92 research outputs found
Ultrafast control of moir\'e pseudo-electromagnetic field in homobilayer semiconductors
In long-wavelength moir\'e patterns of homobilayer semiconductors, the layer
pseudospin of electrons is subject to a sizable Zeeman field that is spatially
modulated from the interlayer coupling in moir\'e. By interference of this
spatial modulation with a homogeneous but dynamically tunable component from
out-of-plane electric field, we show that the spatial-temporal profile of the
overall Zeeman field therefore features a topological texture that can be
controlled in an ultrafast timescale by a terahertz field or an interlayer
bias. Such dynamical modulation leads to the emergence of an in-plane electric
field for low energy carriers, which is related to their real space Berry
curvature -- the moir\'e magnetic field -- through the Faraday's law of
induction. These emergent electromagnetic fields, having opposite signs at the
time reversal pair of valleys, can be exploited to manipulate valley and spin
in the moir\'e landscape under the control by a bias pulse or a terahertz
irradiation.Comment: To appear in Natural Science
Local versus extended deformed graphene geometries for valley filtering
The existence of two-inequivalent valleys in the band structure of graphene
has motivated the search of mechanisms that allow their separation and control
for potential device applications. Among the several schemes proposed in the
literature, strain-induced out-of-plane deformations (occurring naturally or
intentionally designed in graphene samples), ranks among the best candidates to
produce separation of valley currents. Because valley filtering properties in
these structures is, however, highly dependent on the type of deformation and
setups considered, it is important to identify the relevant factors determining
optimal operation and detection of valley currents. In this paper we present a
comprehensive comparison of two typical deformations commonly found in graphene
samples: local centro-symmetric bubbles and extended folds/wrinkles. Using the
Dirac model for graphene and the second-order Born approximation we
characterize the scattering properties of the bubble deformation, while
numerical transmission matrix methods are used for the fold-like deformations.
In both cases, we obtain the dependence of valley polarization on the
geometrical parameters of deformations, and discuss their possible experimental
realizations. Our study reveals that extended deformations act as better valley
filters in broader energy ranges and present more robust features against
variations of geometrical parameters and incident current directions.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, figures were adjusted, added a few references,
accepted by PR
Topological flat bands in strained graphene: substrate engineering and optical control
The discovery of correlated phases in twisted moir\'e superlattices
accelerated the search for low-dimensional materials with exotic properties. A
promising approach uses engineered substrates to strain the material. However,
designing substrates for tailored properties is hindered by the incomplete
understanding of the relationship between substrate's shapes and electronic
properties of the deposited materials. By analyzing effective models of
graphene under periodic deformations with generic crystalline profiles, we
identify strong symmetry breaking as the critical substrate geometric
feature for emerging energy gaps and quasi-flat bands. We find continuous
strain profiles producing connected pseudo-magnetic field landscapes are
important for band topology. We show that the resultant electronic and
topological properties from a substrate can be controlled with circularly
polarized light, which also offers unique signatures for identifying the band
topology imprinted by strain. Our results can guide experiments on strain
engineering for exploring interesting transport and topological phenomena.Comment: Title changed, second part replaced by new contents. Supporting
information will be freely available from the website of Nano Letter
Performance deterioration modeling and optimal preventive maintenance strategy under scheduled servicing subject to mission time
AbstractServicing is applied periodically in practice with the aim of restoring the system state and prolonging the lifetime. It is generally seen as an imperfect maintenance action which has a chief influence on the maintenance strategy. In order to model the maintenance effect of servicing, this study analyzes the deterioration characteristics of system under scheduled servicing. And then the deterioration model is established from the failure mechanism by compound Poisson process. On the basis of the system damage value and failure mechanism, the failure rate refresh factor is proposed to describe the maintenance effect of servicing. A maintenance strategy is developed which combines the benefits of scheduled servicing and preventive maintenance. Then the optimization model is given to determine the optimal servicing period and preventive maintenance time, with an objective to minimize the system expected life-cycle cost per unit time and a constraint on system survival probability for the duration of mission time. Subject to mission time, it can control the ability of accomplishing the mission at any time so as to ensure the high dependability. An example of water pump rotor relating to scheduled servicing is introduced to illustrate the failure rate refresh factor and the proposed maintenance strategy. Compared with traditional methods, the numerical results show that the failure rate refresh factor can describe the maintenance effect of servicing more intuitively and objectively. It also demonstrates that this maintenance strategy can prolong the lifetime, reduce the total lifetime maintenance cost and guarantee the dependability of system
Interlayer electric multipoles induced by in-plane field from quantum geometric origins
We show that interlayer charge transfer in 2D materials can be driven by an
in-plane electric field, giving rise to electrical multipole generation in
linear and second order of in-plane field. The linear and nonlinear effects
have quantum geometric origins in the Berry curvature and quantum metric
respectively, defined in extended parameter spaces characteristic of layered
materials. We elucidate their symmetry characters, and demonstrate sizable
dipole and quadrupole polarizations respectively in twisted bilayers and
trilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides. Furthermore, we show that the
effect is strongly enhanced during the topological phase transition tuned by
interlayer translation. The effects point to a new electric control on layer
quantum degree of freedom.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
Time-Reversal Even Charge Hall Effect from Twisted Interface Coupling
Under time-reversal symmetry, a linear charge Hall response is usually deemed
to be forbidden by the Onsager relation. In this work, we discover a scenario
for realizing a time-reversal even linear charge Hall effect in a non-isolated
two-dimensional crystal allowed by time reversal symmetry. The restriction by
Onsager relation is lifted by interfacial coupling with an adjacent layer,
where the overall chiral symmetry requirement is fulfilled by a twisted
stacking. We reveal the underlying band geometric quantity as the
momentum-space vorticity of layer current. The effect is demonstrated in
twisted bilayer graphene and twisted homobilayer transition metal
dichalcogenides with a wide range of twist angles, which exhibit giant Hall
ratios under experimentally practical conditions, with gate voltage controlled
on-off switch. This work reveals intriguing Hall physics in chiral structures,
and opens up a research direction of layertronics that exploits the quantum
nature of layer degree of freedom to uncover exciting effects.Comment: Supplementary Information included. To appear in Nature
Sublattice symmetry breaking and Kondo-effect enhancement in strained graphene
Kondo physics in doped monolayer graphene is predicted to exhibit unusual
features due to the linear vanishing of the pristine material's density of
states at the Dirac point. Despite several attempts, conclusive experimental
observation of the phenomenon remains elusive. One likely obstacle to
identification is a very small Kondo temperature scale in situations
where the chemical potential lies near the Dirac point. We propose tailored
mechanical deformations of monolayer graphene as a means of revealing unique
fingerprints of the Kondo effect. Inhomogeneous strains are known to produce
specific alternating changes in the local density of states (LDOS) away from
the Dirac point that signal sublattice symmetry breaking effects. Small LDOS
changes can be amplified in an exponential increase or decrease of for
magnetic impurities attached at different locations. We illustrate this
behavior in two deformation geometries: a circular 'bubble' and a long fold,
both described by Gaussian displacement profiles. We calculate the LDOS changes
for modest strains and analyze the relevant Anderson impurity model describing
a magnetic atom adsorbed in either a 'top-site' or a 'hollow-site'
configuration. Numerical renormalization-group solutions of the impurity model
suggest that higher expected values, combined with distinctive spatial
patterns under variation of the point of graphene attachment, make the top-site
configuration the more promising for experimental observation of signatures of
the Kondo effect. The strong strain sensitivity of may lift top-site
Kondo physics into the range experimentally accessible using local probes such
as scanning tunneling microscopy.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures (added Figs. 6 and 7 to version 1
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