light quark due to the dead-cone
effect.Comment: Talk at the "32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics",
August 16 - 22, 2004, Beijing, China. To appear in the proceedings of
ICHEP'04. 4 pages, 4 figure
Momentum imbalance of isolated photon-tagged jet production at RHIC and LHC
In collisions of ultra-relativistic nuclei, photon-tagged jets provide a
unique opportunity to compare jet production and modification due to parton
shower formation and propagation in strongly-interacting matter at vastly
different center-of-mass energies. We present first results for the cross
sections of jets tagged by an isolated photon to in central Au+Au reactions with GeV at RHIC
and central Pb+Pb reactions with TeV at LHC. We evaluate
the increase in the transverse momentum imbalance of the observed +jet
state, induced by the dissipation of the parton shower energy due to strong
final-state interactions. Theoretical predictions to help interpret recent and
upcoming experimental data are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, 1 table. Version to appear in PR
Jet tomography of high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions at next-to-leading order
We demonstrate that jet observables are highly sensitive to the
characteristics of the vacuum and the in-medium QCD parton showers and propose
techniques that exploit this sensitivity to constrain the mechanism of quark
and gluon energy loss in strongly-interacting plasmas. As a first example, we
calculate the inclusive jet cross section in high-energy nucleus-nucleus
collisions to . Theoretical predictions for the
medium-induced jet broadening and the suppression of the jet production rate
due to cold and hot nuclear matter effects in Au+Au and Cu+Cu reactions at RHIC
are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, 1 table. As published in PRL
The global geometrical property of jet events in high-energy nuclear collisions
We present the first theoretical study of medium modifications of the global
geometrical pattern, i.e., transverse sphericity () distribution of
jet events with parton energy loss in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In our
investigation, POWHEG+PYTHIA is employed to make an accurate description of
transverse sphericity in the p+p baseline, which combines the next-to-leading
order (NLO) pQCD calculations with the matched parton shower (PS). The Linear
Boltzmann Transport (LBT) model of the parton energy loss is implemented to
simulate the in-medium evolution of jets. We calculate the event normalized
transverse sphericity distribution in central Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC, and
give its medium modifications. An enhancement of transverse sphericity
distribution at small region but a suppression at large
region are observed in A+A collisions as compared to their p+p references,
which indicates that in overall the geometry of jet events in Pb+Pb becomes
more pencil-like. We demonstrate that for events with 2 jets in the final-state
of heavy-ion collisions, the jet quenching makes the geometry more sphere-like
with medium-induced gluon radiation. However, for events with ~jets,
parton energy loss in the QCD medium leads to the events more pencil-like due
to jet number reduction, where less energetic jets may lose their energies and
then fall off the jet selection kinematic cut. These two effects offset each
other and in the end result in more jetty events in heavy-ion collisions
relative to that in p+p.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure
Nuclear suppression of meson yields with large at the RHIC and the LHC
We calculate meson transverse momentum spectra in p+p collisions as
well as their nuclear suppressions in central A+A collisions both at the RHIC
and the LHC in LO and NLO with the QCD-improved parton model. We have included
the parton energy loss effect in hot/dense QCD medium with the effectively
medium-modified fragmentation functions in the higher-twist approach of
jet quenching. The nuclear modification factors of meson in central
Au+Au collisions at the RHIC and central Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC are
provided, and a nice agreement of our numerical results at NLO with the ALICE
measurement is observed. Predictions of yield ratios of neutral mesons such as
, and at large in relativistic
heavy-ion collisions are also presented for the first time.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure
meson production of high-energy nuclear collisions at NLO
The transverse momentum spectrum of meson in relativistic heavy-ion
collisions is studied at the next-to-leading-order (NLO) within the
perturbative QCD, where the jet quenching effect in the QGP is incorporated
with the effectively medium-modified fragmentation functions using the
higher-twist approach. We show that the theoretical simulations could give nice
descriptions of PHENIX data on meson in both and central collisions at the RHIC, and also provide numerical predictions of
spectra in central collisions with ~TeV at the
LHC. The ratios of in and in central
collisions at ~GeV are found to overlap in a wide region, which
matches well the measured ratio by PHENIX. We demonstrate that,
at the asymptotic region when the ratios of
in both and are almost determined only by
quark jets fragmentation and thus approach to the one in
scattering; in addition, the almost identical gluon (quark) contribution
fractions to and to result in a rather moderate variation of
distribution at intermediate and high region in
relative to that in ; while a slightly higher at small
in can be observed due to larger suppression of gluon
contribution fraction to as compared to the one to . The
theoretical prediction for at the LHC has also been presented.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, 2 typos corrected, revision for publicatio
Quantifying jet transport properties via large hadron production
Nuclear modification factor for large single hadron is studied
in a next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD (pQCD) parton model with
medium-modified fragmentation functions (mFFs) due to jet quenching in
high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The energy loss of the hard partons in the
QGP is incorporated in the mFFs which utilize two most important parameters to
characterize the transport properties of the hard parton jets: the jet
transport parameter and the mean free path , both at
the initial time . A phenomenological study of the experimental data
for is performed to constrain the two parameters with
simultaneous fits to RHIC as well as LHC data. We obtain
for energetic quarks GeV/fm and
fm in central collisions at
GeV, while GeV/fm, and
fm in central collisions at
TeV. Numerical analysis shows that the best fit favors a
multiple scattering picture for the energetic jets propagating through the bulk
medium, with a moderate averaged number of gluon emissions. Based on the best
constraints for and , the estimated value for the
mean-squared transverse momentum broadening is moderate which implies that the
hard jets go through the medium with small reflection.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, revised versio
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